Chapter 151

Even though he was forcibly taken to bed, and his body was completely suppressed and trapped in his familiar chest, Nian Tong still couldn't fall asleep, and his tears never stopped from the moment he knew Mu Yu died.

Even though Gu Junyao repeatedly said that Mu Yu's death had nothing to do with her, and that no matter how much she blamed herself, it would be useless to make up for Mu Yu's death, she still couldn't help feeling guilty and uncomfortable.

"Tongtong, don't cry anymore, do you hear me?"

The warm liquid that kept slipping down from his arm burned Gu Junyao's heart like hot magma.

He gently turned her body so that she faced him, stroked her red and swollen eye sockets with his thumb, and sighed, "If you cry again, you will become a panda. At that time, I will throw you to the zoo."

Niantong knew in his heart that he was making fun of himself, but his throat was so sore that he couldn't speak.

"Okay, darling, don't cry." He kissed her eyes, and when she patiently comforted her like a child, he stretched his long arms across her shoulders and gently caressed her up and down her back until The sobbing in my ear gradually stopped, and became a steady breathing.

The phone vibrated on the bedside table.

He frowned and gently pulled out the arm that was held by her, and turned sideways to get the phone, but the person in his arms was still awakened suddenly, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Gu Junyao's chest felt tight when he saw it, and he picked up the phone with one hand and embraced her with the other, but the phone in his hand that hadn't been answered in the future was snatched away.

"It's Luoxuan's call, it must be the eldest brother."

Nian Tong glanced at the incoming call displayed on the screen, threw the phone on the bed, got up and got out of bed, and went straight to the door without even wearing shoes.

"Tongtong!" Gu Junyao bent over to pick up the velvet shoes on the ground and followed.

"Slow down!" After catching up with Nian Tong at the top of the stairs, Gu Junyao grabbed her wrist. "Put your shoes on."

Opening the door, Zhan Luoxuan was indeed standing outside the door, but there was no sign of Mu Yu'an.

Nian Tong was stunned, "Laoxuan, where's my elder brother?"

"In the hospital." Zhan Luoxuan returned to her, saw her face change suddenly, and immediately added, "It was your stepmother who couldn't bear to pass out after seeing her daughter's body, so your elder brother sent her to the hospital. "

"Aunt Hua is here too?" Nian Tong turned pale, and asked again, "Which hospital are they in?"

Zhan Luoxuan said the address of the hospital, and Nian Tong immediately said, "I'm going to have a look, you can take me there."

"No, you can't go now." Gu Junyao stopped her, and explained when she was puzzled, "Wen Meihua has never liked you, and now that something like this happened to her daughter, she doesn't care if she is with you or not. Regarding it, I blamed all the mistakes on you and blamed you."

"But she loves Mu Yu so much, she must be in pain now that Mu Yu is dead, and my elder brother is alone in the hospital taking care of her, if I don't go and have a look, it doesn't make sense."

"You stay at home, I'll just go and have a look."

"No! I'm going!" Nian Tong said firmly.

Gu Junyao's face was tense, and his black eyes stared at her for a moment, but finally nodded, "It's getting colder, go add a coat, I'll wait for you in the car."

When she went upstairs, Zhan Luoxuan who hadn't left said, "Boss, Cheng Kun confessed that the owner behind the Flow bar is Li Xiong. He found him one month after Cheng Kun was released from prison, asked him to help take care of Flow, and instigated him Taking advantage of the opportunity to kidnap Tongtong and threaten you to trade with them."

"Li Xiong?" Gu Junyao snorted coldly, "The eldest son died less than half a year ago, and he doesn't even want the younger son? Let people watch him first, so as not to startle the snake, and see who he associates with and deals with. "

Zhan Luoxuan nodded.

**************************************split line********** *********************************
" Xiaoyu..."

Wen Meihua's hysterical crying was heard from afar.

Gu Junyao glanced at the pale person beside her, and asked her to wait on the bench at the door of the ward.

"I'll call your brother out."

Nian Tong did not refute this time.

After a while, Mu Yu'an came out of the ward with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother." Nian Tong got up and called him, the tears in his eyes overflowed again.

Mu Yu'an forced the corners of his mouth to twitch, and said softly, "Tongtong, Big Brother knows everything, Xiaoyu is to blame, it has nothing to do with you."

Nian Tong bit her lip and asked, "How is Dad now?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Then, Aunt Hua..."

Mu Yuan looked back at the ward, and said with a wry smile, "It's not that you don't know that she has always regarded Xiaoyu as her heart, and Xiaoyu's sudden departure must be a serious blow to her, but after a while, I think everything will be fine. I will spend more time with her."

"Then how long will you stay here? I'll ask for leave to accompany you."

"No. I plan to take Xiao Yu home tomorrow, and deal with the funeral as soon as possible, so as not to delay my mother and make my mother sad."

"Tomorrow?" Nian Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Then I'll go back with you."

"No." Suddenly a voice intervened.

Nian Tong looked at Gu Junyao, who was against it, his watery eyes were full of puzzlement.

Gu Junyao walked to her side, wrapped her long arms around her shoulders, and said in a gentle and unrefutable tone, "I will accompany you if you want to go back, but you can't go back with your elder brother and the others."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Yu'an immediately nodded in agreement, "It will take several days for the matter to be resolved quickly, you'd better wait until the weekend and go back, when my mother's mood is more stable, the words won't be too harsh .”

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong suddenly realized that Gu Junyao and his elder brother objected to her going back with them tomorrow because they were worried that Wen Meihua would transfer all their anger to her.

Still wanting to say something, there was another sharp wail that made the scalp tingle.

"Go back, I want to go in and watch her, lest she do anything radical." After finishing speaking, Mu Yuan gave the little girl a comforting smile, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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