a zombie haunts me

Chapter 122 8 Heavy Soul Control Curse

Chapter 122


There was a deep and terrifying laughter beside my ears, which seemed to come from deep underground.

The gradually distorted scene around me suddenly went dark. I just felt that something was taken away from my mind. When I rubbed my eyes and looked around again, I realized that I had returned to Xuansong Guanhou The dark woods on the mountain.

"Who are you, are you Pluto?"

I asked in a low voice, but the voice didn't answer me, it was just laughing, the whole earth trembled.

My feet were a little unsteady, I wobbled for two steps, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

At this time, I actually saw myself covered in blood on the ground!
I saw that my body seemed to have been stabbed dozens of times by a knife back and forth, and blood seeped out from beside my body, dyeing the ground deep red.

I was so scared that I backed away in a panic, backed up quickly...

However, the corpse in front of me is still there. Is that corpse actually me?

"Did you see, you are dead, go, go back to the underworld with me."

The laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by Hades' deep voice.

He was clearly stating a fact to me, but it seemed like he was giving me a heavy judgment.

At that moment, I was very scared in my heart, and I couldn't believe that everything in front of me was real.

Am I dead? How could I suddenly die?

Why don't I even know how I died?
A gust of wind blew, and I saw the lying corpse on the ground move, and the long hair was blown away by the wind, revealing a face, which was my face.

I closed my eyes heavily and fell motionless in a pool of blood.

Am I really dead?
There is a voice in my heart telling myself, how can I die, no, I will not die.

This must be another hallucination!
However, Pluto's voice appeared in my ears again: "Don't you believe it, then feel for yourself, do you still have a heartbeat?"

As if I had heard an order, I reached out and touched the position of my heart.

Tick ​​tock, I seemed to hear the sound of a stopwatch, but I didn't feel my heartbeat...

No, the real situation must not be like this.

However, the soul-stirring voice appeared again: "You still don't believe it, then feel your own breath."

I was trembling, struggling strongly in my heart, stretched out a finger, and put it on the side of my nostril.

But not long after my hand touched my nostril, it bounced back suddenly, like an electric shock.

Because I found out that I couldn't even breathe.

I have no heartbeat, no breathing... There is a voice in my heart asking myself: "Are you really dead?"

No, I frowned deeply, and fell to the ground in pain.

I hugged my body tightly and curled my body together, I was afraid, I was afraid, I dare not face death.

"Don't be miserable, come with me, the life in the underworld is not as bad as you imagined, I will make your life the same as in the world of the sun."

Pluto's voice is still bewitching, it is a bewitching that goes straight to the soul.

I almost believed his words and slowly got up from the ground.

But when my body slowly got up, the willpower in my heart seemed to come back a little.

This is an illusion, it must be an illusion!

I stood there without moving for a long time, still struggling with pain in my heart, resisting the force that tried to control my mind.

"You still don't believe that you are dead, then go over there and touch the tree beside you."

There was another voice in my ear, and the voice echoed in my ears like an echo.

My body was like a puppet on a string, I stood up slowly, and silently walked towards the tree not far away.

And when I raised one hand slightly and reached for the tree, I unexpectedly found that there was no touch from my fingertips, as if I hadn't touched anything.

Suddenly, I found that the wind blowing by me seemed to pass through my body.

I was feeling strange, but at this moment, my hand went straight through the tree...

How is this possible, I feel like my body is transparent, and I passed through that tree easily.

I didn't believe it, so I took a step forward, until I was half of my body standing inside the tree, and I suddenly realized that I might really be dead!
With a fever in my mind, I walked under another big tree, however, I passed through it easily again.

I touched myself, but I could feel my own existence, but there was no heartbeat, let alone breathing.

I walked back step by step, with heavy steps, but the heavy steps stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground, leaving no footprints.

My heart seems to be dying, no, it won't beat anymore, I can't feel it anymore...

"You believe it now, I didn't lie to you, come down, come down to the underworld to accompany me."

The voice of Pluto came again, but it made my ears buzz.

I was trembling all over, and although I was standing in a icy forest, I didn't feel the cold at all, because the wind blowing around me didn't bring me any feeling at all.

I slipped and fell to the ground suddenly, but I didn't feel the slightest pain. I stood up slowly, without the slightest wound on my body, and even without any stains on my clothes.

"What are you still struggling with? The gates of the underworld are always open for you."

As the voice said, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and there was some kind of force in that black hole that was pulling me to keep walking into the hole.

I walked forward with a dead heart, and every step was very difficult.

Maybe, I still can't accept the fact that I'm dead.

At this moment, I suddenly thought of A Lang, he said, even if I die, the ghost bond still exists.


I called his name softly, the voice was very soft, so soft that I was almost the only one who heard it.

Just when I was about to walk into that black hole, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my fingers.

I woke up suddenly, no, why do I feel pain if I am dead?

I looked at my finger, the painful part was exactly the place on the finger with the Nether Mandarin Duck Ring...

In an instant, a huge force seemed to pour into my body, that force condensed in my heart, and I seemed to feel my heartbeat again!
Shen Shen's heartbeat was beating like a drum, thumping, and I never felt that the sound of the heartbeat was so pleasant.

I suddenly widened my eyes, took several steps back quickly, and shouted loudly: "I'm not dead, you're lying to me, this is an illusion, it's an illusion!"

"You're dead...you're dead...you're dead..."

A low, curse-like voice came from my ear, constantly looping, like a mantra bewitching me.

The spell came from nowhere, and it kept expanding in my ears.

I tried my best to protect my consciousness and told myself: "I am not dead, everything is an illusion!"

All of a sudden, there was silence in the ears, and the long looping spell disappeared, replaced by a suffocating silence.

Everything around me was lifeless, which made my heart unable to calm down for a long time.

"I didn't expect that a little girl could be so strong inside, that she could break through my [-]-fold Soul Control Curse."

The voice came again, however, it could no longer control me.

I looked up at the pitch-black sky, and whispered, "It's not because I'm strong inside, it's because you showed your weakness."


There was a cold laugh in his ear, which seemed to carry a kind of sarcasm.

He went on to say, "Do you know that some people are desperately trying to get you out."

I was slightly taken aback, as if I suddenly thought of something, the pores all over my body also exploded.

It was as if a gust of air rose from within my body, quickly rushing my blood boiling like boiling water straight to my forehead.

"It's Ah Lang..."

I said something in a low voice, but before the words fell, a huge picture appeared in front of my eyes.

Just like an electronic display, I saw that A Lang and Bai Chenxu on the screen were exhausting all kinds of spells, desperately trying to break through a circle.

"what is this?"

I asked, but my voice trembled slightly.

"This is the barrier I set up. They are a zombie, a mortal, and they are trying to break through my barrier and rescue you."

Pluto's voice was faint, as if he was talking about an innocuous matter.

However, my heart was twitching, and my body seemed to be immersed in an icy lake. The coldness made me tremble uncontrollably.

"Are you afraid?"

I seemed to see through my thoughts, laughed lowly, and then said: "Only souls can enter this enchantment, and there is no way out. Even if they destroy the shell and come in, there is no way for them to go back out again." .”

Hearing his words, my whole body seemed to be pierced by thousands of needles. The wound was not big, but the pain penetrated into the bone marrow.

In order to save me, Ah Lang went to the underworld to retrieve my lost soul, and was almost imprisoned in the underworld and could never come back. Bai Chenxu also exhausted all his life's knowledge to protect me.

I don't want to see anything happen to them...

"let me out!"

I said unceremoniously to Pluto.

At the beginning, I still felt fearful, worried that Pluto would blame me for this and refused to forgive me. It was not until this moment that I realized that it doesn’t matter if he didn’t forgive me. I just want to be with someone who treats me sincerely. , Even if it is death, I am willing.

Even if Pluto sends Yin soldiers to chase me to the ends of the earth, even if I am destined to die, my soul is destined to go to hell.

"Why do you care so much about a lowly creature, and an ordinary person?"

Pluto chuckled and said to me: "Come with me to the underworld, I will give you endless wealth, an immortal soul, as long as you want, you can dominate the life and death of others, as long as you want, I can do it Here you go, come, come to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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