Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 342 Shicheng

Chapter 342 Shicheng
Ye Fan and the others came to the city gate. The magnificent and tall ancient city gate exuded a majestic momentum. It was ten feet high. The changes of the years made it full of potholes and caves, full of a sense of vicissitudes.

"Go in, it seems that many people came here today?" After Luo Jun came here, his expression didn't seem to be as playful as before, but a little more serious.

The cultivators who came here wanted to see if this was the birthplace of the real human race, even if they were not immortal treasures. These days, the cultivators not only did not destroy the original appearance of the ancient city, but also carefully dug it up from the ground. out.

Several people went in, with different expressions, Hu Sun was not like them, he was a beast, and every time he came here, he always felt like something was staring at him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

And when Ye Fan stood in front of the giant gate of the ancient city, the broken sword in his body buzzed, and the abnormality reappeared.It's just that this time, Broken Sword didn't feel restless to him like before, but instead exuded bursts of sadness.

"Could it be that you belong to this realm of the gods?" Ye Fan thought to himself, since entering this world, the broken sword has been abnormal from time to time, which made Ye Fan guess that this thing originally came from here.

The huge city gate was left open on both sides, but when everyone entered the ancient city, Ye Fan came to the corrupted city gate that seemed to be broken by someone, and touched it unconsciously. When he touched the city gate, Ye Fan's heart was shaken, and a sense of sadness welled up in his heart, as if someone wanted to tell him.

Ye Fan was present in a moment of astonishment, which felt very strange, but also seemed very familiar, as if he had experienced it before, which made his heart uncomfortable.

"Hey, Ye Fan, what's the matter?" Seeing Ye Fan standing at the gate of the city for a long time, Husun ​​came over and patted him.

Ye Fan woke up from his trance after being slapped by him, and smiled at Husun: "It's nothing, I just feel that I have come to the birthplace of my ancestors, and I have feelings."

After speaking, Ye Fan walked forward quickly.The ruins of the ancient city are vast, and when you step in, vertical and horizontal stone roads run through all directions. The streets are made of huge stones, and the stone houses on all sides stand in rows, forming a continuous film.

You can imagine the majesty and vastness of this ancient city back then.But now, there are broken walls and ruins, stone houses and rubble all over the place, a desolate scene, the strong wind blows, whimpering, it seems to be telling the past of the ancient city.

Ye Fan stepped on the stone road, the empty ancient city, there is no life or death, only a sense of vicissitudes, several people walked all the way to see, when they passed by the collapsed stone houses, they all went to have a look, but those stone houses were empty , presumably the things in it have been cleared out by the treasure hunters who came here a few days ago.

A few people didn't fly, and walked around in the ancient city like others. After about two hours, when the scorching sun was high, everyone finally walked through the crisscross streets.

"They said that the sky-replenishing stone was found in the main hall ahead." Ruolan and the others said with their backs to the crowd when they came to a huge palace.

Ye Fan looked up at the palace in front of him. Just like the previous stone palace, several huge stone pillars stood in front of the palace, but they were not as thick as the stone palace, only four or five feet high.

And in front of the stone gate is a stone statue lying on the ground. The stone statue has no head, and the stone body is like a lion's body, which is three feet high.

Ye Fan passed by it, but was attracted by its stone body. He always felt that this stone statue had been seen before. Thinking of this moment, for some reason, his head hurt, as if being stabbed by a needle. It was uncomfortable, but the feeling came and went quickly.At the end, Ye Fan could only look suspiciously at it as it stepped over the giant statue.

After passing the stone pillars, entering the gate is a wide square, and behind the square is a huge stone hall, behind the stone hall is another large square, and the terrain behind the square rises sharply, and one side is connected to this ancient battlefield , is connected to an extremely lush ancient forest. If you look carefully, you will find that the ancient forest is surrounded by a huge wall about ten meters high. This ancient forest should be regarded as the existence of the back garden of the ancient palace.

At this moment, many cultivators came out of the stone hall, and Ye Fan and the others didn't say anything, knowing that this stone hall should be an old imperial city or something.

After walking in, the stone hall was very spacious and quiet, and even the sound of the practitioners' calculations in the distance could be heard.But there was a big hole above the main hall, and the sunlight fell down, making the place bright and not gloomy.

"Hmm." Ye Fan was very strange, and he didn't know if the broken sword in his body was causing trouble. Although there was nothing in the hall of the stone palace, there was a mysterious force that attracted him very much, but he couldn't explain it clearly. What is it: "How can it be so strange?"

After Ye Fan came here, he felt this abnormal feeling again and again, but looking at other people, except Hu Sun's face was a little pale, the others walked in the stone palace as if nothing happened.

Ye Fan walked forward alone. At the back of the palace, there is a nine-level stone step. After stepping on it, there is a small platform with a huge stone chair connected to the platform. This should be the seat of the previous owner. At the place, and behind the stone chair is a towering boulder.

The boulder is broken, but the damage is not natural, but man-made. Ruolan said that someone had seen the sky-replenishing stone recorded in the book on this small platform before, but Ye Fan almost People looked at it several times, but they couldn't find any sky-replenishing stones.

At the end, everyone walked down the small platform and walked around to the back. The back of the palace is very simple, there are two gates connecting the stone houses at the back, and the rest are stone walls.

"There is a Taoist door here." At this time, the cultivators who were investigating together exclaimed after someone dug out a half-toppled boulder in a huge rockery behind.

Ye Fan and the others hurried over when they heard the sound, for fear of being left behind.

The stone gate was one foot high and wide, but the cracks in the gate had been clogged tightly with mud and rocks, as if it hadn't been opened for many years, and it had been integrated with the rockery next to it.If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find that there is a Taoist door here.

With his shout, all the hundreds of cultivators in the palace were gathered here.

"Where is this connected?" Someone asked, because some people touched some of the restrictions here a few days ago, and many people died. Now this deadly sealed stone gate, no one really dares to open it for a while. Step forward and open it actively.

He was right to ask this question, this place should be the site of the former bedroom, and this door opened on the rockery, it is really hard to imagine that it leads there.

"Open it and have a look, maybe it's an old underground passage." Someone said from the side.

After some discussion, everyone decided to open it to see what was in it. Everyone stepped back a few steps in a tacit understanding. on the giant gate.

(End of this chapter)

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