Chapter 203

After shopping in the supermarket, Lu Heng didn't send Nian Tong home immediately.

"The teacher's milk ginger tea here is good, you can drink it to warm your heart and calm your mind."

In a rather distinctive beverage shop, Lu Heng handed one of the two cups of ginger tea he had just bought to Nian Tong, and he himself was a cup of Mandheling.

"Thank you."

Lu Heng nodded slightly, lifted the lid of the cup, and immediately a strong aroma of coffee wafted out of it.

Nian Tong put his hands around the cup of ginger tea with an absent-minded expression.

"Be careful that it's hot, don't hold it all the time." Lu Heng reminded her, seeing that she didn't respond, couldn't help pulling her hand again.

"What's the matter with you? You've been out of your mind since just now. You said you wanted to buy something, but when you entered the supermarket, you kept walking and walking, and didn't buy anything." Lu Heng grabbed her hand, and her palm was because she had been holding it before. The ginger teacup looked unusually hot.

"Xiaoye, do you have something on your mind?"

"No." Nian Tong regained consciousness and smiled faintly, took his hand out of his hand, squinted his eyes slightly and lowered his head to sniff, then opened his eyes instantly, with an intoxicated expression.

"It smells so good, I don't know if it tastes as good as you said."

After she blew on it, she took a sip, and the taste of buttermilk, ginger and tea leaves immediately spread on the tip of her tongue, with a rich aroma of milk and ginger tea, the taste was really good.

Lu Heng could tell from her expression that she liked it.

"How are you doing recently? Why have you lost weight?" The chin is obviously sharper than before, and even the eye sockets are a little sunken.

Nian Tong touched his face and said nonchalantly: "Skinny beauties are so popular now, wouldn't it be better to be thinner?"

"I like you to be fatter, so that your face is so pink and tender that you can pinch water."

Nian Tong laughed because of his description.

"Pink and tender, are you a baby?"

"When you were about to graduate from primary school, didn't you gain a lot of fat as a baby?" At that time, he liked to pinch her face when he had nothing to do, because that kind of hand feeling was really beautiful.

"It's been so long, you still remember, I don't really remember what I was like when I was a child." Nian Tong was a little emotional.

Lu Heng smiled slightly, and blurted out: "How could I forget about you?"

As soon as such ambiguous words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Nian Tong bowed his head and pretended to drink ginger tea, while Lu Heng stared at her intently, with hot waves flickering in his pupils.

"Xiaoye, actually I..."

"By the way, how are you and her doing now?" Nian Tong finished speaking before him.

Lu Heng paused, pursed the corners of his mouth, and pulled out a faint smile.

"Xiaoye, I have nothing to do with her." He knew that she meant Du Kewei.

"On the third night after meeting you in the hospital, she woke up from a nightmare and remembered everything..."

"Then did she tell you the truth that Gu Junyao did not make her suffer like that?" Nian Tong interrupted him and asked.

Lu Heng shook his head, with a surprised expression, "Didn't Gu Junyao ask someone to do it?"

"Brother Lu Heng, when have I lied to you?"

"I'm not saying you lied to me, I'm just curious, if Gu Junyao hadn't asked people to do it, then who would have such a big hatred with Xiao Wei and take such brutal revenge."

"She's reaping the fruits of herself." What kind of method was used to design her own sister back then, but now it's fulfilled in her body. It really means that good and evil will eventually be rewarded.

Lu Heng was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Nian Tong roughly talked about how Du Kewei designed his own sister in order to get Gu Junyao, and finally said: "Brother Lu Heng, if you don't really like her, and you haven't thought about being with her, Then I advise you to let her go, so as not to mess up your own life."

"She's gone." Lu Heng said.

Nian Tong was taken aback, "She left by herself?"

Lu Heng nodded.

That night Du Kewei kept screaming after waking up from the nightmare, finally burst into tears, and then threw things and smashed the furniture. At that time, Lu Heng knew that she had recovered her memory and remembered everything, including her The cruel process of being raped.

He stood at the door of her room for a long time, until the room was completely quiet, and then he returned to his own room, planning to talk to her again at dawn, but when he woke up the next morning, Du Kewei was nowhere to be seen.

"She has a very strong self-esteem. Now that she remembers those things, she will definitely not live with me again, and I originally planned to talk to her so that she can live well by herself."

"Then where will she go?" She shouldn't be making trouble anymore, right?

"It should have gone abroad. After all, she can't stay in China anymore. Whether it's Gu Junyao's reason or herself, she is not suitable to stay."

"What about you? How's that movie going?"

"It's almost finished, TV reports every day, you don't know?" Lu Heng raised his eyebrows.

Nian Tong pouted, "How can I have time to watch TV?"

"So busy?"

"No." Nian Tong chatted with him without saying a word, lacking in interest.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to have a meal with me later to celebrate?"

Nian Tong was confused: "What are you celebrating?"

"Congratulations... I can finally have no worries..." Lu Heng said something, looking at Nian Tong with a meaningful smile.

Nian Tong didn't know if he didn't understand or what, he shook his head and said: "Not today, he is waiting for me at home, I will go back after drinking ginger tea."

Hearing that she was about to leave soon, Lu Heng's face immediately sank.

"Thank you for saving my life today." Nian Tong raised ginger tea and clinked glasses with him to express his gratitude.

"Then you have to have a meal with my savior." Lu Heng said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I'll treat you another day." Nian Tong said and stood up, "I'm leaving."

"Wait." Lu Heng called to stop her.He picked up the coffee in front of him and drank two-thirds in one gulp, then got up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Nian Tong remembered how he was almost hit by a car before, so he nodded, not rejecting his kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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