Fake Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 25 Devouring the Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 25 Devouring the Clear Sky Hammer (Addition)

ps: It's really rare, and more updates have been added!
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This set of soul bones attached to the left and right arms comes with a soul skill: Dragon Claw Hand.

Ye Wuxin always felt that this name seemed to have an evil meaning, but for a while he couldn't figure out where the evil was.

Dragon Claw Hand not only has a very terrifying defense-breaking ability, which can almost ignore 80.00% of the defense, but also has an extremely cold attribute, which can instantly freeze people into ice sculptures.

The freezing time continued to increase as Ye Wuxin's soul power increased.

The Dragon Claw also has another attribute, which is to make Ye Wuxin's hands invulnerable to fire and water: fire free, water free.

If he cultivates another unique skill of claws and cooperates with the terrifying defense-breaking ability of this set of soul bones, the power...

Just think about it, the current self is really poor.

Even the body forging technique has not yet been found.

Seeing Ye Wuxin coming out of it gracefully, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San couldn't believe that the brutal person inside just now was the elegant young man in front of them.

That flowing white hair, that immature face, that elegant dress, and the jasper flute on her waist...

Can't imagine, can't believe it!
Yu Xiaogang and Tang San thought one word at the same time: Pretend!
It's so capable!

Too confusing.

He is obviously a violent maniac, but he is dressed as an elegant young man.

After a short period of practice, Tang San felt that his Xuantian Kungfu had made a big breakthrough, and he was secretly delighted. At this moment, he suddenly heard Ye Wuxin say:
"Little San, come and display your martial spirit for me to see."

Although Tang San was puzzled, he still summoned the Blue Silver Grass according to his words.

"I'm not talking about the Blue Silver Grass, but your Clear Sky Hammer."


Tang San raised his left hand, the Clear Sky Hammer appeared, thunder and lightning.

Ye Wuxin's Taotie martial soul was summoned almost instantly, and then under Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's astonished gaze, Taotie directly hugged Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer and gnawed fiercely.

The sound of clicking and clicking kept ringing.

When Tang San reacted, only the handle of the Clear Sky Hammer was left in his hand...

There were quite a few powerful spirit beasts active at night. Just now, a group of spiders gradually formed to surround the three of them. After seeing this terrifying scene, they ran away in an instant.

Looking at the hammer handle in his hand, Tang San looked like crying without tears.

He had the urge to hit Ye Wuxin violently, but reason prevented him from doing so.

Although the Clear Sky Hammer was eaten by Taotie, Tang San knew that his Clear Sky Hammer would "grow back" after a while.

This is the intuition for Wuhun.

So Tang San resisted the urge to go forward and desperately.

Especially when he saw Tao Tie burp, Tang San's heart tightened, and he quickly took back the remaining hammer handle and blue silver grass.

Looking at Tang San's resentful eyes, Ye Wuxin licked the corner of his mouth, and said lightly:

"Don't be so stingy, the Haotian Hammer will recover to perfection after a while, and its strength and toughness will be improved to a certain extent."

"I'll come to you again when it recovers."

Hearing Ye Wuxin's previous words, Tang San finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Ye Wuxin's next words made Tang San's face twitch.

Do you think this is cutting leeks?

You come again when it grows out?

Yu Xiaogang saw Ye Wuxin turn his gaze to him, quickly took two steps back, waved his hand and said, "My martial spirit is not tasty."

Ye Wuxin nodded approvingly, and said, "Don't worry, I only eat top-level spirits."

Hearing this, the corners of Tang San's mouth twitched.

After working for a long time, are you still picky eaters?
Yu Xiaogang took two steps back and forth on the spot, and said:
"If my predictions are correct, this should be your first soul skill. You can devour other people's martial souls for cultivation, right? And it can get twice the result with half the effort. After all, martial souls are the purest energy."

Master is worthy of being a master, what he said is not bad at all.

Ye Wuxin nodded.

"And I also got a complete set of left and right arm external spirit bones."

Yu Xiaogang froze in place for an instant.

The news was shocking.

The external spirit bones are extremely rare, let alone a complete set, which is even more priceless.

Tang San was a little puzzled, he still didn't know what a spirit bone was.

Ye Wuxin told herself this secret without any concealment, and Yu Xiaogang and Yu Xiaogang were still a little moved.

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep the secret for you." Yu Xiaogang solemnly promised Ye Wuxin.

"No, you misunderstood, what I mean is that after you go back, you will vigorously publicize that I have a very complete set of external spirit bones, and you also leaked the fact that I have twin spirits, and then In addition, don't miss out on my current level 30 cultivation base."

Yu Xiaogang: "Ah..."

Others have twin martial souls, and they hide themselves carefully, for fear of causing trouble, but you are better, for fear that others will not know that you are a rare genius with twin martial souls.

The same is true for soul bones, everyone will hide the soul bones in their hands very well, it is a kind of hole card to save their lives.

In the world of soul masters, if other people don't use their soul bones, it is generally difficult to tell whether they have soul bones on them.

But Ye Wuxin did the opposite, as if he wanted to make this matter known to the world.

In Yu Xiaogang's view, this is infinite death!
Ye Wuxin has his own plan, and this is also the most important part of his and Bibi Dong's plan.

On the one hand, by killing those powerful soul masters, Ye Wuxin can get a fortune.

On the other hand, most of the soul masters who came to snatch them were stragglers from the soul master world, and they were not weak in talent. They just took this opportunity to secretly cultivate their own power, and recruited those strong men who had no background or sects as their own. own use.

As for the issue of loyalty, Ye Wuxin has a lot of means.After all, he is also a person who has traveled through several worlds, so he still has some means.

The Dao Life and Death Talisman made by coagulating one's own blood is the best means of control.

This kind of poison can't be solved by oneself, it can only relieve the pain during the attack.

It must be emphasized that Ye Wuxin's physique has undergone earth-shaking changes because of practicing the "Da Dao Yan Tian Jue", and his blood has extremely strong vitality and incomparable poison.

His blood is the best medicine of the heavens, but also the most unsolvable poison of the heavens.

The system can't solve this poison.

In the end, those who come to snatch it can quickly help themselves master the unfamiliar fighting style of soul power through fighting, so as to achieve the goal of rapid growth.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

As for revealing the secret of their twin martial souls, this was made temporarily by the two when Bibi Dong in the Sunset Forest came to find him, and it was a perfect supplement to the original plan.

Another point is that if you become famous, you can also get luck points.

I am really poor and crazy now.

The three of them rested there for the night, and early the next morning, Ye Wuxin decided to go to the 4000-year-old bloodthirsty tiger to get a second soul ring.

I don't know what will be gained this time?
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(End of this chapter)

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