Chapter 27

ps: These days are the signing period, we need everyone's support, please!

A flying sword and a flying blood tiger, the two constantly collided in the air, as fast as lightning.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like for a bloodthirsty tiger with a body as big as a hill to fly in the air.

Anyway, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were stunned.

Tang San could barely keep up with the speed when using the Purple Demon Eyes, at least he could see clearly the figures of the two sides fighting, while Yu Xiaogang could only see two blood-red flashes flickering in the air.

The bloodthirsty tiger is blood red, and the magic sword is dark red.

There were constant collisions in the air, and the roar of bloodthirsty tigers continued to be heard.

Discovering the flexibility of the magic sword, the bloodthirsty tiger landed decisively on the ground.

The magic sword has a terrifying devouring function, as long as it touches it, it can forcibly absorb the true energy or soul power in the body and turn it into its own use.

In this way, Ye Wuxin can use inexhaustible real energy in battle.

The most frightening thing is that the magic sword can also forcibly absorb the life force of the opponent and seize life.

Once touched by the magic sword, unless Ye Wuxin took the initiative to withdraw the sword, he would not be able to break free even if he cut off his own arm.

In the last world, Ye Wuxin had already fully mastered this ability, and could retract it freely.

In the past, Ye Wuxin always fought with people with a scabbard, just because he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would suck people into jerky.

At this time, the bloodthirsty tiger was already covered with sword wounds, bleeding profusely.

Coupled with the bloodstains that appeared after its transformation, it now looks like a real blood tiger.

Coupled with its ferocious eyes, it looks like a bloodthirsty demon just crawled out of hell.

The bloodthirsty tiger felt aggrieved like never before. This magic sword could attack it at will, but he couldn't touch it at all.

There was a piercing pain from the sword wound on his body.

This sword wound can't heal!
The blood has been flowing.

If this continues, he will really become a dead tiger.

The bloodthirsty tiger was very anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

The battle continues...

The bloodthirsty tiger lifted up a small hill, pulled down the weeping willows, and roared in the forest...

He tried all kinds of means, even touched the shadow of the magic sword, but he was already weak and bruised all over his body.

Bloodthirsty Tiger was very unwilling.

Because of unwillingness, so the resentment is deep.

And this was really the result Ye Wuxin wanted.

A flash of sword light flashed in the air, Ye Wuxin broke away from the state of human-sword integration, stepped on the sword and volleyed into the air, looking down at the bloodthirsty tiger lying on the ground weakly, with a flash of intolerance in his eyes for a moment.

His methods were too cruel.

"That's it!"

Ye Wuxin raised his hand and slashed out with a sword, ending the bloodthirsty tiger's pain.

Because the devouring function of the magic sword was used, Ye Wuxin didn't consume too much real energy at this time.

Ye Wuxin unfolded his consciousness and observed the distance. It was really strange. Although the movement here was not earth-shattering, it was definitely not small.

But it's been such a long time, it's really strange that neither the law enforcement team from the Spirit Hall nor the imperial guards have arrived.

Are you still having breakfast?

At this moment, at the entrance of the forest, there were a total of twelve members of the Wuhundian Law Enforcement Team and the Royal Guard, and they were respectfully saluting a man in black in front of him.

As Ye Wuxin expected, when someone found someone hunting and killing the only ten thousand-year-old soul beasts in the forest, the Wuhun Temple Law Enforcement Team and the Royal Guard here would definitely not be able to sit still, just as they were about to enter the forest to check At the time, he was stopped outside the forest by a man in black.

The 12 people who were furious and ready to fight, became extremely honest when they saw the elder token of the Wuhun Temple in the hands of the man in black.

The man in black was the strong man sent by Bibi Dong to follow and secretly protect Ye Wuxin.

Contra level powerhouse!
It belongs to Bibi Dong's real confidant.

So she knew of Ye Wuxin's existence.

Although Ye Wuxin lived in Bibi Dong's "harem" for many years, only a few people knew of his existence.

In this battle, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San once again refreshed their understanding of Ye Wuxin's cruelty.

Tang San is very sure now, if he refuses to "donate" the Clear Sky Hammer in the future, compared with this bloodthirsty tiger, his fate may not be much better.

Yu Xiaogang could see that although Liu Erlong was cruel, he had a kind heart, but this guy in front of him was really cruel and merciless.

It's not scary to be cruel, what's scary is that this person still has great strength, and his scheming is extremely deep.

Being an enemy of such a person is definitely a nightmare of a lifetime.

Along the way, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San knew in their hearts that Ye Wuxin was actually not that scary, as long as his bottom line and interests were not touched, they would be easy to get along with.

The more terrifying this kind of person, the more he is protecting his weaknesses. In other words, he promises thunderous means to the enemy, but he is good to his own people.

The two retracted their thoughts, and in the distance, Ye Wuxin had already started cross-legged to absorb the soul ring.

With the experience of the first spirit ring, and the endurance limit of the second spirit ring has increased a lot, so this time it will be much smoother.

Almost without suffering any pain, it was absorbed.

When Ye Wuxin opened his eyes, it was already dusk.

Twilight hurts most, especially when one feels alone.

The beautiful sunset seems to be able to affect the deepest sorrow in people's hearts.

Tang San went to pick some wild fruits, boiled some broth, and barbecued, plus some lotus roots picked from the river, it felt like a picnic.

In fact, Tang San's cooking skills are already very good, but compared with Lan Ling, it is still far behind.

Yu Xiaogang found it delicious, but Ye Wuxin found it hard to swallow.

His stomach has already been sucked by Lan Ling.

But there is no way, I still have to eat, because I am hungry...

This damn gluttonous martial soul!

So, Ye Wuxin disliked Tang San's culinary skills, but at the same time he ate voraciously.

"Should I find a maid who can cook fairly well?"

Ye Wuxin thought so, but for a while, she couldn't think of any good cooking maids in Douluo Dalu, so she had to give up temporarily.

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"Brother Ye, what is your second soul skill?"

Tang San brought Ye Wuxin a bowl of broth, then asked.

Yu Xiaogang also looked at Ye Wuxin curiously.

"His first soul skill is already abnormal, he swallows the opponent's martial soul first, how can he fight?"

"I hope his second spirit ability won't be too perverted, otherwise ordinary people like us can mess around." Tang San and Yu Xiaogang thought at the same time.

After wiping the oil stains from the corner of her mouth, Ye Wuxin began to check her second soul ability seriously.

The second soul skill: Heavenly Demon Transformation.

After transforming, his body instantly becomes ten times bigger and his strength triples.

In this way, Ye Wuxin's power of three dragons and three elephants instantly increased to the power of nine dragons and nine elephants, which is so terrifying!
Thinking about the increase in Ye Wuxin's soul power in the future, the original strength will also increase, and then use this trick, a three-fold increase, plus a ten-fold huge body, tsk tsk...

You can step on whoever you want!
Don't be too cool!
Ye Wuxin's only thought now is to single out Zhao Wuji, the King of Ming, to see if I can beat you, hehe...

The height alone will scare you to death!
Zao Wou-ki is known as Fudo Mingwang, but his stature is somewhat short (refer to the anime).

Somewhere in Shrek Academy, Zao Wou-ki, who was resting, sneezed and looked around suspiciously, not knowing why.

 Bet it, bet it,...

  Ye Wuxin singled out Zhao Wuji, the king of Ming Dynasty.

  Place your votes!

(End of this chapter)

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