Chapter 267

"Brother, don't you want to back off?" Duan Xinxin asked when he saw his hesitant expression and didn't say a word.

Duan Xinlan returned her comprehension and gave her a white look, "Are you such a worthless man?"

Duan Xinxin straightened her body and said, "I'm curious how you're going to snatch his woman?"

"You should worry about whether you can get close to that man first. I think he hates you so much that he doesn't even look at you." Duan Xinlan said bluntly.

Duan Xinxin's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Don't underestimate me, there is nothing in this world that Duan Xinxin can't want, and men are the same!"

Duan Xinlan always thought that she was very conceited, but she didn't expect that his sister was even worse than him.

"Xinxin, if you withdraw from the bet between you and me now, I can be more generous and give you [-]% of Hongyuan Construction. This way you won't lose miserably and lose money and money."

"Ten percent? Then you are really generous." Duan Xinxin curled her lips, "We agreed at the beginning, whoever loses will give up their share of Hongyuan Construction's property inheritance right, and the part given up will belong to the other party. Now You asked me to quit at the very beginning, but you were actually afraid, right?"

Duan Xinlan raised her eyebrows: "Then let's wait and see?"

"Who is afraid of whom?" Duan Xinxin raised his chin, opened the door and walked out.

Duan Xinlan's gaze fell back to the photo on the phone screen, and a determined smile spread across her mouth.

Gu Junyao walked through the banquet hall with Nian Tong on his arm, and was greeted by people from time to time, and he responded one by one, but his slightly frowned eyebrows never relaxed.

Nian Tong took a peek at his slightly sunken face, wondering why he was unhappy.

Could it be because Duan Hongyuan's son looked at him too presumptuously?
If so, does that mean he's jealous?

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Junyao glanced at the corner of her mouth, and tightened the arms around her waist.

"I laughed at how cute you look when you're jealous." Nian Tong pointed to his frowning brows.

Gu Junyao's expression froze, and he looked away uncomfortably, "I really shouldn't have brought you here."

Nian Tong seemed a little regretful when he heard his tone, and the smile on his mouth became brighter and brighter.

"Then I won't come with you from now on."

"But this kind of banquet is too boring. If I don't bring you here, I won't be able to stay for 5 minutes and I will leave." Moreover, there were too many women at the banquet, and he couldn't bear the poison of those nympho eyes.

"Then what should we do? It doesn't matter if you come or you don't come, Mr. Gu, you are really difficult to accommodate." Nian Tong was in a good mood, resting his head on his chest, fingering his tie, with a bright and charming smile on his face .

Gu Junyao grabbed her hand, but what he was thinking was that it was fortunate that she was not allowed to wear the tube top dress that Leng Siyu designed and made for her, otherwise Duan Xinlan's eyeballs would jump on her.

This girl has become more and more attractive in the past few years after giving birth to her daughter.

He unconsciously hugged her tighter.

"Pay attention to Duan Hongyuan's son in the future." He muffled.

Nian Tong looked up at him and said with a smile: "You really are jealous of him. But shouldn't you also pay attention to that girl named Xinxin? I think she seems to be fascinated by the miniature. There is only one of you, and you are full of hostility towards me, Mrs. Gu."

"Sorry, I don't even know how many eyes and mouths she has."

Nian Tong chuckled: "Mr. Gu, your mouth is really poisonous."

As soon as the words fell, something suddenly came to mind, "By the way, why did the siblings call you Brother Gu? Have you met them before?"

Gu Junyao shook his head, thinking about another thing at the same time.

It shouldn't be a coincidence that the siblings also fell in love with their husband and wife.However, why set the target as their husband and wife?
The vibrations from the liner pocket of his suit pulled him back from his thoughts.

Nian Tong backed away a little, saw him take out his phone and frowned slightly, "Your brother called."

"It should be business. You answer the phone first, and I'll go outside to get some air." She pointed to the outside of the hall.

Gu Junyao nodded, but said worriedly: "Don't go too far, and don't go to places with dark light."

"Understood, Uncle Gu, don't treat me like a peach, okay?" She tiptoed and quickly kissed him on the lips, then turned and walked out of the hall.

Gu Junyao shook his head and chuckled, and walked to a corner of the hall while answering the phone.

************************************split line************ *******************************
Although it was very hot, but because Duan Hongyuan's villa was located on the mountainside, there would be gusts of cool and soft wind blowing every night.

Nian Tong crossed her arms and looked at the colorful fountain in the distance, when suddenly there was a sound of steady footsteps behind her.

She thought it was Gu Junyao who came to look for her after answering the phone, but when she turned around, her smile froze and she froze.

I can't remember the last time I saw this face, I didn't expect to meet again after a few years, it would be at someone else's birthday party.

"Xiaoye, long time no see." Shen Rou's voice was still so pleasant.

Long time no see - Nian Tong has heard this sentence too many times.

Looking at Lu Heng, who hasn't seen him for a few years but is still handsome, Nian Tong smiled slightly, "It's been a long time, but this scene seems familiar."

She vaguely remembered that on a certain day in a certain year, she also accompanied Gu Junyao to attend someone's engagement banquet, and then met Lu Heng.

Probably guessing what she was thinking, Lu Heng also smiled lightly.

"Life is such a drama. When you want to see, you can't see it. When you finally forget it, the person you want to see appears again."

Nian Tong felt suffocated, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Seeing this, Lu Heng laughed out loud, "Don't be nervous, I just sent it out of a sudden feeling, and I didn't mean to say that to you and me. I know you came with him, and your marriage is very serious. Happiness, so I won't bother you, and I won't bother my other half."

the other half?
Nian Tong was stunned, and then said pleasantly, "You have a girlfriend?"

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows, "To be precise, it's his wife."

(End of this chapter)

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