Chapter 216

The phone hung up so crisply and neatly, Nian Tong stared at the screen showing the end of the call, feeling as sad as a knife.

Sure enough, he was a cold-hearted man. Once he said he wanted to break up, he would not be willing to spend another second with her, and hung up the phone as soon as he said it.

She bit her lip and was so angry that she wanted to cry, and she had the urge to call Gu Junyao again, complain to him and act like a baby to him like before.

But why should she?

It was she who proposed to leave him, so who has the right to blame him for being so indifferent now?

She shook off the distracting thoughts in her mind, buried her face in Gu Junyao's shirt, took a deep breath to adjust the turbulent emotions in her heart and forced herself to sleep, but it was in vain.

And Gu Junyao, who hung up her phone, stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, his eyes fixed on the first incoming call on the phone screen, his gaze was gentle.

When I was about to fall asleep, I saw her call. At that moment, I felt a joy that I had never felt before. After answering the call, even my own voice trembled unconsciously.

But that girl dared to act but dared not to act, even though she dialed his phone, she dared not speak.

He couldn't help chuckling, and raised his eyes to look out the window.

In fact, if she didn't speak, he also knew that she probably missed him.

small things……

He pictured her in her nightgown or shirt, the tenderness in her chest overflowing.

In fact, he misses her too.

It's just that this period is an extraordinary period, and he must restrain himself from seeing her, and don't let her have the opportunity to regret leaving him and return to him.

He won't take her back from Lu Heng until everything is over.

Little thing, wait for me.

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"Yunyao, Xiao Lingtian seems to regard perverted men more important than money. It's already past nine o'clock. I don't think he will reply." Qi Xin looked at the time frequently while talking.

However, Gu Junyao had a calm expression, as if he must not be in a hurry, Xiao Lingtian seemed to agree.

"You asked that Geng Di to do what you said last night, I'm curious what you asked him to do?" Qi Xin asked.

Gu Junyao returned to him after a while: "Xiao Lingtian knew that Yin Ming was pretending to be Geng Di, but apart from him, none of the brothers in his gang knew about it. And Yin Ming and Xiao Lingtian have been together for so long, the two Everyone knows the relationship between people. With Xiao Lingtian's love for Yin Ming, Yin Ming's status in their eyes is equal to that of Xiao Lingtian. But now Yin Ming and Xiao Lingtian are both in City A, so I asked Geng Di to pretend to be Yin Ming and go back to Xiao Lingtian's old den to call All his left-behind brothers gathered together to stall for time, and let Xiyun secretly blow up the warehouse where Xiao Lingtian hoarded arms and drugs."

"It's no wonder there is no sign of Xi Yun." Qi Xin thoughtfully, "As long as Xiao Lingtian's arms and drug warehouses are blown up, it's like breaking his hands and feet. We're right."

"Just waiting for him to know that his painstaking efforts for more than ten years will be burned in the near future. I don't know if he will regret his choice today?"

Gu Junyao snorted lightly, and asked, "Look at how Yueqing's preparations are going."

"it is good."

In an old villa on the outskirts of the city, Xiao Lingtian frowned and stared at the silent man on the sofa, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Di, I not only gave up such a good cooperation opportunity for you, but even offended Gu Junyao, You should know how powerful he is in the Tao. When it comes to ruthlessness, my methods are far inferior to him. But I don't care for you, but why are you still unwilling to tell me the truth? What kind of hatred do you have with him? Want to fight him? I didn't care about your affairs with him back then, but if you're willing to stop fighting him now, I can guarantee that he won't hunt and kill you again in the future. "

"Now it's not that I'm afraid that he will chase and kill me, but that I want him to die!" Yin Ming said coldly, his voice became hoarse and broken because he spoke too hastily.

Xiao Lingtian sighed, and passed a cup of honey water in front of him, "I want him to die so much, but he still lives well? Your damaged vocal cords haven't fully recovered yet, so don't speak too hard."

"It's because of him and his woman that I became like this. If you know, you won't help me avenge and persuade me not to fight against him?" Yin Mingteng stood up, snatched the water glass Xiao Lingtian handed over and threw it into the distance .

The sound of the porcelain falling to the ground spread, and Xiao Lingtian's expression changed suddenly.Want to get angry, but endure it, but in the end it is not willing.

"You go back with me tomorrow, and everything will be discussed in the long run."

Yin Ming sneered: "What do you think City A is? If you refuse to cooperate with Gu Junyao on his territory, he will let you come and go as you please?"

Xiao Lingtian raised his eyebrows like a blade, and sneered: "I came prepared this time, so what if I'm in his territory? It's not so easy for him to deal with me."

Yin Ming curled his lips coldly, but didn't say anything.

Back then, he was with Xiao Lingtian because he saw some shadows of Gu Junyao in him, and his actions were also cruel, poisonous and cold.But in the end, it was just a little similar, but not the person he really wanted in his heart, so he was always unwilling to be reconciled to Gu Junyao's rejection of him back then, and he was bound to get him by trying every means.

It's just that a little girl was killed out of thin air, attracting Gu Junyao's sight and occupying his heart for the first time.

Remembering that girl cheated and shot an earring into his throat that day, which caused his vocal cords to be damaged, he wished he could catch that girl and tear her into pieces!
It's just that after that incident, Gu Junyao secretly asked someone to protect that girl all day long, and it was difficult for him to get close to her when he was being hunted down.

While thinking, the phone rang in my ear.

He raised his eyes and saw Xiao Lingtian picked up the phone on the coffee table to connect, and then his face changed suddenly, from blue to white, his eyes were wide open as if he had seen a ghost, but the veins on his forehead burst out ferociously, which was extremely frightening.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, and before Xiao Lingtian hung up the phone, he asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Lingtian didn't answer him, but slammed the phone on the ground forcefully, gnashed his teeth and said, "Well, you Gu Junyao, you actually gave me such a hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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