Chapter 144

Gu Junyao has always done what he says, and he does it vigorously.

The next day, Niantong learned that the matter of his father being reported had been satisfactorily resolved, and the suspension investigation had also been cancelled, but he himself took the initiative to resign from the post of mayor on the grounds that he was ill, and applied for early retirement due to illness.

Nian Tong is half happy and half worried.

The happy thing is that his father is safe and sound, but the worrying thing is that Wen Meihua exploded immediately after learning that his father had given up the post of mayor to apply for medical retirement.

She was well aware of Wen Meihua's violent behavior, and fearing that her father would suffer, she took a taxi back to Xiangxian Xiaozhu before Gu Junyao came home.

In the living room of Mu's house, Wen Meihua was crying and screaming like crazy, making Mu Qifeng's blood pressure soared, and the veins on his face were bursting, as if they were about to burst at any moment, but she still couldn't stop shouting and cursing , endlessly.

"Do you think you are crazy? The matter has been settled. You can continue to be your mayor. At most, you will be punished with a written warning for your style of work. What's the big deal! You have worked so hard for so many years. Just to make a career in official career? Now the mayor who has only been in office for a long time, you make such a fuss, resign and apply for sick leave, how do you let me and my son and daughter hold our heads up in front of others in the future?"

"Mom! Have you had enough trouble!"

Seeing his mother getting more and more noisy, Mu Yu'an finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dad has his own reasons for doing this, don't force him!"

"What is his preoccupation so serious that he would rather give up the mayor's throne?" Wen Meihua was filled with indignation, "Don't even think about it, he will be able to retire honorably after working for a few more years, and what's going on now? Retired due to illness ? I can't afford to be ashamed of him if he can say it!"

"It's just fine if you can't afford to lose face." Mu Qifeng's tone was very calm despite the turmoil in his chest.

"Wen Meihua, I have endured it for many years. Yu wife, you are not a good wife. You make endless noises about trivial matters every day. I have never had a peaceful day when I married you. Yu mother, you also Not a good mother. See what kind of hell you have taught your daughter? What else can she do besides being able to eat, drink, and make trouble? If she hadn't been chasing fame and fortune in her official career, striving for perfection, she didn't want to add divorce to her personal resume. This failure, I divorced you long ago!"

"What?" Wen Meihua was shocked, she couldn't believe that her husband who had been with her for more than [-] years would say such words.

"You heard me right, I wanted to divorce you a long time ago. I used to be scruples about this and that, and I didn't dare to do anything. Now I'm free, and I'm not the mayor, so you don't have to wrong yourself to follow me, so Let's get a divorce."

"Dad!" Mu Yu'an frowned and looked at his father with a determined expression, and felt a headache from resting on his forehead.

"You leave as soon as you leave, don't get involved with me, what trouble have I caused if I haven't left the house for two days?" Mu Yubai glanced at his parents, got up and said, "Anyway, I am already this old, and no one will follow you if you leave me. , when the time comes, give me a sum of money and I will spend it myself."

"Mu Yu, what are you talking about!" Mu Yuan sternly asked his sister.

Mu Yu scoffed, "What did I say? Dad said he wanted to divorce Mom. It's none of my business. Besides, it doesn't matter what I say, right? Anyway, you all look down on me and treat me as worthless Waste, it's a parasite. Then I'll just be a parasite."

"Look, this is the good daughter you taught!" Mu Qifeng pointed at Mu Yu with trembling fingers, "Things that don't grow!"

"Then you've grown up?" Mu Yu retorted to his father, "You're not the mayor anymore, don't put on a mayor's airs to teach me a lesson, I've tolerated you for a long time. You hit me the first two times I still think that you are the mayor, and you can earn face in front of my friends, so I endured it, but now you are just an old man who applied for illness and waited to die, why should I listen to your lesson and be blamed by you?"

"You!" Mu Qifeng gritted his teeth and stood up from the sofa. Before he could move his body, Mu Yu had already been slapped by Mu Yu'an and fell to the ground.

"This is punishment for disrespecting your father!" Mu Yu'an sternly sternly said, "Since you think you don't need to listen to Dad's lessons in the future, then get the hell out of this house now! Don't ask Dad for any more points." Money, you can support yourself if you have the ability, our family does not raise parasites!"

"Let's go! Who cares about being a family with you!" Mu Yu got up from the ground with resentment, and his eyes swept over his parents and elder brother with resentment, "I want to sever ties with you! From now on, my life and death have nothing to do with you!"

"Xiao Yu!" Wen Meihua recovered from the waves of shock, saw her daughter rushing upstairs, and immediately called her, but Mu Yu didn't stop at all as if she didn't hear her.

"Mom, you are so kind to her, she even hates you now, she will never learn to be good if she doesn't let her suffer."

"Shut up! You unfilial son!" Wen Meihua angrily drank off her son's consolation, and her heart was full of anger.

"She's your own younger sister. She hasn't even washed her clothes once since she was a child, and she doesn't know any housework. She's used to being pampered. Now that you kick her out, you're only willing to see her die!"

"Hmph, since you love her dearly, let's go together, mother and daughter. I happen to be quiet too, and I can finally live a peaceful life." Mu Qifeng said coldly.

"You want to drive me away?" Wen Meihua laughed angrily.

"Mu Qifeng, back then you wanted to divorce me because of that bitch Ye Yunhan. Now that she has been dead for so many years, do you still want to divorce me because you hooked up with another wild woman?"

Mu Qifeng sneered, "If you want to say cheap, which woman is cheaper than you? When you planned to get me drunk and lie next to me, causing my fiancee to leave me, do you think you are cheap? Compared to my fiancee, Are you a wild woman?"

Although Mu Qifeng in Wen Meihua's impression was serious and a bit old-fashioned, he was also considered a modest gentleman. Although the two had a lot of disagreements, he never used hurtful words to provoke her.

But this time, he mercilessly hurt her every word and stabbed her vitals. She was a little uncertain whether the man in front of her was her husband who had slept with her for more than [-] years.

"Dad, Mom, don't hurt each other, everyone, calm down."

After Mu Yu'an finished speaking, the doorbell rang outside.

(End of this chapter)

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