Chapter 284

He drove the car into the underground parking lot and found the 888 parking space that Qiao Xun said, and it was indeed big enough to park his car.

Parked the car, walked to the elevator entrance and waited for the elevator, the rear door opened with a 'ding' sound.

Qiao Yueqing looked up, but saw that there was already a man in the elevator, apparently coming up from the second floor, and the man was smiling at him.

Strange, does he know him?Why did you smile at him twice in a row?
He nodded slightly in response, but he was puzzled in his heart, and his brows were already tightened unconsciously.

"I'm sorry, my sister was spoiled by her family and she has a bad temper." He suddenly apologized, Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows that were tightly raised, but raised them high - this is the brother of the girl just now?

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Director Qiao. I'm Liang Hanwen." The other party extended his hand.

Qiao Yue chuckled, stretched out his hand to shake it back, but said in surprise, "Mr. Liang knows me?"

Liang Hanwen responded with a smile, "Director Qiao is well-known in the police circle. I have admired him for a long time. How could I not know him? What's more, I just saw Director Qiao's information in my father's study this morning. The photo of Director Qiao on it is very Clear and handsome."

"Mr. Liang has won the prize, but who is Mr. Liang's father?"

"Liang Shengrong."

Qiao Yue raised his eyebrows, suddenly.

No wonder that girl Liang Ruoqing dared to be so arrogant even knowing that he was her head. It turned out that her father was the head of the police station.

No wonder that girl can afford lotus flowers.

He snorted, thinking that Liang Shengrong was just a banner under Junyao's command, and he had not done anything with Junyao with generous commissions all these years. This time he was transferred to City C, it should be for It's time to get him.

He thought to himself, but said with a smile on his face: "It turns out that Mr. Liang's father is Director Liang. What a coincidence." Coincidentally, he met his daughter in that way on the first day.

"Mr. Liang is also at the police station?"

Liang Hanwen shook his head lightly: "I'm in business, and I started a small company with my friend."

Qiao Yue nodded, when the elevator door opened, he realized that he and Liang Hanwen were on the same floor.

"Director Qiao, I'm honored to be your neighbor from now on. I'll treat you to dinner some other day when I'm free." Liang Hanwen walked out, speaking politely, Jun Er had a gentle and polite smile on his face.

Qiao Yueqing replied with a smile: "I'm new here, and I'm not familiar with City C. I hope Mr. Liang can teach me a lot in the future."

"Director Qiao, you're being polite. Just ask if you need anything. Then, I'll go back first." Liang Hanwen pointed to the left.

Qiao Yue nodded, but he walked to the right side of the elevator, thinking to himself, this Liang Hanwen seems to be a man with a very deep reputation, he handles things smoothly and hides his secrets, and it is easy for others to be deceived by his gentle and polite smile.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a man with a darker belly than him around him, he would probably have been deceived by Liang Hanwen's appearance.

While thinking, a female voice came to my ears.

"Brother, did you help me teach that bastard a lesson?"

Qiao Yue paused for a moment, resisted not looking back, laughed a bit, then continued to walk to the door of his house, took out the key from his pocket, opened the door and entered.

**************************************split line********** ***************************
Strange environment, strange bed, it seems that there is a strange smell floating in the air.

Qiao Yueqing lazily opened his eyes, looked out the window at the already bright sky, rubbed himself in the bed again before getting up, went to the balcony, lay down and did a hundred push-ups with one hand on each hand before getting up.

The floor he was on was the 21st floor. From a distance, there were tall buildings everywhere, and everything around him was full of modern atmosphere.

Before coming here, I already knew that City C is a city with extremely fast development, especially the tourism and export industries. No wonder Yun Yao plotted him to bring him here. This place is really a treasure.

After returning to the room and washing, he dressed neatly and went out. There was a meeting in the bureau in two hours, and he had to be there.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Qiao Xun calling on the screen, he connected immediately.

"Brother Yueqing, I found the information you asked for. It turns out that little junior sister is not simple. Her father is still your boss, and she herself graduated from the police academy a few months ago. Therefore, her rank is not low, and she can definitely find an easy position in the bureau. I heard that she asked to start from the bottom, so she was assigned to Shuncheng District."

"I already knew who she is and so-and-so's daughter." Qiao Yueqing said as he walked towards the elevator.

"Huh? How did you know? Few people in the Bureau know that she is the daughter of Bureau Liang."

"Don't worry about how I know, let me ask you, how about the other two things I asked you to do?"

"Brother Yueqing, don't worry about my work. It's all done. My friend is very talkative, but that bastard surnamed Liu can't afford the money my friend gave him."

Qiao Yueqing pondered for a while, "How far is it?"

"More than 40 million."

"I'll bring it to you tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell silent.

"A Xun?"

"Brother Yueqing," Qiao Xun's voice came again, "Don't you really fall in love with that woman? Don't, there are too many poor women, even if you are tempted by someone, don't look for that kind of woman , although she was cheated by a man, but..."

"Are you finished? That's it. I'm going back to the bureau for a meeting. See you tonight."

Just as the elevator door opened, he hung up the phone and walked in.

When the elevator door closed two-thirds of the way, it suddenly opened again, and a figure rushed in from outside. A faint aroma filled his nostrils, the smell of orange.

I haven't eaten anything since last night, and my stomach is panicking with hunger. When I smell the aroma of fruit, I can't help but look at it. When I saw it, my eyes met each other, and they were all stunned.

"It's you again!" Liang Ruoqing gave him a disgusted look and looked away.

I complained in my heart why my eldest brother didn't tell her last night that this bastard also lived on the same floor, otherwise she would have seen clearly who was in the elevator just now.

(End of this chapter)

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