a zombie haunts me

Chapter 132 The Black Qi Gathered by Evil Spirits

Chapter 132 The Black Qi Gathered by Evil Spirits
When he said those words, I felt as if I had fallen into a huge ice cellar, and my heart trembled from the cold.

I know that he didn't lie to me, and there's no need to lie to me, but I really don't know how to get rid of this palm print.

After such a long time, the color of this palm print has only deepened, not lightened. I always feel that when the color of this palm print completely darkens, it is the time of my death.

But, is the purpose of this male ghost just to control me?

If I really helped him and let Ah Lang successfully reveal his true form in front of Sun Lu, would he let me go?

I always feel that all this is not as simple as I imagined. Perhaps another cruel result is waiting for me.

Somewhere in my heart hurts, what should I do?

"Didn't you say that as long as I help you, you don't have to die? Why did you tell me that this palm print cannot be removed?"

I asked in a low voice, but my heart was very flustered and terrified. In fact, I was just guessing. There was a voice in my heart telling myself: I must not let this male ghost succeed!
He didn't say anything, but there was a plausible smile on that rotten face, and that smile made my hair stand on end.

I guess, this male ghost didn't decide to let me go from the very beginning, but just used this reason to guide me to do things for him.

But what should I do? Do I really want to fulfill his wish?
"Do you think that the palm print can be solved with just two spells?" The male ghost said disdainfully, his voice was low and stimulated my eardrums, "You are too naive."

After he finished speaking, the smile on his face gradually deepened. On the frightening face, the nasolabial folds were deep enough to show the bones, and some meat crumbs fell around the corners of his mouth. The meat crumbs were red and black, and when they fell down his chin , I seem to be able to smell a disgusting stench, extremely terrifying.

He said, "If you do things for me, I will naturally tell you how to remove the palm prints."

"If I help you finish the work, but you don't say anything, then wouldn't I have done it for nothing?"

I whispered, a cold current snaked up my trousers, lingering near my knees, and immediately made me feel a heart-warming chill.

It was as if countless ice picks were stuck in my knees, and the pain made tears flow down my face.

A deep fear is like a sharp barb, fluctuating my tense nerves back and forth. I don't know how long this kind of tension and fear will last.

At that moment, I felt an inexplicable panic in my heart, panic for no reason.

"Remember, you have no choice. If you don't help me, you won't even have the chance to know all this. Do you understand?"

He was intimidating me into giving me no choice but to listen to him.

"So... what do you want to say?"

I had an ominous premonition in my heart, always feeling that in the next second, that rotten face would suddenly enlarge in front of my eyes.

Just like when I saw him for the first time, it covered the entire screen, just like the entire mirror at this moment.

At this moment, a soft sigh came from my ear, and after that sigh, the face on the screen gradually became blurred: "It's the weekend in three days' time, at eight o'clock in the evening, you find a chance to meet the two of them Together, remember, you only have one chance, if you fail, don't blame me."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared in an instant.

The rotten face in the mirror dissipated like smoke and dust. After a while, I saw a face as pale as paper in the mirror. Even I was shocked by my own face in the mirror.

I don't know exactly what's going to happen over the weekend, but, right now, I feel the pain in my shoulder getting worse.

At this moment, I gently pulled off my clothes and looked at the palm prints on my shoulders. The color of the palm prints seemed to be darker than before, a little scary.

I have a feeling in my heart that even if I don't do what the male ghost said, I will still be controlled by this palm print.

An involuntary feeling spread in my heart, and I began to wonder whether it was the palm print that controlled me, or the male ghost was hiding in the black palm print.

An inexplicable fear gradually rose in my heart, like a cold current, from bottom to top, straight to the top of my head.

The wet water droplets on my face gradually took away my body temperature. At this moment, I suddenly realized that the surrounding area was so cold, and the air sucked into my lungs seemed to be frozen.

I looked at the hazy mirror, and my own eyes in the mirror were empty, and I couldn't see any spirit.

My shoulder is suffering from pain every day, and my heart is very tormented.

Whenever I think of these things, I feel like my heart has been cut by something. The wound is not deep, but the pain penetrates to the bone marrow.

At this moment, I faintly heard something from outside, as if there was news from the operating room.

I hastily wiped off the water stains on my face, and quickly walked out the door.

As soon as he reached the door, he saw Bai Chenxu being pushed out of the operating room.

He didn't seem to have regained consciousness, and he was lying on the hospital bed, motionless.

A Lang looked at him right beside him, without saying anything.

Seeing his solemn expression, I vaguely felt that everything was not as simple as I imagined.

I followed a large group of doctors and nurses with heavy steps, and sent Bai Chenxu to the ward.

A Lang stood outside the door of the ward without saying a word, and I seemed to sense something from his expression.

"Ah Lang, is there something wrong?"

I asked in a low voice, and for some reason, my eyelids twitched suddenly, causing an ominous premonition to rise in my heart.

"You'll know when you go in and have a look at your own home."

A Lang said something lightly, but it suddenly made my heart hang up.

After all the doctors and nurses in the ward had left, I walked slowly into the ward. Unexpectedly, as soon as I reached the door, I noticed something was wrong...

Through a layer of transparent glass windows, I saw Bai Chenxu's face was horribly white, not only that, but there seemed to be something covering his body, and I couldn't see clearly.

My heart skipped a beat suddenly, and when I pushed open the door of the ward and walked in, I saw clearly that Bai Chenxu's whole body was covered with a layer of black gas, like the air coming out of my shoulders. Generally dead.

But before I walked over, there was a burst of pain in my shoulder. In a trance, I discovered that the black energy had condensed together, baring its teeth and claws, like a monster.

But I can clearly feel that the black air is not lethal, the real lethal thing is what is attached to us.

I know that there is a black ghost palm print on my shoulder, but what about Bai Chenxu, what is it on his body?
I approached slowly, wanting to see clearly what the black energy covering his body was, but just as I approached, an inexplicable force pushed me back.

At that moment, my heart sank suddenly, it was fine, how could I be pushed back while walking?

At this moment, Ah Lang suddenly took my hand and said softly, "Don't go over."

I hesitated for a moment, and my footsteps stayed where I was, not daring to go forward.

I vaguely feel that this black air is very evil, and it doesn't seem to be a good phenomenon.

"Be careful."

A Lang said something in my ear, I guess, he probably saw something, but he didn't tell me directly.

My mood slowly became tense, and the feeling of panic hit me like a flood.

But I don't know what to do next, and I always feel that I don't know when the danger will befall me again.

"Let's go, I'm afraid it's not safe here."

A Lang said, pulling me away, but not long after walking, I heard a faint burst of strange laughter.

The laughter seemed to be echoing in my ears, so close that it seemed to be within reach.

I don't know if Ah Lang heard it, but he just held my hand and walked forward silently with his head down, without even looking back.

His abnormality made my heart tremble suddenly, as if a certain tense nerve was about to break.

But I didn't dare to look back, let alone say a word to A Lang, I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I wouldn't even have the chance to escape.

When we ran out of the hospital, the laughter stopped abruptly. I looked at the inpatient building of the hospital, and suddenly realized that the whole building was emitting dead black air, just like a chimney, but it was different from a chimney. , because the black air lingered above, wandering around, and refused to dissipate for a long time.

"What the hell are these things?"

I asked in a low voice, but before I finished speaking, I heard A Lang's worried voice: "These black air condense the most filthy and ugly souls, if they are entangled, there will be no peace."

Hearing this, my heartbeat suddenly stopped, and then suddenly beat violently.

It was as if something exploded in my heart, and my blood surged up like boiling water in an instant.

There is obviously no wind around, but I feel cold inexplicably, a kind of heart-piercing cold, as if it is about to swallow my whole body.

I was very scared in my heart, I didn't know whether I should tell Alang about the handprint on my shoulder, I hesitated, but Alang pulled me away.

"Where are we going now?"

I asked Ah Lang and followed him.

"Find someone to suppress the evil spirits in Bai Chenxu first, otherwise, these evil spirits will absorb more and more souls, and there will be no one to dispel them."

At this moment, I suddenly thought of what the male ghost said. If the black air that was exactly the same as in his palm prints turned out to be the gathering of evil spirits, then he must be the carrier of the gathering of these evil spirits.

If he can be eliminated, I believe that the black energy will dissipate naturally.

At this moment, a woman in her thirties walked towards her. She limped forward and stopped suddenly when she saw A Lang...

(End of this chapter)

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