Fake Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 53 Devouring Soul Ring

Chapter 53 Devouring Soul Ring (Addition)
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Looking through the gap in the door, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, who had never seen Ye Wuxin's gluttonous martial soul before, felt the same mood as those predecessors at this moment.


No matter what the teacher said, he is also a soul emperor level powerhouse, and the martial soul is an extremely rare top martial soul, the Black Tortoise, which has both attack and defense.

But in Ye Wuxin's hands, there was no chance to resist at all. Ye Wuxin's gluttonous martial soul was unleashed, and with the magical clicking sound, there was not even a shell left of the Xuanwu turtle.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai had only seen Ye Wuxin devouring the spirit before, and the three of them were also deeply affected by it, but what they saw today was even more terrifying.

That gluttony even eats soul rings!
The three now understood why they hadn't been devoured by the spirit ring.

This ferocious beast only devours soul rings that are more than a thousand years old, just like eating top-level martial souls, with a sharp mouth!
I escaped a catastrophe, and I did it for a long time because I didn't have the qualifications to be swallowed.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing would never forget that sound of clicking, it was too magical and scary.

Those onlookers were almost stunned. Seeing Ye Wuxin's gaze turned towards him, in the blink of an eye, all the people on the scene ran away.

So terrifying!

Both the martial spirit and the soul ring have been swallowed, so wouldn't he become a useless person from now on?
Thinking about it this way, I was so frightened that my soul flew away. At this moment, I only hated why my parents didn't give me an extra leg.

Even the innkeeper has run away!
The store is gone!
That crackling sound was like a devil's cry from hell, that vicious eating face, that loose white hair, that bloodthirsty smile that suddenly rose from the corner of his mouth...

So this hotel became a no-man's land, except for Tang San and others, oh, and that Canghui Academy teacher who had fainted from fright at this moment and lay limp on the ground.

very quiet!

Weird silence!

Seeing Ye Wuxin's gaze turned here, they quickly closed the door with a bang.

Ye Wuxin burped, and sure enough, the spirits of higher level soul masters would make him hungry.

Look around.

As for?
Am I so scary?

This is already tender.

The moment the teacher passed out, he thought that when he woke up, he would find that his martial soul and soul ring were gone, and that he was even more useless than a useless person. Thinking about that scene, his consciousness fell into a deeper coma .

The audience thinks that there are many soul masters on the mainland, but the reality is just the opposite. Not one soul master will be born among 1 people.

That's why the profession of soul master has such a high status on the mainland.

As long as you become a soul master, even if you don't do anything, you can receive living funds from His Royal Highness Wuhun every month.

Village Chief Jack probably knows this best. He once angrily reprimanded Tang Hao. As long as Tang San can become a soul master, even if he is the lowest level, he, a drunkard, will not lose his daily drinking money.

Ye Wuxin opened the door and entered the inn, and saw Tang San and the others timidly hiding behind Xiao Wu. Although there was a bit of pretentiousness in this, they were indeed afraid of Ye Wuxin.

The reputation of Wuxin Killing God on the mainland is not just for fun. Do you think that the title of Killing God can be used by anyone, and anyone is qualified to deserve it.

Since most people on the mainland recognize this title, it is not groundless.

Having been with Ye Wuxin for a long time, Dai Mubai and the others were not very afraid of him, but seeing this scene with their own eyes today, although everyone was prepared in their hearts, they still couldn't suppress the fear in their hearts.

This is a real murderous god.

Both Tang San and Dai Mubai had their spirits swallowed by Ye Wuxin. Not only were their spirits not damaged, but their quality had also improved.

But that was when Ye Wuxin was not malicious, otherwise...

It will really become a useless person!

Both the martial soul and the soul ring were swallowed, and he became an ordinary person from then on.

Getting used to the superiority of a soul master, imagining that he might become an ordinary person, or even worse than an ordinary person, this is undoubtedly the cruelest punishment for a soul master.

At this time, Xiao Wu looked at Ye Wuxin with timid eyes. In that moment just now, Xiao Wu felt that she almost didn't know this brother Wuxin in front of her.

Ye Wuxin looked at several people, but said nothing.

In fact, he deliberately showed this scene in front of so many people today, and it may not be without the meaning of warning and demonstration.

His plan has already begun to reveal the tip of the iceberg on the mainland, and it will be a matter of time before he confronts these people.

This is an early warning!
Of course, even Tang San didn't know Ye Wuxin's true intentions and identity at this time, let alone the others, so everyone didn't understand what the scene they saw today meant.

When it was time to choose a position, they would all remember today's scene one by one.

"Rest early and continue on your way tomorrow."

Ye Wuxin gave a simple order and went back to the room.

The seven monsters looked at me, I looked at you, looked at each other, and went back to the room, but tonight's rest is not destined to be very good.

Especially Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun, after all, this is the first time for the three of them to see Ye Wuxin's fierce and brutal side.

A Soul Emperor powerhouse, in the blink of an eye, he would be crippled without batting an eyelid.

Back in the room, Ye Wuxin did not fall asleep, but continued to sort out the plans in her mind.

According to the plot, the forest king Titan Giant Ape (Er Ming), the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple, Tang San's soul bone Thousand Spider Lance by coincidence, and the rendezvous with Ling'er , Wait, these are Ye Wuxin's real intentions for this trip.

Not just to simply come out to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings.

Time is often the most precious thing in this world, but at the same time, it is also the most wasted thing, and the thing that people don't cherish the most.

The strong and the weak, the genius and the mediocre, are often separated by a thin line. At the same time and at the same time, what others are doing, and what you are doing.

Waking up in the morning is already a subconscious habit of Tang San. Today, as usual, he got up to practice Ziji Magic Eyes. When he opened the window, he happened to see Ye Wuxin who was practicing sword in the yard. And stand.

Can't help but feel a little ashamed.

"Brother Ye has a talent that is insurmountable by others, and his efforts are several times more than others..."

The longer he spent with Ye Wuxin, Tang Sanyue felt that this mountain would be insurmountable in his own life.

Looking up at the high mountain, it seems that the peak will never be seen.

The rest of the people who got up one after another, saw that Ye Wuxin and Tang San were already practicing in the morning, compared with each other, they couldn't help feeling ashamed, and they had secretly made up their minds.

"Get ready, leave on time in half a quarter of an hour!"

Seeing that all the staff arrived, Ye Wuxin gave an order.

When leaving, Ye Wuxin left three silver soul coins on the table.

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(End of this chapter)

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