Fake Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 67 "The Game of Fighting"

Chapter 67 "The Game of Fighting"

Ling'er's cakes are really delicious, and I often like to stuff a piece into my mouth, but Xiao Wu's is too much...

It's stuffed all over your mouth, someone snatched it from you or what?
A foodie!
Ye Wuxin poured Xiao Wu a cup of tea.

After drinking tea, Xiao Wu patted her chest and looked at Ye Wuxin and Lan Ling embarrassedly.

"Brother Wuxin, don't hurt Er Ming, please, he is my friend."

Xiao Wu looked at Ye Wuxin cutely, with the rabbit ears dangling on her head, Ye Wuxin couldn't help but reached out to touch it again.

Regarding Xiao Wu's words, Ye Wuxin just smiled and didn't give a clear answer.

"Xiao Wu, get ready, after a while, we will go out to camp together."

"where to?"

"Of course I'll go to Er Ming, you'll be the introducer between us, otherwise, we'll fight."

"Ah, oh, good." Xiao Wu stuffed another piece of pastry into her mouth, and then took the plate away.

Seeing Xiao Wu go out happily, Ye Wuxin shook her head and smiled, took all the plates away, and didn't know to leave one for me.

Ye Wuxin sat down on the pink bed, and Lan Ling gently knelt on the bed and pinched Ye Wuxin's shoulders.

"This is a good opportunity to go into the deepest part of the Great Soul Beast Forest to find out, but the timing is not right now. The Titan Giant Ape is okay, but the cow can be said to be a great wise man. It has lived too long."

Ye Wuxin seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be talking to Lan Ling.

"Building trust is really not easy."

Ye Wuxin originally planned to use Xiao Wu and Er Ming to enter the deepest part of the soul beast forest together, meet Da Ming and negotiate a deal, but now, Ye Wuxin changed her mind.

On the side of the road, you meet a beggar who is about to starve to death and is seriously ill. If you reward him with a bowl of rice and a medicine, he will remember your goodness and be grateful for your whole life.

Conversely, if you serve a plate of swan meat to a person who has just eaten delicacies from mountains and seas, he will not remember your meaning of sharing.

That's the reason, Da Ming and Er Ming lived too comfortably, they didn't pay attention to the crisis they were facing at all.

In other words, they are confident enough in their strength.

At this time, if I rashly go to negotiate with them, I will definitely not get any good looks, and maybe there will be a fight.

Only when they are really on the brink of death, and I will rescue them, then the initiative of the negotiation will be in my hands.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Wuxin temporarily decided not to enter the deepest part of the Great Soul Beast Forest this time, but it was still necessary for Er Ming to meet.

If you want to conquer the world, you must carefully consider any available forces and any possible changes.

A powerful king is not how good he is at adapting to the situation when faced with crises, but that these crises have long been in his calculations, and he has already prepared a perfect response plan and layout.

No matter how the situation changes, turning my hands into clouds and turning my hands into rain are all only in my mind.

No matter how Ren Er waits to jump, it is still within my chessboard after all.

This is the pride that a real strong man should have.

"Ling'er, early tomorrow morning, you take these people out of the Great Soul Beast Forest first."


"Don't you ask me why I arranged this way?"

"Ling'er doesn't want to know, as long as it is arranged by the young master, Ling'er will do it well unconditionally. Ling'er has nothing else to ask for in this life, as long as she can be by the young master's side."

Lan Ling leaned close to Ye Wuxin and hugged him gently from behind.

Feeling the softness and warmth coming from behind, Ye Wuxin suddenly felt a little distracted.

Hey, I've been suppressed for too long, if I didn't have something to do next, I really couldn't help but punish this girl right here.

This is already a matter of course, but it has been delayed due to various reasons.

Ye Wuxin was worried that she would really become a beast in a while, and now time is running out, don't let a monkey roar outside when she is happy, she will not die of anger.

Ye Wuxin broke away from Lan Ling's embrace, got up and kissed her on the forehead, and said: "The only person I can trust is you, so there are some things I can only entrust to you."

"Ling'er will not disappoint the young master."

Ye Wuxin took out a simple book from the ring and handed it to Lan Ling.

"This is an ancient calculation technique, "Yi Bo Shu". It is neither a martial art nor a secret method, but a kind of arithmetic. If you master it, you can calculate the future."

The sky and the earth are full of everything, cause and effect interact with each other, every detail, every event, seems to be irrelevant to each other, but in fact they are connected by a mysterious thread.

And "The Art of Fighting" is to deduce the cause and effect of countless messy events, and find solutions to problems. Whether it is fighting against people or conspiring, it can take the lead and take the lead.

Doing two things with one mind, and three things with one mind, these are just small successes.

Now Ye Wuxin also guessed that he could cultivate to the state of one mind and three functions.

Although this is not a powerful martial arts stunt, it is infinitely more precious than those martial arts secret books.

Lan Ling just flipped through it briefly, and the more she looked, the more frightened she became. She never expected such thaumaturgy to exist in the world.

Most importantly, the young master taught her this powerful method.

It's not a question of trust...

If ordinary people learn this kind of thaumaturgy, they will probably go one way in the end: betrayal and become king on their own.

Because he is too smart!
How could an extremely intelligent person be willing to be mediocre forever, willing to be inferior to others.

"Young Master, I..."

"I know what you want to say, well, the time is almost up, I should go, remember, destroy the book immediately after memorizing it, study it seriously, I am too tired alone, with you, I'll be much more relaxed."

Seeing Ye Wuxin open the tent and go out, Lan Ling looked at the "Battle Technique" in her hand, and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no abnormality in the feeling on her chest, Lan Ling would almost think that the young master was testing her loyalty.

Ye Wuxin came to Xiao Wu's tent, put her arms around her waist, and disappeared into the tent with a flicker.

Being hugged by Ye Wuxin, Xiao Wu blushed. Fortunately, Ye Wuxin didn't watch her and didn't notice this scene.

At dawn, under Lan Ling's summoning, the team began to return the same way. Everyone found that Ye Wuxin and Xiao Wu had disappeared, but no one dared to ask.

In Ye Wuxin's absence, Lan Ling instantly regained her noble and cold side, unsmiling, mature and steady, this is the true attitude of an overlord.

Only when she was by Ye Wuxin's side, Lan Ling would fully show her tenderness. At that time, she was just a personal servant girl, not a suzerain.

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from Lan Ling, Tang San and the others almost didn't know her anymore.

I ate a delicious meal yesterday, and I still don’t forget it today. I thought that I might have a good meal today, but now it seems that I think too much.

Judging from last night's situation, this master is probably not something to be messed with, how can it be simple to kill the god's personal maid?
(End of this chapter)

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