Chapter 6

In the early morning of September, the sky is full of sunrise.

Gu Junyao looked at the girl who was gradually approaching him not far away through the half-open car window.White silk cotton portrait T-shirt and blue and white denim shorts, long dark hair tied diagonally and hanging on one side, only a thin silver chain with a pendant in the shape of a leaf is dotted around the neck.

The extremely simple dress is extremely pleasing to the eye in the shrouded sunlight.

Nian Tong frowned slightly and looked at the flamboyant Lamborghini. When he approached, the exaggerated scissor doors opened, and the man in the driver's seat was looking straight at him.

Thinking of all that happened last night, she stared at her beautifully, but the guy grinned and showed his white teeth, so damn charming.

"Yunyao, Niantong, please take care of me while you are in City B." Last night at Gu Junyao's insistence, Mu Qifeng, who called him by his first name, came out to see him off. It's all about parents worrying about their children.

He feels guilty about this daughter.Therefore, she did not shy away from the identity of Niantong's illegitimate daughter, but instead admitted it generously in front of Gu Junyao.

Gu Junyao nodded and said polite words to him. Seeing that Mu Yu'an had put Nian Tong's luggage in the trunk, he looked at Nian Tong who was standing in front of the car door with a hesitant expression. He raised his eyebrows and wanted her to get in the car. I saw her sitting in the passenger seat with a face of death.

The corner of his mouth trembled slightly, and he retracted his gaze to look forward.

"Little sister, elder brother will visit you when he has time." Mu Yuan said to her through the car window.

She nodded, glanced at Mu Qifeng who looked sad outside the window, and thought of her aunt who also left City A this morning, feeling inexplicably sad.

Nian Tong was so immersed in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear the sound of the engine. The sports car had already left Xiangxian Xiaozhu and headed for City B.

When the car drove up to the high speed, Gu Junyao took out a CD and inserted it into the player, the familiar melody was followed by a deep and sad singing voice.

徘徊 过 多少 橱窗

How many hotels have you stayed in?
才 会 觉得 分离 也 不 冤枉

感情 是 用来 浏览

还是 用来 珍藏
好 让 日子 天天 都 过 难 忘

how much suffering

湿 了 多少 眼 眶
才 能 知道 伤感 是 的 遗产

流浪 几 张 人 床

换 过 几 次 信仰
才 让 戒指义无 的 交换


It turned out to be Eason Chan's "Love Transfer".Nian Tong regained consciousness from his thoughts, and in the familiar singing voice, he looked curiously at the man beside him who was concentrating on driving. The face is totally different and good looking.

A man of this age has money, power, temperament and a good appearance. If he is not a married man, then he is surrounded by a cloud of beauties, right?

When Nian Tong thought this way, he subconsciously glanced at the big hands holding the steering wheel, but saw that there were no decorations on the slender fingers with well-defined bones.

In other words, he is unmarried?

Nian Tong pouted, and automatically classified the man beside him as the latter.

Speechless all the way.

It was not until more than four hours later that Nian Tong woke up under the gaze of two sharp eyes.

Opening her eyes, she found that face was close at hand, and she could even see her own face clearly under those bright black eyes.

She was dazed for a moment, then slowly lowered her eyes, only then realized that most of her body was leaning against him!

She jumped up in shock, and instinctively stepped back. While her face was red and her ears were hot, she only heard a 'bang' sound as the back of her head hit the car window behind her heavily.

She squinted her eyes in pain, bared her teeth and couldn't speak, but she cursed inwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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