Chapter 229

A gleam of bright color pierced in from the gap in the curtain that was not fully closed. As soon as Nian Tong opened his eyes, he saw a tall and tall figure standing beside the French window.

Her heart skipped a beat, she held her breath and widened her eyes, staring intently as if afraid that the figure would disappear at any time.

Uncle Gu.

She called out to the owner of the figure in her heart, gently pulled off the thin quilt covering her body, got out of bed and approached the French window on tiptoe, with her arms outstretched, she approached the figure little by little.

Closer, closer.

"Uncle Gu..." She murmured, closed her sore eyes and rushed over, hugging the figure tightly.

But it was empty.

She looked at the empty embrace in fear, and looked around helplessly, looking for that familiar figure.

"Uncle Gu? Where are you? Stop playing, can you come out?"

"Uncle Gu?"


"Tongtong?" Leng Siyu frowned and shook Niantong on the bed with his eyes closed, calling Gu Junyao all the time, "Tongtong, wake up."

Nian Tong was forced to open his eyes, but felt a splitting headache.

"Have a headache? Come and drink this."

Leng Siyu helped her to sit up, then took a bowl of dark soup with a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine from the bedside and said.

Nian Tong's brain is not fully awake yet, and his thoughts are in a mess.

"what is this?"

"Anshen Nourishing Soup, you have been in a coma for more than a week with a high fever, and the doctor told you to give you more nutrition to regulate your body when you wake up, otherwise—"

"What high fever and drowsiness? Sister Siyu, how long do you think I was drowsy?" Nian Tong interrupted her by grabbing her wrist with excited hands, almost knocking over the bowl in her hand.

Leng Siyu put down the bowl and said, "You didn't eat much before, and your body was weak. That time you came back from...there was a high fever, and today is the eighth day."

Eighth day?

Nian Tong let go of her wrist, her hands were hanging down on her sides.

"Tongtong, drink this first." Leng Siyu advised her.

Nian Tong remained silent, but suddenly lifted the quilt on his body and turned over to get off the bed, but before he could stand still, he felt weak for a while, when his body was weak, he was hugged by Leng Siyu, but she pushed her away, shaking his weak body The body is struggling to get out of the room.

Leng Siyu was startled, and hurriedly pulled her back: "Tongtong, what are you doing? Do you know that you are pregnant!"

Nian Tong's body trembled suddenly, as if struck by lightning, he raised his eyes to stare at Leng Siyu, seriously suspecting that he had an auditory hallucination just now.

"Sister Siyu, you... what did you just say?"

Leng Siyu hugged her, smiled and said: "These few days you are half asleep and half awake, when I feed you, you will spit out every slit of seafood soup, so I asked the doctor what's the matter, she made it for you After the examination, and then make sure you are pregnant, allergy to seafood is a pregnancy reaction during pregnancy.”

"I... really pregnant?"

She looked down at her lower abdomen, unbelievable that there was already a small life conceived there.

"It's absolutely true." Leng Siyu grabbed her hand and covered her lower abdomen, and said, "You and Yunyao's little baby lives here. In a few months, your baby will come out and talk to you." When we meet, in the future, there will be a cute little guy calling your mother..."

Nian Tong imagined the scene described by Leng Siyu, and tears flowed out all at once.


She was pregnant with his baby.

Nian Tong tightly grasped the hem of the clothes in her lower abdomen, and the crying that had been suppressed for many days flowed out from her throat little by little.

Leng Siyu hugged her and said, "You are pregnant now, don't get emotional, otherwise it will be very bad for the baby."

Nian Tong nodded slightly, but still couldn't contain the grief in her heart.

She actually found out that she was pregnant when she lost the person she loved the most. Is this God's compensation for her?

If Gu Junyao could be revived, she would rather be barren all her life, as long as she had him alone.

But there are never ifs in life, she has no choice at all.

And the only thing she can do now seems to be to take good care of her body and keep the baby in her womb.

She wiped away her tears, took a deep breath and asked, "Sister Siyu, has his...funeral..."

"No. Because you have been sleeping all the time, so you have been procrastinating." Leng Siyu saw her tears fall more fiercely, sighed distressedly, and comforted: "Tongtong, for your baby, you have to be strong, you know Is it?"

Nian Tong nodded.

For their baby, she will be strong.

************************************split line************ *****************************
"The funeral is scheduled for next Tuesday, which is the day after tomorrow... Things are almost done, such as..."

"I want to see him." Nian Tong suddenly interrupted Lian Rong, who hesitated and said, "You are pregnant now, it is not good to go in and out of that kind of place."

Nian Tong lowered his head and stroked his abdomen, muttering: "I just want to tell him that I am pregnant with his child. And I will be strong and bring up our child."

"Well, I'll just tell Brother Yunyao about this, you..."

"Let's go, Sister Siyu is with me anyway." Nian Tong interrupted him reluctantly, and then walked towards the door.

Lian Rong sighed helplessly, then followed.

Even though he already knew that Gu Junyao had really left him, Nian Tong still couldn't believe that the man lying in the coffin was lifeless.

He looked as if he was just the same as when he was asleep, his deep and three-dimensional facial features were still so charming, even the color of his lips was lifelike.It's like the princess in the fairy tale who waited for the kiss of the prince to wake up, but her identity was reversed.

I don't know if she kisses him, he will wake up like a princess in a fairy tale?
"Hey, hey, what are you going to do?" As soon as his body leaned down a little, Lian Rong stretched out his hand to block her, and Leng Siyu who was beside him grabbed her at the same time.

"Tongtong, didn't you say that you can't get too close, let alone touch his face?" Lian Rong asked anxiously.

"I don't touch his face, I just want to kiss him and see if he wakes up."

Lian Rong was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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