Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 84 Gu Liang, do you know that your thoughts are dangerous~

Chapter 84 Gu Liang, do you know that your thoughts are dangerous~
Wang Yan was a little helpless, although he was the leader in name, he was not as good as Ma Xiaotao in terms of cultivation, and naturally he couldn't restrain the headmaster, so he apologized: "My lord, then we won't bother you. "

"Yes. I hope to see you all again." After saying this, Duke Baihu turned around and walked towards the big cowhide tent.

It wasn't until he disappeared into the cowhide tent that Huo Yuhao felt relieved.Even in the battle with Wu Feng when his strength was still weak, he was never as nervous as before.At this time, I feel somewhat exhausted.

Du Leisi led the people to another tent, first arranged meals for them to rest, and then went to collect the information and clues needed by the Shrek people.Before leaving, he glanced at Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong with some doubts. After all, the two of them are the highest soul masters, and Huo Yuhao is only a great soul master.

Wang Yandao: "After dinner, everyone rests for three hours, and then we set off to enter the Mingdou Mountain Range. I believe the information should have arrived by then."

After yesterday's rush, everyone was a little tired, and they had to adjust their physical condition to the best before they were suitable for fighting in the mountains.

Xu Sanshi couldn't help asking: "Teacher Wang, the White Tiger Guards under Duke Baihu are quite powerful, why didn't you send the White Tiger Guards to exterminate them?"

Dai Yueheng said: "I've been there. If there are too many people going, the other party will run away. If there are few people going, it will be useless. The Death Hand bandits are strong and extremely cunning. There are spies in the army. My father has sent people to exterminate them many times, but the losses are not small but they have returned without success. The place where the bandits are stationed is too sensitive on the border between the two countries. In order to avoid unnecessary wars, the Central Army Corps We can only endure. We are different, we are not restricted by the state, this time we must kill them thoroughly."

After eating, everyone began to meditate and rest immediately. For the students in the inner courtyard, this kind of task was already commonplace.In the outer courtyard, Beibei, Xu Sanshi, He Caitou and Jiang Nannan are older and faster to accept.Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong and Dixue are only 12 years old (in their eyes.).This kind of task is really early for them. In a sense, they are all just children.

But this matter was decided by Elder Xuan, and no one present could change it.Wang Yan knew very well that what Elder Xuan did was not to let Huo Yuhao and the others directly participate in the killing, but to let them see the whole mission.Accelerate their mental age growth.No matter how close the academy's assessment and discussions are to actual combat, it is not as good as real combat in this atmosphere, which can sharpen people's minds.In fact, the real main attack was still the seven people in the inner courtyard.

Dixue knew that the next thing was that the seven people from the inner court would enter the arena pretending to be forceful, and then they would enter the arena sideways.

Now Dixue was thinking, should those people leave the arena sideways?If you leave the arena sideways, you won’t be able to see Huo Yuhao’s large-scale pretentious scene, and you won’t have the opportunity for the reserve team to represent the official team in the future. Then there will be many unexpected and expected things, which may make Huo Yuhao Without some exercise, there will be less chance for Huo Yuhao to pretend to be slapped in the face!Therefore, Dixue unkindly imagined comforting those people in her heart, "Don't worry, I will carry you away after you all faint~"

After three hours of meditation, everyone's fatigue was swept away.At this time, it was already past noon, after eating the lunch prepared by Durex.Durex handed over all the information collected by the Central Army Corps to them.

According to the information, the main area of ​​activity of the Death Hand Bandit Group is in the central area of ​​the Mingdou Mountain Range. They will only go down the mountain to plunder at the fastest speed when they have a specific target.There are about 300 members of the entire bandit group.All young adults.Among them, soul masters accounted for about one-tenth of the number.There is no accurate information on who the leader of the bandit group is.I just know that it is a soul master whose cultivation base is at least above the level of soul king, and there is no way to know his ability.

The reason why there is so little information is because the hands of death have never left anyone alive, and the methods are extremely cruel.

The latest information comes from about half a month ago, they robbed a group of merchants and escaped into the Mingdou Mountain Range.Intelligence has a general bearing from which it leaves.

That's all the information the military can provide, because it is possible to enter the territory of the Sun Moon Empire to fight, so the Western Group Army can't give manpower help, and even the flying soul guide they borrowed cannot be carried into the mountain.

Time was running out, and they were going to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. After confirming the information and getting the map, everyone set off immediately.First, he used the flying soul guide to fly to the entrance of the mountain as indicated by the information under the guidance of the white tiger guards. Then he removed the flying soul guide and entered the Mingdou Mountain Range with the map provided by the military.

"Keep the formation. I, Dai Yueheng and Chen Zifeng are in front, with an interval of ten meters. The control system and the auxiliary system are behind. Huo Yuhao, come here, follow me, and maintain mental detection. Dixue, Beibei, Xu Sanshi, you three After a break, let's go!"

It was Captain Ma Xiaotao who gave the order, and Huo Yuhao was very depressed because he was recruited, so he had to follow behind Ma Xiaotao and release the mental detection to share.

His versatile skill once again showed a great effect. In the complex terrain of the mountains and forests, the three-dimensional image with mental detection is of great benefit to everyone moving forward.Although Huo Yuhao can only extend forward a few tens of meters when detecting in all directions, the distance of tens of meters is enough for everyone to judge.

Arima Xiaotao and the other three opened the way ahead, moving very fast.Chen Zifeng's soul-chasing sword was most effective at this time, with the sword in front, all the thorns were cut quickly.Coupled with the great strength of Dai Yueheng and Ma Xiaotao, a passage was easily opened.When the sky darkened, they had already penetrated into the Mingdou Mountain Range.Dixue was fishing there, and she didn't do anything anyway, how could Xuedi, who was originally the head of the three extreme north heavenly kings with strong control, obey others?

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Wang Yan reminded Ma Xiaotao, "Let everyone take a break and eat something."

Ma Xiaotao nodded, "Everyone rests where they are, and no fire is allowed, so as not to startle the snake. I'm afraid we will have to search all night tonight."

The students sat around to rest, but Teacher Wang Yan left quietly, Ma Xiaotao didn't pay much attention to his departure.She said to Dai Yaoheng who was beside her: "Dai Yaoheng, your father is quite handsome." And she also showed an expression like a little girl. (Narrator: Pay attention! This girl, please pay attention! Do you know that your thinking is very problematic!

Ma Xiaotao: None of your business!I'm the main supporting role, you're just a small narrator, let me crawl!
Narrator: I... I, do narrators have no human rights!
Ma Xiaotao: Sorry, you really didn’t~
Narrator: Me!puff……)
Dai Yueheng said indifferently: "When my father was young, he was the number one son of our Star Luo Empire. It was not because of his appearance, but because of his talent. My father never entered our Shrek Academy. He was 13 years old. He followed his grandfather to the battlefield. He started as an ordinary soldier, accumulated military merits and was promoted to corps leader, captain, squadron leader, battalion commander, battalion commander, and division commander. He was only 23 years old when he was promoted to army commander. At that time, no one knew his origin. After a great war, his father made outstanding achievements and was transferred back to the imperial capital to serve. When he accepted the award from His Majesty, he was recognized by His Majesty the Emperor because his appearance was too similar to his grandfather. Come out. His Majesty was very pleasantly surprised, and gave the Central Army of the Western Group Army to his father. He also said in front of all the ministers that with Dai Hao, the empire will be safe for a hundred years."

Ma Xiaotao's eyes lit up, and said: "So, your father is still a hero?"

There was a hint of pride in Dai Yueheng's eyes, "Grandpa said that my father's talent was even comparable to that of the ancestor who was the leader of the first generation of Shrek Seven Monsters. My father is 43 years old this year. He has led the army for 30 years and has fought thousands of battles. Time? You know the strength of the Sun Moon Empire, but the western frontier of our Star Luo Empire has always been impenetrable because of the father who sits here. If there is only one person in our Star Luo Empire who can be a hero, then it is not my father. It's none other than that!" (Jun Tucao: Pfft! That Dai Mubai who would most practice Dao Contra if he hadn't met Tang San!!? That's it? That's it!)
Ma Xiaotao's eyes suddenly became brighter, "Then how many wives does your father have?" (Narrator: Gu Liang's thoughts are very unhealthy! You are the proud daughter of heaven! How can you be a concubine!)
Dai Yueheng was taken aback, and his eyes suddenly became a little strange, "Only my mother. In our generation, there are only brothers Hua Bin and me. My father is very self-disciplined when it comes to female sex. He often said that if a man can't Control his desire for women, then he won't have any great achievements. Why do you ask this?"

After hearing this, Ma Xiaotao calmed down quite a bit, rolled her eyes at Dai Yueheng, and said, "Isn't it okay to admire? A man like your father is a real man. You have to study hard."

Dai Yueheng's eyes flashed, "After completing this mission, I will complete all thirty surveillance missions. When I graduate from the academy, I will join the army. But I will not stay in the Western Group Army, I will Go to the north, although there are fewer wars there. But I will take the same path as my father, and I will fight for the world with my own ability."

During the conversation between Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng, they didn't realize that there were three other people who were secretly listening.Huo Yuhao, who was sitting on the other side of Ma Xiaotao, had already dug his hands into the dirt on the ground.

Only one wife?Very self-disciplined in female sex?So what is my mother?The repressed hatred in his heart deepened a bit under Dai Yueheng's words.Maybe he is a hero, but he is by no means a qualified husband and father.If he intervened, why would our mother and son...

"Okay, Yuhao, don't be blinded by hatred, you must deal with hatred rationally, and you must understand that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. At that time, you must use your own strength to let him see his mistakes with your own eyes. "Di Xue was also very angry when she heard Dai Yueheng's words, but she still fed Huo Yuhao the poisonous chicken soup.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and in this forest, it feels like you can't see your fingers.At this moment, Wang Yan came back.

(End of this chapter)

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