Chapter 200

It was the third day after Gu Junyao was hospitalized that he actually received a call from Xiaoxi.

"Your son finally called Xingshi to inquire about his crimes. What should we do? What excuses are you looking for?" Nian Tong held chicken soup in one hand and asked Gu Junyao who was flipping through the PAD with the phone in the other.

Gu Junyao glanced at her, then turned his gaze back: "It's better for you to deal with this kind of thing perfunctorily."

The corner of Niantong's mouth twitched, thinking that this master threw the hot potato to her because he was afraid that his son would make his head hurt when he asked him about it.

Reluctantly put down the chicken soup, she pressed the answer button, and a cold snort came from the other end immediately: "I haven't answered the phone for a long time, Mu Niantong, are you guilty?"

Hearing his son's voice, Gu Junyao raised his eyes and looked again, raised his eyebrows, and continued to read the financial information with a nonchalant expression.

Nian Tong sat on the side of the bed with his back turned to him, took a deep breath and pretended to be innocent, and said, "Dear Xiao Xi, why do you say that? I was busy and didn't hear the phone ringing just now, so I was slow to answer it."

"Really? So you don't feel guilty and guilty because you don't count?"

Xiaoxi was young, but the questions she asked were unambiguous.

Nian Tong laughed and chatted with him: "You said that me and your dad are going to Italy? Strange, didn't I already leave a message to tell you why you couldn't go? Why didn't you see it?"

"Then may I ask where Miss Mu left the message and what excuse did she leave to perfuse me?"

Nian Tong just said something casually, but he didn't expect this kid to chase after him.

"I did stay. You probably didn't see it. Your dad and I really planned to go. We even booked the air tickets, but your dad's company..."

"My dad's company has a big problem temporarily, so you can't come, right?" Xiaoxi made a perfunctory excuse that Nian Tong had thought up.

"..." This brat, why is he so smart and sophisticated?

"This kind of excuse is often used by my classmate's father to lie to him, so it won't work on me. To be honest, why did you break your promise? Huh! If you surrender yourself, the circumstances are not serious. I can still consider whether to forgive you or not. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious."

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few months, the kid's Chinese has improved by leaps and bounds, and he speaks it so clearly that even the corners of Gu Junyao's mouth curled up in surprise.

"Hey, your son is very difficult to greet, you can deal with it yourself."

Nian Tong covered the end of the microphone and handed the phone to Gu Junyao.

Gu Junyao waved at her, motioning her to bring her ears closer, but just as she leaned over, her lips suddenly became hot.

"Hey, your husband is busy, so it's better for you to deal with such trivial matters."

Nian Tong stared at him with her mouth flattened, but couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, have you considered it? Do you want to tell the truth?" Xiaoxi asked again without hearing her response.

Nian Tong curled the corner of his mouth in a compromising tone: "Well, it seems that I can't hide it from you. In fact, it was because I was not feeling well that day and your father accompanied me to see the doctor, so I missed the time. Until now I She is still in good health and is still in the hospital."

"Really?" Xiaoxi expressed doubts.

"If you don't believe me, I'll take a photo of me in the hospital and send it to you, and you'll know if I'm lying." Anyway, she was already in the hospital, so it's not a lie.

"...Forget it, the sky is far away, even if you lie, I can't do anything to you." Xiaoxi's voice sounded helpless, but in fact, he was just disappointed that the meeting he was looking forward to suddenly turned into a phantom.

Nian Tong heard the loss in his words, and felt a little guilty.

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. What gift do you want, can I buy it for you?"

"Actually coaxing me like a child, how old do you think I am?"

Nian Tong laughed in shock: "Aren't you a child?"

"Please! I'm already ten years old! This age should be considered a teenager, right?"

"A ten-year-old teenager?" Nian Tong looked at Gu Junyao, and saw that although his eyes stayed on the pad, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

"What's the matter, don't you agree?"

"..." What does this have to do with disobedience?
"Speaking of it, I blame you and my dad. You made me fail the Chinese ancient sayings exam."

"Examination of ancient Chinese sayings?"

"It's the test paper that my grandfather gave me. Some ancient poems and classical Chinese that are so messed up that I can't pronounce them. It gave me a headache! I was in a bad mood, so I failed the test."

"Isn't poetry easy to memorize? Just remember it as lyrics, it shouldn't be difficult."

"According to my understanding, it's not difficult. For example, the last sentence is 'there are many rains during the Qingming Festival', so the next sentence should be 'passers-by on the road are wet', why is it a desire to break the soul? There is also the sentence 'if the relationship lasts for a long time 'The next sentence should be 'when two people get married', which just corresponds to the idiom 'the marriage must be married for a long time', right? But why is it 'how can it be day and night'?"

Before Xiaoxi on the other end of the phone finished speaking, Nian Tong couldn't help laughing and fell on Gu Junyao.

"Your son... is a genius..." She couldn't help pointing at the phone and laughing so hard that she couldn't even speak coherently.

Gu Junyao rubbed his forehead like a headache, with a deep smile in his eyes.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? Am I guessing wrong? I really don't know what those ancient people were thinking." Xiao Xi immediately retorted when she heard Nian Tong's loud laughter.

Nian Tong tried hard to hold back a smile and asked, "Apart from these two sentences, what other mistakes did you fill in?" This kid is so cute!Filling in the wrong is still so righteous.

"I was scolded to death by my grandpa just for those two sentences. There were ten questions in total, and I got six wrong~ so I only got forty points."

"There are so many mistakes?" Nian Tong bit her lip, and couldn't help laughing again, "Then what else did you make wrong?"

"For example, I filled in the sentence "the sea is wide and the fish leaps" is "the sky is high, let me do it". I admit that I made a mistake because I don't remember what the last two words are. A costume drama. Someone said 'let me do it' in it, so that's what I did."

"Hahaha..." Nian Tong burst into laughter again.

The costume movie that Xiaoxi's uncle watched should be Jin Yong's "Swordsman", in which there is a big man named Ren Woxing, who is the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, and Xiaoxi did not expect to be used to write lyrics.

(End of this chapter)

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