a zombie haunts me

Chapter 101 The Nether Mandarin Duck Ring

Chapter 101 The Nether Mandarin Duck Ring

Seeing that I didn't answer for a long time, the expression on Bai Chenxu's face gradually became gloomy.

After a long time, he asked me: "Little Pepper, are you in love with him?"

When he asked this question, I couldn't help but tremble all over.

It seems that something has fallen into the lake of my heart, and there are layers of waves.

"I didn't, what are you talking about?"

I waved my hands hastily, but I felt very embarrassed in my heart, as if a person suddenly broke into a land that had been neglected for many years.

"Did I talk nonsense, don't you know it very well?"

Bai Chenxu suddenly looked at me with a very serious expression, and said very seriously: "I saw him kiss you."

I don't know why, but my face seems to be red with fever.

My throat was a little dry, I hurriedly picked up the water glass in front of me, and took a sip slowly.

"That's not a kiss, it's that he sucked my blood, so he felt guilty and just returned the blood to me."

I hurriedly explained something, but Bai Chenxu didn't clear up his doubts, instead he stared at my face for a long time.

"What I said is true. At that time, I drank his blood..."

I faltered and said, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding Bai Chenxu looking directly at me.

Bai Chenxu kept staring at me with burning eyes, and he said, "You are indeed much rosier."

I touched my cheek with trembling fingers, only to realize that my face was terribly hot.

At that moment, I didn't even know what to do with my hands and feet, so I had to fetch the water glass again. However, at this moment, Bai Chenxu suddenly said in surprise: "Did you drink his blood?"

I was slightly taken aback, and the hand holding the water glass accidentally shook, and the water in the quilt spilled all over the table.

Bai Chenxu and I went to get the napkin on the table at the same time. At this moment, my hand touched his finger. Suddenly, I felt like an electric current passed through my brain.

Then, a picture appeared in front of my eyes...

In the narrow corridor on the eighth floor of the hospital, Ah Lang pressed me tightly against the wall, quickly cupped the back of my head with one hand, clasped my chin firmly with the other, and kissed me domineeringly.

I struggled, trying to push him away, but I couldn't push him no matter what...

Within a second or two, those images magically disappeared again.

Bai Chenxu wiped off the water stains on the table one by one with a napkin. Seeing that I was still pulling the napkin blankly, he called me softly, "Little Pepper, what's wrong with you?"

"I... There seem to be some strange pictures in my mind, it seems... It doesn't belong to my memory."

I withdrew my hand and sat in a daze, suddenly thinking that there would be no one who saw Ah Lang kissing me from that angle, except Bai Chenxu!

"Because you drank the blood of that zombie."

Bai Chenxu lowered his voice and said, "Do you think that the zombie sucked your blood and can give it back to you?"

My heartbeat stopped suddenly for a few seconds, and then it started beating violently. It seemed that something was flowing all over my body, and the open pores all exploded together.

I heard A Lang say that not everyone can drink his blood. He said that the reason why he chose me to give birth to him was because I drank his blood without dying.

My hands were flat on the table, but my fingers were trembling uncontrollably.

"Then what did I just see?"

My brain is about to explode, as if something is constantly condensing in my brain and it is about to burst my brain.

"You should have seen a fragment of my memory through some channel just now. These may be related to the fact that you drank zombie blood."

Bai Chenxu's words instantly pulled me back into the memories. I remember the first time I saw Alang in Wuyou Cave. Because I drank his blood, I was able to see ghosts and talk to ghosts. Moreover, my ears It has become surprisingly sensitive, and sounds far away can be heard.

If it is said that this ability is due to drinking zombie blood, then I have just now possessed the ability to invade other people's memories...

Thinking of this, I not only gasped, but my whole body trembled even more.

"Little Pepper, don't worry. If that zombie wanted to harm you, it would have done it long ago. He must have his reasons for doing this, but..."

Bai Chenxu paused, and asked me in a low voice, "What's the matter with the ring on your finger?"

I trembled all over, and a chill penetrated through the thin soles of my shoes. At that moment, I felt as if I had fallen into a huge ice cellar.

I faltered and said: "Song Lang lied to grandma and lied that we are together. This ring is... an engagement ring."

Bai Chenxu's originally puzzled expression turned into shock in an instant. I saw his two eyebrows were like two ropes, tied in the middle of his eyebrows.

Thinking of this, I pulled out the ring with my hands. The ring, which was a little loose at the beginning, seemed to be fastened by someone in an instant, and it was tightly fastened to my finger. No matter how I pulled it out, I couldn't pull it out.

"Don't mess with it, this ring can't be pulled out. I know it's called the Nether Mandarin Duck Ring. I read it in Master's book. It is said that this ring can make people marry people in the spirit world. There are two rings in total. One, yours is a female ring, did you bring that male ring on his hand?"

Bai Chenxu's face was slightly pale, and he asked in a low tone.

But at this moment, my mind is like a mess, and I don't remember anything at all.

I shook my head and said to him, "I don't know... I don't seem to have noticed any of this."

"It seems that this zombie really wants to marry you..."

Bai Chenxu's face slowly collapsed, the corners of his mouth slightly curved up, and he forced a wry smile.

My heart sank suddenly, and I felt a damp chill surrounding my whole body, which made me feel suffocated.

I shook my head desperately and said to Bai Chenxu: "Coward, you must help me, I don't want to marry a zombie, but I... I don't know what to do at all, the zombie said, if I don't marry him, will die!"

A light slowly appeared in Bai Chenxu's eyes, he suddenly squeezed my hand tightly, and said to me: "Don't worry, I will help you, don't worry, let's find out his details slowly, there are still 20 Everything that happened a few years ago, I think these things can always be resolved."

The strange thing is that this time I didn't see the memory in Bai Chenxu's mind, I watched him hold my hand tightly with doubts.

"Did you see something again?" he asked.

"Not this time...why?"

However, Bai Chenxu shook his head.

I looked at my fingers in puzzlement, and the doubts in my heart grew bigger and bigger.

At this time, the waiter in the restaurant served us food. Looking at the table full of food, I didn't have much appetite at first, but I ate a lot along with Bai Chenxu.

We discussed countermeasures while eating.

After our analysis, to unravel all this, we must first unravel the secret of Wuyou Cave and how Ah Lang turned into Song Lang.

Therefore, we decided to split into two groups. Bai Chenxu went to Coffin Town to investigate the matter of Wuyou Cave, while I went home and handed over the things I found in Wuyou Cave to him for further investigation.

In addition, this matter must not be known to a third person, especially Ah Lang.

While eating, I suddenly heard the evening news coming from the TV: "A few days ago, a fire broke out in the land reclamation area on the outskirts of the city. After three days and nights of fighting by the fire department of our city, it was finally extinguished tonight. , It is reported that the fire did not cause casualties, the specific cause of the accident is under investigation, please see the detailed report below."

The chopsticks I used to hold the food suddenly shook weakly, and my heart sank suddenly.

"The landfill is on fire?"

I asked in surprise. At this time, the fire rescue was being played on the TV screen.

The sky is full of fires, burning garbage, and the big tree that looks like a giant baby in the landfill.

The entire screen was fiery red, and thick black smoke permeated the sky, which hadn't dissipated for a long time.

"At that time you passed out, and I couldn't save the baby spirit, so I had to set fire to her and burn her. I didn't expect so many things to happen later..."

Bai Chenxu's eyes were also locked on the TV, and he couldn't help but sighed softly.

At this time, the picture on the TV screen changed and switched to the studio.

"Let's read a piece of entertainment news: At the opening ceremony of the film festival held last night, Sun Lu, a film and television star, attended the event in a gorgeous white dress..."

I have always liked Sun Lu, so I stared intently at the picture played on the screen:
In the picture, Sun Lu appeared on the red carpet wearing a white dress, with a charming smile all the way. The man standing beside him is said to be the director of the movie she is shooting at Huisong Studios.

As she walked through the red carpet, she waved generously to the camera, walked to the top of the red carpet, took the pen handed over by the staff, and beautifully signed on the promotional poster.

Then, he turned around and took a group photo with the director.

As soon as the screen changed, it switched to the question-and-answer session of the opening ceremony. She kept smiling and answered every question patiently. Even if some reporters made difficult questions for her, she wittily resolved them one by one.

At this moment, I saw a man in a T-shirt standing behind him. The man stretched out his right hand from the beginning to the end to help Sun Lu massage his right shoulder.

That hand was pale and swollen, and the nails were blue-black. Under the light, it looked like a ghost hand...

I couldn't help being startled, and my heart was full of doubts.

"It's strange. On such an important occasion, how could such a man be sent to stand on the stage, and this man's dress is too casual, right?"

I opened my mouth in doubt, but I heard Bai Chenxu exclaimed: "That man has no shadow!"

Bai Chenxu and I looked at each other, and then turned our faces to the TV screen at the same time. Behind the man in the screen was a white background board. I could clearly see that there was only Sun Lu on the background board!
At this moment, the blood in my whole body froze in an instant, and the icy air around me hit my face like dry ice.

Bai Chenxu and I said in unison: "Ghost imaging!"

Just as I was concentrating on the man on the screen, the man's face suddenly magnified, and the face as pale as a carrion quickly extended until it filled the entire screen...

(End of this chapter)

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