Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 52 So embarrassing~

Chapter 52 So embarrassing~
Zhou Yi thought about it carefully, and thought to herself. "Although the Shrek Academy, which is located in the middle of the mainland, is still a bit chilly, it is already late spring. If it is said to be icy and snowy, wouldn't it mean that we are going to the desolate and uninhabited extreme north? Huo Yuhao didn't go to the Star Dou Forest, but It's been so far, and it's still under the guidance of a broken martial soul, which is really strange."

Huo Yuhao continued: "When I woke up, it was still daytime, but I learned from my sister and Wang Dong that more than half a month had passed! My body had been buried in the snow. When I opened my eyes, I saw It was all pale white. I thought I was dead. But after a while, I realized something was wrong. My physical condition is normal, I can still feel my soul power flowing, and my spirit eye martial soul is completely stable Down, no problem."

"I crawled out of the snow in surprise, only to find that I was still in the same place. What surprised me even more was that there seemed to be more power in my body. Not far from me, there was a body The scorpion that was more than one meter long died there, and its whole body was white. Only the tail was emerald green, and there were many lenses on the surface of the carapace. Although it was already dead, I could still feel its strength." Huo Yuhao once again It is a fabrication that forcibly narrows down the facts.

"Ice Jade Scorpion?" Zhou Yi gasped.Fan Yu's eyes were also full of shock.

Huo Yuhao pretended not to understand and asked, "Teacher Zhou, what is an ice jade scorpion?"

Zhou Yi was surprised and said: "That is an extremely powerful monster in the extreme north. They are a huge population, and they are one of the real masters of the bitter cold land. They have the ultimate ice attribute, just like Dixue's Snow Maiden. The same as Wuhun. Generally speaking, it will only live in the core area of ​​the extreme north. Even for us soul masters, there is a forbidden area. It is a real forbidden area for human beings. Even the strong at the title Douluo level dare not enter it easily A place with ultra-low temperature. Yuhao, you actually came back alive after meeting an ice jade scorpion."

"But teacher, look." There was a bright emerald green light emitting from Huo Yuhao's body, and the Martial Soul of the Ice Jade Emperor Crab behind Huo Yuhao also lit up.Then a huge emerald green scorpion emerged from behind Huo Yuhao.Then a purple soul ring appeared under his feet.

"Thousand-year soul ring!" Zhou Yi said in surprise. "No, if this is a thousand-year soul ring, what about that red 10-year soul ring?" Zhou Yi thought again.

"Teacher, it's like this. This is the soul skill of the second soul ring of my Spirit Eye martial soul." Huo Yuhao explained.

... (followed by a simple question and answer session)
Zhou Yi asked clearly what was going on with the soul rings of the three of them, and changed his tactics and beckoned them all out.

Zhou Yi really couldn't laugh or cry, because she heard that Dixue's 10-year spirit ring was due to two 10-year-old spirit beasts fighting, one of them was seriously injured, and the other 10-year-old spirit beast left and picked it up. here.But Wang Dong's spirit ring is more normal, it was hunted and killed by Dixue's help.

"Yuhao, I've convinced you, you can really make up!" Wang Dong sighed.

"Hehe, how can you say it's made up? Didn't I tell you the details of our story~" Huo Yuhao laughed.

"Er... But whether you can stay or not is up to God! You know, this is the director of the Wuhun Department personally warning the core disciples to return to Shrek Academy three days in advance~" Wang Dongyi Said with a helpless face.

"Probably not, how can I say that two of us are core disciples, and one of us enjoys the treatment of core disciples~" Huo Yuhao said weakly.

"If it's from other colleges, they may forgive us, but this is Shrek Academy! It is said that there was a king of a country who was expelled from Shrek Academy because he was late. Didn't this king attack Shrek Academy? Instead, when he ascended the throne, he knelt down and begged for forgiveness from the previous dean of Shrek Academy!" Wang Dong said to Huo Yuhao.

"Ah, this..." Huo Yuhao was speechless.

"Okay, you two don't worry about it, our talent is so good and Wang Dong's soul ring is ten thousand years old, they won't let such a good opportunity for us to lose favor." Dixue said with a smile .

"But in the past, people with good talent were expelled?" Wang Dong said puzzled.

"That's just the selflessness you think. In fact, those talented students who were expelled just didn't let those people see the benefits~" Dixue said with a smile.

"But what if we are not favored by them?" Wang Dong asked.

Dixue smiled and said nothing.

On the other side, Zhou Yi went to Fan Yu's office in the Soul Guidance Department.And explained to Fan Yu the "truth" of Huo Yuhao's late arrival.

Would Fan Yu not be angry because Huo Yuhao was his direct disciple?The answer was no. In fact, he was more angry than anyone else, but he didn't express it.

He heard the "truth" from his wife, and then he calmed down.But he was pleasantly surprised: "Are you sure that the second soul skill of his Spirit Eyes martial soul is an imitation, and he also awakened the second martial soul!?"

"Nonsense, you still don't believe me when I tell you!" Zhou Yi said coquettishly to Fan Yu.One must know that Zhou Yi is not wearing a mask now, and is holding Fan Yu's head with both hands, sitting on Fan Yu's lap, and Fan Yu's right hand is dishonestly touching Zhou Yi's waist.It made Fan Yu become shamefully stiff.

On the other side, Huo Yuhao wanted to explain to Fan Yu, so he brought Wang Dong and Di Xue here.

What a coincidence, Fan Yu was flirting with Zhou Yi, what a coincidence, Huo Yuhao and others came here, what a coincidence, something in Fan Yu had just hardened shamefully, what a coincidence, Huo Yuhao walked in at this moment because he was in a hurry to explain.

"Ahem, Teacher, Teacher Zhou, they are all here~ I'm back." Huo Yuhao finally realized this, and said in embarrassment.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's appearance suddenly, both Fan Yu and Zhou Yi were taken aback, and Zhou Yi jumped up subconsciously from Fan Yu's legs.

Wang Dong followed behind Huo Yuhao, and was shocked and dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him. Although he had heard about Zhou Yi wearing a mask from Huo Yuhao, it was the first time he had seen Teacher Zhou's true face.And it's completely without any cover.

But Dixue thinks a little more, is it immoral to do so, and ruin other people's good deeds, and don't frighten Fan Yu~ (Fan Yu: Thank you so much! You also know how to care about me up!

Dixue: That’s a must~)

Wang Dong, who was stunned beside Huo Yuhao, subconsciously said, "Teacher Zhou, you are so beautiful."

Zhou Yi immediately blushed, and secretly pinched the soft flesh on Fan Yu's back, Fan Yu's facial expression twitched slightly due to the pain.

Huo Yuhao now fully understood why Zhou Yi had to wear a mask and pretend to be an old lady.She is not only beautiful, but also has a very soft appearance. If she is in class with her classmates in this state, even if she is full of anger, it is really difficult to make people feel intimidated.Instead, it felt like a big beauty was acting like a baby.

Fan Yu sat there without moving, but looked at Huo Yuhao with burning eyes. (Narrator: Mainly because I was too embarrassed, afraid of being found out when I did it, so I made a gesture that I thought was majestic.

Fan Yu: Can the narrator save some face for me? I almost lose my face!

Narrator: Huh!How dare a little supporting role make a request, you are not worthy!

Fan Yu: I'm torn! )
Huo Yuhao walked into the office honestly with a low eyebrow, and Wang Dong and Di Xue closed the door behind him.

Huo Yuhao walked up to Fan Yu.Carefully said, "Teacher, I was wrong~"

The rigid lines on Fan Yu's face suddenly softened a bit.I thought to myself, "For the sake of admitting your mistakes and preventing me from doing good things, I will forgive you today!"

Huo Yuhao quickly unbuttoned his shirt, and took off his shirt, revealing his naked upper body.

"Ah—" Standing behind him, Wang Dong saw the crystal-clear Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion tattoo at a glance, and the lifelike big scorpion really startled him.Although he knew that Huo Yuhao had a tattoo on his back, he didn't expect it to be so, um... huge.

Huo Yuhao turned around slowly, showing his back to Fan Yu and Zhou Yi.

Suddenly, Zhou Yi's eyes lit up, as if remembering something, she looked at Fan Yu and said, "Do you think it has something to do with the main body martial soul? Yuhao's spiritual eyes should be the main body martial soul. I heard Teacher Wang Yan As I said before, a powerful body soul master will have a second awakening of the soul. If that is the case, although his current situation is special, it is not completely inexplicable. Otherwise, I am now Go ask Wang Yan?"

Zhou Yi has always been an actionist, and she said she was going to go out, but Fan Yu grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "No, I can't go. Calm down, if Wang Yan finds out about this, Do you think the Wuhun department will let Yuhao go?"

Zhou Yi was taken aback, looked at Fan Yu, saw the determination in his eyes, immediately understood, and kept silent.

Fan Yu sat back in his chair, looked at Huo Yuhao and said, "Yuhao, what happened to you is extremely rare among our soul masters. This is the first time for both me and you, Mr. Zhou. Yes. Therefore, we cannot give you a completely correct explanation. However, according to our estimation, this should have something to do with your own martial soul. The main body martial soul has always been a very strange existence. There is a mysterious sect on the mainland called Noumenon sect, they have been committed to collecting and cultivating soul masters with noumenon spirits. Perhaps, only they can understand what happened to you. What the teacher can tell you is that this is not a bad thing, according to what you have shown so far Judging from the current situation, you should have a second martial soul, and the second martial soul also has a thousand-year soul ring. It is also provided to you by the ice jade scorpion that died beside you. As for your second martial soul We can't explain why the soul is the ice jade scorpion. But for you, this is definitely a good thing. The ice jade scorpion martial soul is the top-level attack-type beast martial soul among the ice attributes. Future cultivation will have great benefits. Can you understand me when I say this?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, and made up: "Teacher, what should we do now?"

Fan Yu said: "Let me handle the matter of your being late, and I will officially announce you as a core disciple of the Soul Guidance Department. And report to the academy that you came back because you were going to perform the task I gave you. It's too late. Wang Dong and Di Xue also went with you because they were worried about you. But in this way, you will no longer be a core disciple of the Wuhun Department. The teacher doesn't want to force you, you yourself Make a choice. But I can be sure that as long as you are twin martial souls, and the first soul ring of the second martial soul is a thousand years old, you will not be expelled. Therefore, choose to continue to study with me or To stay in the Wuhun Department and become a core disciple, you have to decide for yourself."

"As for future training, I personally think that whether you stay in the martial arts department or really switch to the soul guidance department, you should focus on the soul eye. The biggest advantage of twin martial souls is that the soul ring of the second martial soul can Wait until the cultivation base is strong enough to add it. Only then can the advantages of twin martial soul soul masters be manifested to the maximum. And you have already taken the route of the spirit eye, so it is better not to change your fighting style easily. Just now you said that the spirit Mou already has a second soul skill. Since this is the case, it is more important to continue to practice Ling Mou instead of the newly obtained martial soul. This new martial soul is strange, so we need to observe more. Let's take a look at yours first. The second soul ring of the spirit eye martial soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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