Chapter 339

With each blast of thunder, Ye Fan's primordial spirit has an extra Dao pattern. When No. 80 thunder fell, Ye Fan yelled and rushed into the Shenzang Realm in one fell swoop.

"Boom." The sky was screaming, the wind was howling, Ye Fan's whole body was wrapped in thunder light, his eyes that had been darkened by demonization now became bloody, and his red hair made people look miserable. It is evil.

"Are you an immortal cultivator or a demon cultivator?" Xie Chongming felt the evil aura on Ye Fan, his face wrinkled and authentic.

"It's a fairy or a demon, so what?" Ye Fan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, and finally swallowed all the thunder light wrapped around his body into his body.

"Shenzang fifth heaven?" Ye Fan felt the newly acquired power. This time, he broke through several levels and stayed at the middle level of Shenzang.

At this time, Ye Fan, because of the strength of the red-haired boy, always felt that even people in the semi-sacred realm were not afraid.

With a wave of his hand, a spirit burst out, directly cutting the mountain range in half.

"Roar." Xie Chongming yelled into the air with an angry face. Suddenly, the joints on his body shifted, his body became bigger and bigger, and his face changed towards the shape of a beast.

In just a few breaths, a huge beast with a height of more than 30 feet kicked down on all fours in the sky, and instantly crushed the ground.Xie Chongming turned into a Huo Dou beast body, the appearance is no different from that of a dog.The hair of the whole body is black, but the back of the whole body is glowing with flames. A tail like a sky sword swept across a mountain peak, and his incandescent eyes stared fiercely at Ye Fan.

"Oh, this is your body?" Ye Fan looked sideways. It was the first time he saw the real body of the Fudou clan. He was quite curious, but the heat wave on the Fudou was not simple. Fan burned up.

And what surprised Ye Fan was that after Xie Chongming transformed into a real person, his strength rose again, and he even reached the sixth heaven of the fairy altar.

"Boy, let's see how I can take your life." That Huo Dou spit out human words, animal body and animal strength, and let out a big breath towards the sky.

"I haven't eaten dog meat for a long time, let's taste it again today." Ye Fan smiled evilly, not afraid, and kept changing in the air.

Several people present were stunned. Although the appearance of this Huo Dou was different from that of a normal dog, it was a descendant of an ancient alien beast. Now Ye Fan wanted to kill it as if it was a dog. What an insult.

Xie Chongming also felt Ye Fan's deep sarcasm, lay down on all fours, and a fire net entangled in the air and fell down, trying to trap Ye Fan in the air.

Ye Fan waved the blood wheel, and the spiritual power of the blood wheel surged crazily. When the dragon fighting technique came out, it directly shattered the fire net with a radius of several miles.

"Drink." Ye Fan also shot out his anger, and after defeating Huo Dou's blow, he turned to raise the blood wheel and fell.Xuelunjia holds the Immortal Scripture, and now it is in the hands of the red-haired Ye Fan, with a domineering aura, suddenly extremely fierce.

Directly smashed the Dao technique that Xie Chongming rushed to, turned into Baizhang Blood Wheel and slammed it down with a blow.

"Boom." Even if Xie Chongming turned into a beast, Ye Fan in this state is enough to suppress it.

Fu Dou was hit by the blood wheel, Gudi trembled, and instantly smashed a big hole.

"Ah, bastard." Xie Chongming was furious, struggling to fly to the sky.

Ye Fan looked at it with an evil smile, and with a movement of his hand, God of War Jue transformed into a bull body, clasped his fists in the air and directly blasted Xie Chongming down the mountain again.

"Is this person too scary?" Husun ​​and the others turned pale with shock. Ye Fan's overwhelming strength moved them. Compared with them, this is a level of heaven and earth.

"If I want to eat dog meat, you just lie down obediently and don't move, just let me cut a few pieces off." During the battle, Ye Fan laughed sarcastically, but the strength of the blood wheel in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

Zhao Kun, who was watching the battle from the side, turned pale. If it was him, he would have been shot to death by Ye Fan's blood wheel, and now he already knows that he has provoked a terrible person.This battle is comparable to the Holy Children of the Great Holy Land.

"Roar." The flames on Fudou's body continued to fall into the mountains and turned into flames, but the blood flowing from his head showed that it had no power to resist under Ye Fan's strong attack. It also roared again and again.

Ye Fan looked at it with an evil smile, it was impossible to stop, this fight was so belligerent, if you don't be afraid of him, you will definitely make trouble for yourself in the future.

In Ye Fan's hands, dozens of killing moves were made in an instant, and several giant dragons came out of the sky, entangled and killed Fudou.

"Roar." Fu Dou wanted to shake those giant dragons away, but was slapped by Ye Fan's Baizhang blood wheel, and it fell to the ground directly, eating the sand.


"You what?" Ye Fan stood in the air, laughing with red eyes, seeing him fleeing, another round of blood took pictures.Let it fall to the ground and cannot get up.

"You actually..." Fu Dou was furious, thinking again.

"Get down." Ye Fan couldn't hear it at all, he raised the blood wheel in his hand and patted it heavily.

"Boom boom boom." The valley was completely destroyed, and the two giant peaks collapsed.

Several people couldn't believe the situation at the scene. As soon as Ye Fan's red eyes came out, Xie Chongming could only be beaten, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back.

Ye Fan was also quite surprised, his current strength is much stronger than when he fought Xie Long before, and that Huo Dou was able to stand up after being slapped by his blood wheel several times, which also showed his physical strength Power beyond imagination.

But Huo Dou had no chance at all, he was besieged and killed by Ye Fan in the deep pit, and he couldn't even escape, as long as he moved, Ye Fan would hold up the blood wheel and give it to him.

In the end, Xie Chongming was drenched in blood, standing with trembling limbs, spitting out huge blood.This humiliating battle left him powerless to fight back.

"Brother, can you meet me and let senior brother go." Ruolan looked at Xie Chongming who was struggling to support below, and knew that if he didn't make a move, Xie Chongming would be beaten to death by Ye Fan.

"Oh." Ye Fan sneered again and again when he heard Ruolan's words to persuade him. She didn't stand up to speak up for herself when she was defeated just now, but now she beat Xie Chongming, but she stood up.

After finishing speaking, the strength in his hands increased by several points, and he directly smashed Xie Chongming to the ground, vomiting blood.

"Boy, if you don't even listen to Senior Sister Ruo, don't you think you don't even care about the Saintess of the Lotus Sect?" Zhao Kun on the other side was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and wanted to drag Ruolan into the water.

But when Ruolan heard what he said, Jiaorong was also furious, she never expected that Zhao Kun would be so shameless as to use the name of her sect.

"Shameless, you failed to rob me of my elixir, and you framed me. I was too kind to you before." Ye Fan looked at Zhao Kun with indescribable disgust.Dragon Fighting Technique hit him, and a giant dragon directly knocked him from the air to the ground, bleeding profusely.

"You?" Seeing that Ye Fan didn't take herself seriously, Ruolan said fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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