Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 72 Heartless...

Chapter 72 Heartless...

When Wang Dong saw Huo Yuhao being hugged by Ma Xiaotao, he knew something was going to happen.Sure enough, Ma Xiaotao flew away with Huo Yuhao!

Wang Dong hurriedly got up, but was pulled by Di Xue, and said to Wang Dong: "It's nothing, I just help Ma Xiaotao suppress the evil fire."

"But, but!" Wang Dong didn't know what to say, he just stumbled through the sound transmission.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's talk about whether you have taken a fancy to our Yuhao~" Dixue said to Wang Dong with a playful expression.

"Ahem, how is it possible..." Wang Dong's face was flustered, and he didn't listen to all the remaining lessons today.

It was late at night when Huo Yuhao returned to the dormitory. Along the way, Huo Yuhao had been thinking about one sentence, which was what Ma Xiaotao wrote to Huo Yuhao, "Time is too short, too short!"

Is it really short?Huo Yuhao was a little unconvinced. He had seen other people's when he was in the academy, and it seemed that they were not as big as him.

"I'm just too young!" Huo Yuhao quickly erased the writing in his mind. As a man, no one would admit that he was not good at anything, even if he was just a child... After a short period of depression, Huo Yuhao decided He went to have dinner first. After being hungry all day and night, he felt that he could eat an elephant right now.

After eating, Huo Yuhao came to the dormitory.

When he saw Wang Dong, who had been waiting for a long time, he immediately felt a little bad.

"Well, Wang Dong, do you believe me when I say that I am helping senior sister Xiaotao to suppress the evil fire?" Huo Yuhao said weakly.

"Hehe, of course I believe it, but what's the matter with your clothes, your clothes are definitely not like this ~ and you still have a scent on your body." Wang Donghe smiled kindly at Huo Yuhao.

"Hey, it's not that you practice too hard. Senior sister Xiao Tao's phoenix flame is too domineering, which made me sweat all over. I borrowed her washing liquid to wash the clothes. I really didn't realize that senior sister Xiao Tao is so tough. Personality, this detergent is quite fragrant." Huo Yuhao's brain was running fast, and he quickly came up with a reason to prevaricate.

Wang Dong couldn't find any flaws in Huo Yuhao's body, so he gradually heaved a sigh of relief, and said with some resentment: "It takes a whole day to practice, this Ma Xiaotao is too domineering. What should I do if I delay your studies? By the way, yesterday Teacher Zhou said, let us go to her office to look for her before class tomorrow. It seems that something is wrong. Not only us, but all core disciples are going. It seems that we are going to give us a little trouble."

"Yes, I see." Huo Yuhao let out a breath of cool air.

However, somewhere unknown in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, two people were laughing.

In the words of Tianmeng Iceworm, it is growing pains.

In the words of Bingdi, it is called the only way to grow up...

And in Dixue's words, there are always those unsatisfactory things in growing up, and I will often think about them after the past... (Huo Yuhao: Heartless...)
Therefore, Huo Yuhao tragically left behind a shameful first time.Of course, if Ma Xiaotao was still here, she might pat him on the shoulder and tell him, Xiao Yuhao, you are still a virgin~
"By the way, Wang Dong, has the left arm bone of the golden glow you wanted arrived!?" Huo Yuhao hurriedly asked, afraid that Wang Dong was talking about something.

Sure enough, when he mentioned the left arm bone of the golden awn, Wang Dong immediately became excited, nodded repeatedly, and said, "It has been delivered. Tonight you will help me protect the law, and I will fuse it, how about it?"

"But what if they merge overnight?" Huo Yuhao asked Wang Dong.

"It's okay, this golden glow's left arm bone is highly fused with me, so it's definitely okay!" Wang Dong still said excitedly.

"Okay~ Then I'll ask Teacher Fan Yu for some practice materials, and I'll forge a soul tool while protecting you," Huo Yuhao said.

"Okay! Go, go!" Wang Dong hurriedly urged.

"Hey, didn't you just let me go near the dormitory!" Huo Yuhao teased.

"Oh, hurry up! I can't wait!" Wang Dong urged with bright eyes.

"Okay~" Huo Yuhao laughed twice, and went to Fan Yu's studio.

When he came back, Wang Dong also took out the golden glow left arm bone.

There was nothing to say all night, Huo Yuhao was forging while protecting the law.This made Wang Dong very irritable.Fortunately, nothing happened.

Wang Dong finally merged, and let out a moan of enjoyment.

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt that Wang Dong's demeanor had changed a bit. Originally, Wang Dong gave people the impression of being elegant and gentle.But at this time, there was a hint of arrogance.That domineering look was somewhat similar to Ma Xiaotao's.


The next day, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and Dixue all arrived at Zhou Yi's office early in the morning.

"Um, it looks like it's a bit early..." Wang Dong looked at the office where there were only the three of them and Zhou Yi, and said awkwardly.

"It's okay, just wait." Di Xue said to Wang Dong.

"You guys are here, you came quite early, and when you were waiting for 06:30, you said, if you didn't come by 06:30~ hehehe..." Zhou Yi said to the three of them.

It's 06:30, and there are still five people who haven't arrived.But Zhou Yi also spoke on time.

Zhou Yi coughed, and drew everyone's attention to herself, "I called you here today because I have a special situation to inform you. Three days later, the outer court will hold a selection contest for core disciples. Originally, there was no competition for our second graders. What's the matter, but the college suddenly decided to let our second-year core disciples also participate in the selection. So, you all have to be prepared."

A student asked curiously: "Mr. Zhou, what is this selection competition for?"

Zhou Yi said: "You don't have to worry too much, there won't be any punishment if you lose this selection competition. The participants are all core disciples under the age of 15 from the outer court, including the soul guidance department. I calculated, about There are about 30 people. Among them, seven people will be selected to participate in a task. As for what this task is, only the winning students will know. Originally, these places should belong to the third, fourth, and fifth grade students. But your luck That’s right, you can participate this time, so just do your best. Our class has already occupied the quota of seven core disciples, at least don’t let me wipe out the entire army.”

"Okay, it's okay, the next few latecomers don't have to go back to class, let's go to the teaching office!"

"Ah... oh~" the students could only agree at a loss. "Hey~ If I knew it, I wouldn't practice yesterday, so I got up late today..."

Hearing what Zhou Yi meant, he didn't seem to take it very seriously, and everyone was relieved immediately, and they couldn't help but secretly swear in their hearts that the academy had too many assessments.The upgrade assessment has just ended, why is there another core disciple assessment.

"Okay, you guys go back to the classroom first. Huo Yuhao, Dixue, you two stay here. The others go first."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

Wang Dong whispered, "I'll wait for you outside."

Everyone else went out, Huo Yuhao honestly closed the office door, and then turned to Zhou Yi and asked, "Teacher Zhou, do you have any other instructions for me and my sister?"

Zhou Yi said indifferently: "I just conveyed a word to Dean Yan and Dean Xian. The two deans have said it. It's okay for others not to enter the top seven. But if you don't enter the top seven, you will bear the consequences.

As for Dixue, you can't use Martial Soul, and you have to become No.1, otherwise..."

"Don't worry, isn't it just a small number one~" Di Xue said, isn't it the number one, I just use some force casually!

"Uh..." But Huo Yuhao immediately felt a lot of pressure when he heard her say that! "Mr. Zhou, isn't that right? If the outer court ranks last in strength compared to the core disciples, I will definitely be able to rank there. There are still seniors from the upper grades participating!"

There was a hint of a smile in Zhou Yi's eyes, she stood up and said, "Don't tell me about this, it's useless to tell me. I've conveyed the words, if you have the ability, go talk to Dean Yan and Dean Xian. Let's go, Go to class."

"I..." Huo Yuhao's face suddenly became depressed. Although he has confidence in himself, it depends on the situation!Compete with a group of seniors, and they are all core disciples.How can it be so easy!Among other things, among the core disciples he has met, Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan should all be within the 15-year-old range.These three are all Sihuan, no matter how extreme his martial spirit is, he will never think that he can compete with the seniors of Sihuan.

The two went out, and Wang Dong was waiting there.

"Mr. Zhou, why leave you alone?" Wang Dong asked curiously.

There is nothing to hide, Huo Yuhao said with a depressed face.After listening to his narration, Wang Dong couldn't help looking at each other, and then patted him on the shoulder at the same time, "May I be blessed. Sister Xue is fine, but you~ unless you use the second martial spirit."

Huo Yuhao said with grief and indignation: "Do you have any humanity! You don't comfort me either."

Wang Dong chuckled and said, "Who made you a dual-element core disciple, who made you perform so well in the upgrade assessment and possess the ultimate martial soul. We will cheer for you."

During the next whole day of class time, Huo Yuhao was immersed in a sad face. No matter how he thought about it, he didn't think he could stand out from the group of core disciples.But depression was depression, but he didn't complain about anything.At the Treasure Appreciation Ceremony, he just received the preferential treatment from the academy, so he can't say anything under pressure!
In the end, Huo Yuhao just summed up an answer for himself: fight.

However, when he went to the Soul Guidance Department to study with Fan Yu at night, he finally got some good news.The core disciple assessment this time is jointly participated by the Martial Soul Department and the Soul Guidance Department, that is to say, the two departments are not separate.In the Soul Guidance Department, there are very few core disciples under the age of 15.Only He Caitou and Huo Yuhao were able to participate in this assessment and had hope.

Because he can use the soul guide, in order to assemble his own soul guide in time, after class, he took the accessories back to the dormitory to make his own soul guide.

It is worth mentioning that Huo Yuhao also forged the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect with the soul guide, and forged the second-level soul guide to the power of only the third-level soul guide!Moreover, the spirit iron given to Huo Yuhao by Shen Xuexue can actually emit the power of a fourth-level soul tool!

(End of this chapter)

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