Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 92 Preparations for the Contest

Chapter 92 Preparations for the Contest
Everyone was slightly taken aback, yes!Teacher Wang is right, they are disciples of the No. [-] academy in mainland China, and students of the same age from this academy cannot be used to judge the opponents in this competition.

Wang Yan leaned back, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair, and said, "Except for Yuhao, you all have the best soul ring matching. Everyone has a thousand-year soul ring. Do they have it? Do you think the thousand-year soul beast is Is it that easy to hunt? I can tell you that in many high-level soul master academies, even the teachers rarely have soul kings or above. Although your opponents are all around 20 years old, they can generally guarantee It is not easy for the whole team to surpass the third ring, and opponents with the fourth ring are very rare. I dare say that unless you meet the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy in the first round, otherwise, you will not When you meet the fifth-ring soul king level, what cultivation level are you all? Four four-ring soul sects, two twin martial souls, and one ultimate martial soul. The students in the inner courtyard have recovered from their injuries, not to mention that there is a Seashen Pavilion meeting to let Dixue take action. It is your opponents who need to be nervous. Okay, you all go to rest, recharge your batteries, and give them a good beating tomorrow. Let other academies see, even if our Shrek Academy employs students under the age of 15, they have no chance to beat them. Oh, yes, what I must tell you is that on the first day of the knockout round, we are bound to play Yes, as the last champion, I have to be the first to play."

Xu Sanshi was a little surprised and said: "Mr. Wang, don't you make tactical arrangements?"

Wang Yan snorted angrily, and said, "Arrange what? Are you insulting me or yourself? Faced with such an opponent, do you still need to deploy? Let's all go. Xiao Tao, you three stay here for a while, and I will continue Find some medicine for you."

The four members of the reserve team got up one after another and went back to the room to rest. Not to mention, after Wang Yan's narration, the tension in their hearts was greatly reduced.Yes!We are the elite of Shrek Academy, what happened to the reserve team?We are not weaker than anyone else.

When all four of them left, Wang Yan got up and closed the door of the conference room, but the relaxed expression on his face disappeared instantly.He took a long breath, and when he sat back to the first seat, his face was already very solemn.

Dai Yueheng sighed, and said, "Mr. Wang, is it meaningful for you to comfort them like this? Although what you said is correct, those who represent other academies are also the most elite among the students. Maybe there are weaker ones too. , but the average strength of most of the opponents is also at the soul sect level. Moreover, the first match tomorrow is the knockout round, facing our academy, our opponents will definitely fight with all their strength."

Ma Xiaotao said: "Teacher Wang is right. If you don't say that, you won't have any morale at all, let alone fight tomorrow. We can only trust them completely now. Is it you or I who can do it now?"

Wang Yan said in a deep voice, "I'm keeping the three of you here because I want to ask how long it will take for you to take part in the battle due to your current injuries. I need an accurate time."

Ma Xiaotao said: "If you go all out to practice and recuperate, it will take eleven or two days."

Dai Yaoheng said: "My cultivation is not as good as Xiaotao's. I'm afraid it will take longer, about seventeen days."

Ling Luochen said: "My injury is relatively minor, and I estimate that it will recover in about ten days."

After a little calculation, Wang Yan said, "That is to say, if everything goes well, you and Ma Xiaotao will be able to play in the third or fourth round of the knockout stage."

After a little thought, Wang Yan nodded and said, "Right now we can only hope that they will win the first match. Only when we enter the knockout stage will we have a chance to move forward. You must deal with the fact that we have no reinforcements." Keep it secret. Their confidence needs victory to build up, and I believe they have the ability to support the glory of our Shrek Academy."

"Yes, Teacher Wang Yan, but when will Yuhao and Mr. Xuan come back? You said that this Wang Dong is the same, but it's just a classmate who was injured. Why do you have to go back with Mr. Xuan? It's almost a competition now You have to wait impatiently!" Ma Xiaotiao said angrily.

"If I didn't know that Wang Dong is a man, I would have thought they were having an affair!"

"Ha, cough cough!" Dai Yueheng's chest hurt when he heard it, he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, the wound opened a little again just now when he laughed.

"But it's true, seeing Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong together all the time, shouldn't it be true adultery!" Ma Xiaotao said with a look of surprise.

"Pfft!" Wang Yan sprayed out the water he just drank.

"Ah! Hahahahaha!" Dai Yueheng was even worse, the wound from laughing opened, but he just couldn't help laughing, and now Dai Yueheng was crying while laughing.

Although Ling Luochen said she didn't smile, her character was like this, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help shaking when she heard it.

"Okay, let's go back and recuperate!" Wang Yan didn't dare to keep Ma Xiaotao's big mouth, so he immediately saw off the guests.

Ma Xiaotao still didn't know what she said wrong, so she just nodded in a daze. "it is good."

Dai Yueheng couldn't help laughing again, and said mockingly, "Sister with big breasts, your intelligence has grown to the top of your chest! It turns out that you really trade your IQ for your figure!"

"Dai Yueheng, are you going to die, go out and have a try!" Ma Xiaotao yelled at Dai Yueheng like a furry tiger.

"Cut~ I'm stupid, I, who doesn't know that you can become a soul sage as long as you have a soul ring, and your master celebrated with a big banquet for three days because of this, it is impossible for me to be with you!" Dai Yaoheng said to Ma Xiaotao said disdainfully.But I really don't know if there is any ambiguity in this sentence, it looks like molesting~
"Bah, you said it so righteously, don't you know that you won't be able to beat yourself for fear of making a fool of yourself?" Ma Xiaotao spat softly.

"Okay, you two get out! If you want to fight, I don't object to fighting, but don't fight here!" Wang Yan said with black lines all over his head.

Dai Yueheng and Ma Xiaotao knew that they couldn't take it with them here, so they left resentfully.

"Hey~ This Dai Yueheng really doesn't know what to say~" After the two left, Wang Yan sighed helplessly, shaking his head and talking to himself.


"Yuhao, Wang Dong, Dixue, you all come out, we should go now!" Elder Xuan, who walked out of the Sea God Pavilion meeting, was unhappy, and walked directly to the dormitory of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong, only to find that all three of them were here , then drink.

"Oh!" The three of them shouted in unison.

"Okay, stop the ink! Hurry up, there's still something to do in a while." Elder Xuan said impatiently.

Three mouthfuls and one chicken leg were eaten in one bite, then he rubbed two handfuls of oil on his body, and took out the flying soul guide from the storage soul guide run.

After the three came over, regardless of whether the three agreed or not, they immediately grabbed the three of them and took off.

"Forget it, be patient, don't be angry! Life is like a drama! We get together because of fate!" Dixue thought in his heart.


Another side~
The Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, which is on the same building as Shrek Academy, is also in a meeting.

Because they are No.2 in almost every competition, the treatment they receive in the Star Emperor Hotel is almost the same as that of Shrek Academy.They have only one goal, and that is to strive for the first place.

In the meeting room, two old men sat at the top, and a total of fourteen students sat on both sides. The students on the left were obviously older, and the students on the right were slightly younger.Apparently, the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy also sent a regular selection team and a reserve team for five years later.

The old man on the first left has a straight nose and a square mouth. His face is like a jujube, and his broad shoulders give him a very solid feeling.He said in a deep voice: "According to our observations, only ten people came to Shrek Academy this time, and only three of them seemed to be under 20 years old. The people inside the Star Luo Empire have already got accurate information. When they signed up, only those three were 19 years old, and the other seven were all under 15 years old. In other words, this time Shrek Academy did not send seven people at all. The main players came to participate. Among the seven reserve team members of the last competition, only two came, and the 19-year-old female student also appeared for the first time. Do you know what this means?"

The fourteen students on both sides were a little puzzled.

The first old man on the right has a bearded face, and is also tall, with short white hair like steel needles, and the hair on both sides of the temples is connected with the beard, looking very majestic.

He slammed the table, stood up and said: "It means contempt, contempt for us. They don't look down on us at all. They think that only sending a reserve team can defeat us. This is a slap in the face, do you know? This is The most direct slap in the face. According to the rules of the conference, registration has ended today. They will use this lineup to compete with us. Ma Rulong."

"Here." A male student sitting at the head of the first team member suddenly stood up.His appearance was somewhat similar to that of the angry old man. He was very tall and burly. He also had short hair, but his beard was missing. His eyes were shining brightly, and his whole body seemed to burst out with inexhaustible strength.

"If you lose to a lineup like Shrek Academy in this competition, you, the captain, will get out of Mingde Hall."

"Yes." Ma Rulong's answer was still only one word, but the resonant voice was already full of murderous intent.

"Mr. Ma, don't worry. I don't think it's that simple." Sitting opposite Ma Rulong, the captain of the reserve team, who is less than 15 years old, is a handsome young man with bright blue eyes and a slender, tall figure. .The pair of hands resting on the table are extremely fair and slender, with a jade-like luster that is difficult even for girls to possess.He seemed to be very concerned about his hands. Even when he was talking to that old man, he kept looking at his hands, as if admiring the most exquisite artwork in the world.

Ma Lao frowned slightly, looked at him and said, "What do you mean it's not that simple?"

(End of this chapter)

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