Fake Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 11 Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect

Chapter 11 Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect
In the setting sun forest, the battle between Ye Wuxin and Tang Hao has entered into a heated battle, and the victory is not far away.

Tang Hao conquered mountains and rivers with one hammer.

Ye Wuxin covered the sun and the moon with his sword.

The two had a lively fight.

This area has long been dilapidated under the attack of the two, and the small mountain peak at that time has long since disappeared.

Razed to the ground!

Only the place where Tang San was standing was barely considered a good place...

In Tang San's eyes, he only saw two silhouettes constantly colliding, and the Ziji magic pupil was opened to the extreme, still unable to clearly see the battle in the field.

"This Clear Sky Hammer deserves to be called the first martial soul in the mainland, it is really powerful! This power is simply terrifying!"

Ye Wuxin's hand holding the sword trembled unceasingly as the sword struck back.

"What kind of monster is this kid? Looking at his small arms and slender legs, his strength is so strong. He is specialized in swordsmanship. He could have moved his sword lightly, but he chose to fight me head-to-head. Is this intended to convince me to lose? ?”

Tang Hao's hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer also kept shaking.

Tang Hao's strength is very strong, and Ye Wuxin is not weak either.

"Also, the sword in his hand is weird!"

Looking at the pitted sword marks and pits on the Haotian Hammer in his hand, but looking at the magic sword in Ye Wuxin's hand, it was not damaged at all...

Tang Hao felt very uncomfortable!
What about the promised number one weapon in the world, the Martial Soul?

It was still raining.

Tang Hao's body was almost covered with scars, the raindrops of sword intent were too dense, sometimes it was rain, sometimes it was sword intent.

It's hard to guard against!

What's even more frightening is that this kind of sword intent's ability to break through defenses is really terrifying.

Tang Hao has never seen water droplets piercing stones before, and raindrops breaking the qi, he has seen it today.

Those raindrops kept hitting the same place, and his protective energy couldn't stop him.

If you keep turning on the protective qi all the time, it will consume too much on yourself.

On the contrary, Ye Wuxin used this kind of sword intent of rain basically without any consumption.

Sword intent is a constant artistic conception, a state of unity with heaven and earth.

Mobilize the power of heaven and earth for your own use, and the consumption can naturally be ignored.

Compared with the two, Tang Hao could only choose to protect his vital parts.

Tang Hao has now become a blood man!
Ye Wuxin felt pain just looking at it...

Seeing that his father's body was almost covered with scars, even though he knew it wasn't fatal, Tang San still couldn't help being very worried.

"It's really torture to fight someone like Ye Wuxin. My father's clothes are all in tatters, almost naked."

Tang San remembered that if he fought Ye Wuxin in public, he wouldn't run naked...

And it is likely to be disfigured!
Scars all over my body...

Tang San couldn't help shivering.

"It's better not to provoke this person in the future!"

"My strength is limited in this world. Forcibly using the true energy this time will inevitably leave some troubles to the body. At the end of the battle, the true energy has already begun to run poorly. If this battle continues to be anxious I am at a disadvantage, it seems that I have to use some hole cards!"

"In this case, Tang Hao, I will show you what is the real swordsmanship!"

"Not good!" Tang Hao suddenly lost sight of Ye Wuxin, and was startled.

Tang San suddenly shouted: "Heaven!"

At this time, Ye Wuxin's majestic and stern voice spread throughout the forest:

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

"God! How many swords must there be!" Tang San exclaimed, looking up at the sky.

At this time, the sky could no longer see the starry sky, and there were only flying swords in the sky.

It is real, not phantom!
I'm afraid this person robbed the sword of the whole world, right?

Those flying swords are not disorderly, but form a sword array, and cast spells in an array.

But Ye Wuxin had disappeared.

This is the scariest place!

"Wan Jian Guizong? Such a familiar name!" Tang San muttered.

"But the flying swords in the sky probably have at least one hundred thousand handles, and they are not ordinary swords. They look like famous swords that are rare in the world. Let me be good... Even if you are covered in iron, how many swords can you stick?"

Only after Tang San finished muttering, Tang Hao became a verifier, to see how many swords he could receive.

What was even more frightening was still to come. Gravels, fallen leaves, dead wood, mud and sand on the ground flew into the air one after another and condensed into swords.

Even those thousand-year-old trees uprooted at this time, flew into the air, and pointed their swords at Tang Hao.

These processes, as well as Tang San's thoughts, were only a matter of a few breaths, and the layout was completed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Wuxin's voice suddenly appeared.


"Ninth Soul Skill: Gravity Domain!"

"The eighth soul skill: smashing the sky with one blow!"

Tang Hao is not weak at all, and uses the two most powerful soul skills in an instant.

In the field of gravity, the attack speed of enemies in the field will be weakened by 50.00%, and they will be oppressed by a huge force.

Breaking the sky with one blow, increasing the original strength by [-]%, and almost ignoring all the defenses of the stellar energy.

Even the hardest diamond in the world, which is said to be immortal, would be distorted and deformed by such a hammer.

Tang San sweated for both of them.

"No, how is this possible, these swords are not affected by my gravity field!"

Seeing those sword shadows all over the sky attacking him unimpeded, Tang Hao's heart almost collapsed in an instant.

I am a dignified titled Douluo, the proud ninth soul skill, one of the few domains in the world, is actually ineffective?
Isn't this to doubt life?

After working for a long time, my ninth spirit ring is superfluous?
Ye Wuxin sneered in his heart.

"The domain of gravity is indeed one of the most powerful domains in the world, but don't forget that my Sword Intent of Rain is also a domain. In this domain, I can not only come and go invisible, but as long as the raindrops cover the place, I will You can teleport without distance.”

"The sword intent of the rain is indeed affected by the gravity field, but who said that I only comprehend one kind of sword intent?"

"Star Sword Intent!"

Ye Wuxin instantly launched his second sword intent.

Where there is light, there is a domain!

Darkness is also a kind of light!
This is the most terrifying and unexpected place of Star Sword Intent.

If someone sets up a situation where they think that darkness can make Ye Wuxin unable to display the sword intent of the stars, then, hehe...

Tang San just finished breathing, and the collision between Ye Wuxin and Tang Hao had already begun.

In the eyes of Tang Hao and Tang San, apart from Feijian, it was still Feijian.

Wherever you look, even the dirt and sand are condensed into swords...

I'm afraid Tang San is the only one within a radius of ten miles that hasn't turned into a sword yet!

Countless sword shadows attacked Tang Hao from all directions without any blind spots.

Even under the ground, water droplets continued to condense into flying swords to attack.

In the distance, Dugu Bo looked at the sword shadows all over the sky, and couldn't help but shiver in his heart.

If a strong "mage" like him who plays poison is up to this trick, he will be dismembered in minutes.

"Who is this person? When did such a strong man appear in the mainland, who can beat Tang Hao!"

"I remember this voice. When I hear this voice in the future, the old man turns around and runs away. That's right!"

Dugu Bo secretly made up his mind that in the future, as long as he heard the voice shouting "Wan Jian Gui Zong" just now, it would be better to run first!
ps: The war is coming to an end, if you think it is wonderful, please count your votes to support it, please everyone.

 If you want to know where Ye Wuxin got so many flying swords, you can read the fourth volume of "Reincarnation From Celebrating More Than Years": The Story of the Destiny
(End of this chapter)

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