Chapter 60
The sky began to gradually darken. If I remember correctly, Er Ming should arrive here in Shifen tomorrow morning.

Ye Wuxin and Lan Ling got tired of it for a while, and then went back.

The third plan for coming to the Great Soul Beast Forest this time is Er Ming, the titan giant ape, the overlord of the Great Soul Beast Forest.

An existence that looks like an ape and a chimpanzee, except for a pair of lantern-sized eyes shining with a topaz-like luster, the whole body is pitch black.Possessing unparalleled power and speed, almost no flaws in attack and defense, the most frightening thing is that it can also display skills similar to soul skills.

It also has a domain skill: "Gravity Control Domain".

Moreover, it has an intelligence not weaker than that of human beings.

To deal with it, just to be on the safe side, you still have to prepare.

Back at the station, Duke Long and Mrs. Snake were confronting the two Elders of Titled Douluo.

With Duke Long's arrival, the atmosphere of the people who were chatting and laughing just now became serious.

Seeing Ye Wuxin's arrival, Duke Long poked his crutches on the ground, and said unceremoniously: "It's your brat who wants to take my family under my command?"

Accompanied by Duke Long's voice, the Seven Shrek Monsters all cast their eyes on Ye Wuxin. They really didn't know that Ye Wuxin left Snake Woman and Meng Yiran for this reason.

"Why not?"

Lan Ling's faint voice sounded behind Duke Long and Snake Woman, and the icy sword had already drawn a bloodstain on Duke Long's neck.

"You! What time are you?"

Lan Ling was clearly standing beside Ye Wuxin just now, when did she come behind him?

Duke Long and Mrs. Snake broke out in cold sweat.

Ye Wuxin nodded to Lan Ling, and Lan Ling quickly tapped a few big acupuncture points on Duke Long and Snake Woman, temporarily sealing their cultivation base.

It's just a Soul Emperor and a Contra.

If it weren't for the two people's soul-soul fusion skills that were still useful, Ye Wuxin would have simply killed the two well-known wall grasses in Douluo Continent.

Lan Ling and Ye Wuxin were originally in the same mind, Lan Ling naturally knew what Ye Wusheng was thinking at this time, so Lan Ling took out a porcelain bottle from the space ring, tapped it, and two drops of blood flew out of it.

Two drops of blood quickly froze under Lan Ling's true essence, and punched into the bodies of the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple with one palm.

"What did you give my grandparents?"

Lan Ling glanced at Meng Yiran, and said lightly: "You know it clearly, why bother to ask?"

"Poison!" Meng Yiran said affirmatively, gritted his teeth and looked at Lan Ling, "You are so beautiful, I didn't expect you to be a poisonous scorpion."

Lan Ling smiled and said nothing, for the sake of the young master, I would do even more poisonous things than this.

"I still have something to do. Regarding the gambling with you, let's talk about it after you get through tonight's poisonous hair. I don't have time to pay attention to you now. Of course, you can choose to escape, and I will never stop it."

After finishing speaking, Ye Wuxin really stopped paying attention to the Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple and Meng Yiran.

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Ye Wuxin and Lan Ling began to place strange things around.

Looking at Ye Wuxin's strange footwork, Tang San suddenly remembered the method Ye Wuxin used to deal with the three-headed dragon that day.

The Unrivaled Dragon Snake couple did not leave in the end.

As night fell, tents were erected one by one.

At the edge, the Seven Shrek Monsters gathered together, muttering something.

"No, no matter what brother Wuxin's purpose is this time, he won't kill us, you worry too much!" Xiao Wu retorted to Dai Mubai.

As expected of the boss of the Seven Monsters, he grew up in the royal family environment and was the first to discover what was wrong today.

"Little San, what do you say?" Dai Mubai asked Tang San seeing that Xiao Wu didn't believe him, and wasn't annoyed.

Tang San looked at several people one by one, and remained silent.

Brother Ye will definitely not kill me. As for you, it's hard to say...

Even though Tang San thought so, he didn't say it out loud.

Regarding Ye Wuxin and his father's plans for these years, in the past six years, he has never met his father once, so he can tell from a guess that this matter must not be simple.

"I remembered. When Killing God came out this time, he only said that he would bring Oscar. As for us, he said it was random, didn't it?"

Several people thought at the same time that if Ye Wuxin really wanted to kill them, it would be because they themselves hit the gun.

"Hey, don't look at me, I don't know either." Seeing several people staring at him, Oscar shook his head.

"Looking at how he treats the unrivaled dragon and snake today, Wuxin Shashen should have his own power, or he has already joined a certain power. His purpose of coming to the Soul Beast Forest this time is definitely not simply to hunt and kill soul beasts to obtain souls. Ring is so simple." Ning Rongrong said.

There is another subtext that Ning Rongrong didn't say, that is, they are very likely to be killed.

The children of big families are different.

"Then what should we do, run away now?" Ma Hongjun scratched his head and asked.

Tang San's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself: "Escape? Although I don't know what Brother Ye and Sister Shenxian are busy with in the evening, but what I can be sure of is that there is no way to escape now."

"If he wanted to kill us, he would have done it long ago." Zhu Zhuqing's sudden words made several people stunned.

"His own strength is unfathomable, and that servant girl can't see the depth. Don't forget, those two titled Douluo powerhouses call her suzerain. If they want to kill us, ten lives are not enough for us to die." Ma Hongjun added .

"You guys are so thoughtful!" Lan Ling's sudden appearance scared them so much that they almost shouted.

Xiao Wu always felt that Lan Ling was watching her all the time, so she turned sideways and hid behind Ning Rongrong.

The two Title Douluo Elders are both newcomers to the Title Douluo, and Xiao Wu's identity cannot be seen for a short period of time.Ordinary titled Douluo, unless they use their soul power to observe Xiao Wu, it is generally not easy to discover her true identity.

This is why Xiao Wu in the original book was able to hang out until she met Bibi Dong at the end.

But Lan Ling is different. Although she only has the soul power of level 89 Contra, she saw Xiao Wu's real body clearly the first time she appeared today.

But it didn't break.

"As for your matters, after tomorrow, the young master will make his own decision, but before that, if anyone thinks of some tricks, even if I try my best to be punished by the young master, I will definitely... kill him!"

The killing intent in Lan Ling's words was not concealed.

There are some things that the young master may have scruples about doing, but she doesn't.

In terms of the rigor of the plan to unify the mainland in the future, these people know too much today...

While speaking, Lan Ling's soul rings lit up one by one:

Black black black black black black!

Including Tang San, everyone was stunned.

one two Three……

Eight black soul rings!

Is this going against the sky?
The first soul ring is the ten thousand year soul ring!
She is still so young, she looks only eighteen or nineteen years old, right?

It turned out to be a strong Contra!
Who is she?
Unintentionally killing God's servant girl?Who is that Unintentional Killer?

This is a threat and a warning!
(End of this chapter)

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