Chapter 193

"Xiao Di is allergic to pollen?" Yin Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, put down his crossed legs, turned sideways to face Nian Tong, played with the mobile phone in his hand and said: "Bai Mi Yi Shu, I didn't expect to miss this point .However, so what if you are sober now? Do you think you can beat me and escape?"

"How could Professor Geng have such a perverted brother like you?" Nian Tong frowned in disgust, "Don't you feel disgusted by making yourself exactly like your own brother?"

"How could it be? Xiao Di's face is so handsome, why would I feel disgusted? But I really hate that there is another face that is exactly like mine, and I am trying to destroy it, but Jun Yao has done me a big favor."

Hearing him call Gu Junyao's name so affectionately, Nian Tong remembered the conversation between the two on the phone just now, and couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"No wonder you said in the restaurant last night that you would never fall in love with any woman in this world. It turns out that you only love men." The sad thing is that the man he loves is her husband.

"What's wrong with loving a man? Who stipulates that it is not allowed to love a man? I just love Gu Junyao, and I have loved it for more than ten years. I love it more deeply than any of you women, and I have loved it for a long time without complaint or regret!"

Yin Ming admitted generously, without the slightest bit of shame or embarrassment.

"No complaints or regrets?" Nian Tong sneered, "Your so-called love has reached the point of perversion. I remember overhearing your call with someone else at the door of your office that day. In fact, the person who was talking to you was Gu Junyao, and It's not your so-called brother who is mixing in the showbiz, right?"

Yin Ming did not deny it.

That day when he came out after making a phone call, he saw Nian Tong leaving in a hurry from a distance, so he wondered if she had heard something, so he offered to send her off when he got off work, and deliberately acted in such a play to dissuade her own doubts.

"If you can't get it, you will be destroyed. Your love is not only unflattering, but also hateful and disgusting." Even if you don't know what he did to Du Zixin back then, you can guess that it will definitely not be a good thing.

"Speaking of me, what about you women who so-called love him? A Du Zixin forced him to agree to let her have a child in the name of saving him, and a Du Kewei did not hesitate to design her own sister to be raped in order to get him. As for you? How good is it? Didn't you use despicable means to force him to marry you? How pure is your love for him?"

Nian Tong was speechless by his rebuttal.

Indeed, the reason why Gu Junyao married her was not because he loved her, but because he was forced by her.

At that time, she just wanted to be with him very much, and didn't think much about his feelings.

She always thought that time would make him fall in love with her, but from the phone call between Yin Ming and him just now, she fully understood that no matter how long time passed, he would never fall in love with her.

The original promise was like a curse. He could pamper her, love her and treat her in every possible way, but he couldn't love her.

"Why don't you talk? Did I say you're a fool?" Yin Ming said with sarcasm.

"You don't deserve to have him at all! Because you can't help him in his career, but cause him trouble everywhere. A troublesome woman like you, why do you want him to love you?"

"Whether he loves me or not is a matter between me and him, and it has nothing to do with you!" Nian Tong said in a strong tone, but also found it funny, "You are a man, why do you love men if you don't love so many women in the world? ?”

She is also really unlucky.Not only do you have to guard against other women coveting your men, but now you even have to guard against men.

It's all because Gu Junyao's face is too ostentatious, any ghosts want to pounce on them when they see it.

"God said that everyone has the right to love. Although I fell in love with the same sex, so what? Don't you know that many countries now allow same-sex marriage?"

"The problem is that he doesn't love you at all. It's hard for you to do this."

"How will he know if I'm worthy of love if he doesn't try to accept me? No one in this world loves him more than me. I can do everything for him, even die for him!"

"Then why don't you die? Are you still here to make trouble for him?" Nian Tong rolled his eyes. "I think he'd be fine without you."

"Hmph, it should be said that he might accept me without you." Yin Ming changed his posture, and then said, "I'm thinking how I should deal with you? Should I turn you into a person like I dealt with Du Kewei?" Where's the idiot?"

Nian Tong's heart was shocked, his beautiful eyes were wide open, and he stared in disbelief at Yin Ming, who had a dark complexion under the dim light, and only after a while did he find his voice: "Du Kewei was raped and almost died because of you?"

Yin Ming grinned and said, "You just know?"

Nian Tong's heart sank, and there was a trace of guilt in his heart.

At that time, she even suspected that Gu Junyao had someone do it.

"That woman is really useless. I originally wanted to use her hand to get rid of you, but it's a pity that she is too useless, her methods are not clever, and her heart is not cruel enough. Otherwise, she could have killed that child with you in the Children's Paradise that time." Get rid of it, so I can enjoy it without showing up."

Children's playground?

Niantong remembered that time when she took Xiaoxi to the Children's Paradise to pay Du Kewei's appointment, she always felt that someone was spying on them, and it was the perverted man in front of her.

Unexpectedly, her every move is under the control of this person.

"Professor Geng's sudden resignation from the school is also your fault?"

"Resign?" Yin Ming curled his lips, "I imprisoned him long ago, and I resigned from the school job."

Nian Tong was shocked: "He is your own brother, why did you treat him like that?"

"Who made him eat inside and out? Knowing that I'm going to deal with you, but still want to give you a tip, I can only imprison him, and threaten him with his mother, as long as he dares not listen to me, I will kill his mother immediately."

Yin Ming said with a smile, "Xiao Di is a very filial child, and he lives with his mother, so no matter how unwilling he is, he can only obey me obediently. It's a pity that I planned to cause trouble at your wedding with Yun Yao , who knew that there was a problem with the part of the plastic surgery at that time, so I had to go back to the United States. I really hold a grudge for letting you marry him as you wish. When I think that you can lie in his arms every night and feel his warm body temperature, I I wish I could crush you to ashes."

His hatred burst out completely from those two eyes wearing brown colored contact lenses, which made the already obscure face even more ferocious, with a gloomy look.

It is said that the heart of a woman is the most poisonous. It turns out that a man's jealousy is more terrifying than a woman's.

Nian Tong frowned, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw the diamond-shaped ashtray at the end of the rectangular coffee table. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and an idea quickly took shape in his mind.

It's just that Yin Ming kicked the coffee table away before he could move it. The strength and agility of his movements made it easy to see that he should have received some training in karate or other martial arts.

It seems that he is not a soft-legged shrimp.

Nian Tong weighed in his heart how much he would win in a fight, but he heard Yin Ming laughing in his ear: "You want to attack me with that ashtray so that you can escape?"

Nian Tong was silent, but secretly prepared to guard against his attack.

"I know you have practiced taekwondo, that's why you were stabbed on the street of city B and you were able to wrestle with two big men, but I am not them. I have been a karate master for more than ten years, otherwise you How do you think I can be Jun Yao's personal bodyguard?"

Sure enough, he is a person who has practiced martial arts.

Nian Tong subconsciously frowned.

"Are you afraid?" As if playing tricks on purpose, Yin Ming was still sitting lazily, as if he wasn't worried that she would attack him suddenly.

"No matter how good you are, you may not be able to beat me. Karate is not an opponent of Taekwondo at all. Anyone who is an expert knows this." Nian Tong adjusted his mentality and stabilized his emotions.

Losing self-confidence and impetuous mood are the most taboo in taekwondo, otherwise no matter how good you are, you will lose miserably.

"Who told you that karate is not an opponent of Taekwondo?" Yin Ming laughed, and taunted with the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "Your coach? Maybe Taekwondo is indeed better than karate in the competition. After all, taekwondo sparring is human, and karate sparring is usually It's a dead thing without thinking, but when it comes to fighting, the speed, ruthlessness and accuracy of karate are definitely better than taekwondo, hasn't your coach taught you this, little girl?"

I am suffocated in reading Tongyu.

In fact, she just said that casually just now to increase her self-confidence, but she didn't expect the other party to speak clearly.

But so what?

No matter how powerful he was, he would never let her obediently let him dispose of her.

"Let's make a bet, do you dare?" Nian Tong suddenly suggested.

Yin Ming seemed a little surprised, his brown eyes flashed, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to bet with me?"

Nian Tong didn't answer him, but said: "No matter what I bet on, I'll ask you if you dare?"

Yin Ming smiled, then stood up.The tall body covered the last ray of light from the floor-to-ceiling windows, making Nian Tong feel like there was no sky.

Do not!She has to be confident in herself!
Don't be knocked down by yourself, so you have a chance to win!Only then can she get out of this room smoothly, without becoming a burden on Gu Junyao.

"You do not dare?"

She raised her head slightly to look at Yin Ming whose facial features were completely invisible, and her tone was full of provocation.

Yin Ming chuckled, "The aggressive method is useless to me, little girl. However, I really want to know what you want to bet with me? So, I accept."

(End of this chapter)

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