Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 80 Combination of Hidden Weapons and Soul Guidance Devices

Chapter 80 Combination of Hidden Weapons and Soul Guidance Devices

While helping Huo Yuhao put it on, He Caitou said to Huo Yuhao: "Yuhao, when your cultivation base is higher, the teacher will teach you how to make a flying soul guide. This time, let's use what I made first. Senior Dai explained the principle of the flying soul guide very clearly just now. The flying soul guide made by our Soul Guidance Department only needs three rings to be used. It also saves soul power. But it is not the most advanced yet It is said that the Sun Moon Empire added special gemstones and core magic circles that can store and replenish soul power to the flying soul guide. After storing enough soul power, even a soul master with one ring can can be used."

Huo Yuhao was taken aback, "Can the soul power still be stored in the soul tool?"

He Caitou smiled bitterly: "That's right. This is the biggest gap between us and the Sun Moon Empire. But this technology is not so easy to research successfully. The goal of the Sun Moon Empire is to allow ordinary people to use soul guides." .If there is such a day, then a big battle must be inevitable."

Huo Yuhao's heart trembled, didn't he?What a terrible thing it would be if ordinary people could master soul guides, even if it was only the lowest level of soul guide rays, and tens of thousands of soldiers wielded soul guides to launch attacks!
"Brother, tell me, why is our Tang Sect in decline when ordinary people can't use soul tools? After all, our Tang Sect's mechanical hidden weapons don't need soul power!"

Beibei, who was trying to fly, heard Huo Yuhao's words, sighed, and said, "It's overkill. Besides, for the army, the most suitable long-range weapon is still the bow and arrow. Our hidden weapons of the Tang Sect can't reach far, and the cost is due to the quality. The reason is very expensive. Naturally, the army will not install them. Our sales targets in the past were mainly those soul master sects with a large scale. But now they all choose soul guides."

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt that there seemed to be an inspiration in his mind, but he couldn't grasp what the inspiration was.

"Yuhao, you can combine the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect with the soul guide to make it, so that the advantages of the hidden weapon can be combined with the advantages of the soul guide, so as to learn from each other." Di Xue looked at the puzzled Huo Yuhao and reminded him aloud.

"Oh! I understand! Combining the disadvantage of using soul tools that consume too much soul power with the advantages of Tang Sect's hidden weapons that consume less soul power, this will definitely make Tang Sect flourish again!" Huo Yuhao said in surprise.

"Yuhao, Dixue, thank you!" Beibei immediately felt very grateful, and at the same time thought in her heart, yes, if you combine the soul guide and the hidden weapon, you can learn from each other, and the Tang Sect will not decline!Thinking of this, Beibei's face was filled with a confident expression.

"It's alright senior brother, we are all from the Tang Sect, we are Tang Sect members when we are born, and we are Tang Sect souls when we die!" Huo Yuhao said to Beibei with a smile.

"Well! Born is a member of the Tang Sect, and death is the soul of the Tang Sect!" Beibei also shouted.

"Yuhao, stay safe! Let's take off!" He Caitou shouted loudly at this time.

Huo Yuhao subconsciously wanted to agree, but suddenly he staggered, and saw that He Caitou took Huo Yuhao into the air and then pushed Huo Yuhao away.

Huo Yuhao was so frightened that he hurriedly stabilized his body. Huo Yuhao turned pale and said to He Caitou, wanting to cry without tears: "Brother He, do you know that this will scare people to death?"

"Hey, will this help you get used to it as soon as possible!" He Caitou laughed.

The feeling of his feet leaving the ground is a bit strange, but also a bit scary, after all, this is Huo Yuhao's first time.So now he is trying his best to adapt to flying at high altitude, so he didn't talk to He Caitou.

To use the flying soul guide, you must first concentrate, and inject the soul power from the vest into the core circle of the flying soul guide.Then there is thrust.And there are several buttons on the strap of the flying soul guide, which are specially used to control the extension of the folded wings.It's not that the bigger the stretch, the faster the flight, it still depends on the change of airflow.As long as you keep moving forward at a high speed, you won't fall down.

Huo Yuhao is a soul engineer himself, so operating the soul tool is naturally not a problem.What he needs now is how to master the balance.

However, he really couldn't calm down right now. In his mind, he kept thinking of the surprised conversation between Tianmeng Bingcan and Bingbi Emperor Scorpion.

"Humans still have this method. Isn't this equivalent to putting on wings?" The Ice Emperor said in surprise.

Tianmeng Bingcan said: "Human beings can rule the continent, not our soul beasts. The main difference lies in creativity! I have seen more powerful soul tools in the Star Dou Forest before. That power is truly Terrifying. Not even a 10-year-old soul beast dares to touch it head-on."

The Ice Emperor said a little lonely: "This is also the reason why Xue'er came to the human world. The life of human beings is indeed more colorful than that of our soul beasts. Although I have lived for nearly 40 years, in my memory, there is more There is only ice and snow."

Tianmeng Bingcan hurriedly comforted: "Isn't it different now? Facts have proved that your choice is very correct. We grow up with Xiao Yuhao, and we will definitely see more exciting things. It's a pity that we can't encourage the growth of the seedlings, otherwise we really want to Hurry up and get stronger."

"That's pretty good." The Ice Empress said with a downcast expression.

"Hey, you said that the Snow Emperor should also become Xiao Yuhao's..." Before Tianmeng Bingcan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the Ice Emperor.

The Ice Empress said angrily, "Don't pull me if you want to die! She is the real master of the extreme north, and it is impossible for her to depend on a human being in order to survive."

Tianmeng Bingcan laughed and said, "It's not impossible at all! If she fell in love with me, she might be desperate."

"Shameless! Don't blame me for not reminding you that the Titan Snow Demon King tried to show love to Snow Emperor back then. Although it was introduced by that shameless thing, do you know his result? All the bones on his body, including the skull, They were all smashed to pieces by the Snow Emperor. It took thousands of years of recuperation to recover. This is because the Snow Emperor saw that he also had a trace of the blood of the Ice God, so he spared his life. Get out of here and talk."

"Uh, just kidding, just kidding. You are the only one I love. Snow Empress and others are all floating clouds, floating clouds!" Tianmeng Bingcan said very firmly.

But what is unknown is that because Dixue had already entered Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spirits, Dixue entered without hindrance, and it was even easier because of the system.

"Huh? What are you talking about~" At this moment, Di Xue quietly came to the side of the two of them, fists clenched, silver teeth clenched, and said gnashing her teeth.

"Uh... Xue'er is none of my business! That bastard Tianmeng said it, I'm leaving first!" Seeing that the form was wrong, Bingdi immediately yelled, and took the lead to hide.

"Hey! Bingbing! This way you will lose your smart and handsome man!" Tianmeng Bingcan pitifully shouted at Bingdi.

"What? What are you talking about?!" Then there were waves of echoes.


"Is there anything else you want to say~" Dixue said to Tianmeng Bingcan who knelt down and begged for mercy when she couldn't run.

"Well, can you not slap your face and legs~ Slapping your face will make people ugly, and kicking your legs will make them look down on you~" Tianmeng Bingcan said cutely.

Dixue smiled, "Hehe..."

Then there was a sound of "Oh!", "Ah!", mixed with "Didn't you agree not to slap your face? Ah! Legs! Woooooo..."

Huo Yuhao also breathed a sigh of relief, "Phew~ the world is clean." He began to get used to the flying soul guide.

Beibei, Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan and the others also got the flying soul guide from Dai Yaoheng, and they are just trying it out with trepidation, and it will take a certain amount of time to use it proficiently.

Huo Yuhao thought of a way, that is to use mental detection to adapt.

Huo Yuhao tried it and found that it was so, so he immediately became happy.

Of course, good things cannot be enjoyed by one person alone. Soon, other people will also enjoy the shared help of spiritual detection.After half an hour of practice, everyone was finally able to keep flying.Of course, before setting off, they meditated and recovered their soul power before going on the road again.

In order to get the help of Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection sharing, everyone in the outer court gathered in the area centered on Huo Yuhao.Wang Yan was above them, and Elder Xuan disappeared again.In the inner courtyard, the seven people headed by Ma Xiaotao formed a herringbone in front to open the way.Fly forward at full speed.

The biggest advantage of flying in the air is that it is not restricted by the terrain, and can take the shortest straight path. Huo Yuhao doesn't know how the seniors determine their orientation. What he has to do now is to maintain his mental detection and share to help his surrounding partners.

At this time, Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao were flying side by side. Wang Dong was below Huo Yuhao, with the wings of the flying soul tool spread out to both sides, while Huo Yuhao reached down with both hands, grabbing Wang Dong's ankle.They used Haodong's power to restore their soul power while advancing.

Dixue was watching the excitement from the sidelines, and while watching, secretly said, "Wang Dong's face is too red, I don't know if it's because of shyness or because the blood is pumped to the head~" (Wang Dong: Strictly speaking, actually Both.)
With the power of Haodong running in their bodies, their speed is not inferior to Beibei, Jiang Nannan and He Caitou.There was no need to tie a rope around his waist like Xu Sanshi did, and be carried by Ma Xiaotao like flying a kite.And it's still down there. (Xu Sanshi: Actually, I don't want to, but the movement speed of a defense-type soul master is really touching! Otherwise, I wouldn't have to suffer the humiliation of a woman's crotch!)

Everyone could only vaguely see that there was a faint golden light shining on Wang Dong's body from time to time, and then that weak golden light seemed to gradually flow from him to Huo Yuhao.

They can fly [-] miles in one hour, but because of the low cultivation level of the outer courtyard students, their limit is only one hour.To the surprise of the students in the inner courtyard, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong persisted without help.

(End of this chapter)

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