a zombie haunts me

Chapter 140 Returning Soul Banner

Chapter 140 Returning Soul Banner

Because I found that at this very moment, a group of terrible black air condensed above our heads.

Floating in the sky like a dark cloud, floating above the No. 17 old house on Juxing Street.

By the way, it was the same when I came last time. It seems that as soon as the house appears, the terrible black air will condense.

A Lang's words are very reasonable, the root of the gathering of evil must still be in this house!
But my heart was beating violently, with a deep throbbing pain, which made me unable to calm down for a long time.

I felt that danger was approaching me step by step, as if it was going to swallow me whole.

And the source of the danger, the fear, is in the house before us.

Even though A Lang and I don't know what's in the house, we can deeply feel a kind of uneasiness, panic and worry.

I frowned slightly, and said to A Lang: "Since we're here, let's find out everything. Bai Chenxu is still lying in the hospital, and the black evil spirit is absorbing the resentment near the hospital and the souls of those who just died. This continues." , I don’t know when it will be the end.”

A Lang nodded heavily, and I saw the slight anxiety in his eyes, his eyes were fixed on the house, as if he wanted to see through the house.

After a while, A Lang suddenly held my hand tightly, and said to me: "That ball of black air can create illusions at any time, and it can also continuously split into small evil spirit bodies like the one just now. Now, let's enter the house Go and have a look, but remember, we only have one chance, because there are only three arrows to break the evil spirits, and two of them have been used just now, and I will use this last one to save you at a critical time One life."

"What...only three?"

I can't even imagine that those little ghosts just now cost us two arrows...

"The first arrow is used to explore the way, and the second arrow is used to open the enchantment of this house. They are all necessary. When the third arrow is fired, we must leave. No matter what happens, no matter whether we achieve our goal or not, do you understand?"

A Lang whispered to me, with a very serious expression on his face, but I could feel the deep worry in his eyes.

I nodded heavily, and said to A Lang: "Don't worry, I will remember."

"If you can't tell whether it's real or an illusion, don't pull your hair out. Sometimes, I'm not sure if what I see is real. Just hold my hand, close your eyes and feel it with your heart. Don't Just let the evil spirits control your mind."

A Lang was still worried, and told me again.

Seeing me nodding frequently, and thinking that time was running out, he held my hand tightly and said, "From now on, don't let go of my hand."

With the experience of last time, I certainly understand that Ah Lang did this with good intentions.

Last time, if it wasn't for his hand to remind me, I'm afraid I would have killed A Lang with that terrifying dagger...

We didn't dare to think too much, without hesitation, we slowly raised our feet and walked towards the old house.

But every step I took, I felt the cold wind blowing past, as if someone was blowing into my ears.

A certain part of my heart felt very uneasy, and my whole heart was lifted up, as if I would see something terrifying in the next second, which stimulated my heart.

My breathing became heavier and my heart beat faster. I don't know if Ah Lang felt it.

But he still held my hand tightly, cautiously, walking on thin ice with every step.

As soon as he reached the stairs, Ah Lang stopped in his tracks. When I saw him stop, I followed suit.

Then, I saw him take something out of his pocket, and suddenly thrust it hard into the ground...

The floor seemed to be cracked, but the flag planted on the floor stood firmly, with no intention of falling down.

"This is the Guihun Banner. With it, ghosts will not hit the wall. However, the time for the Guihun Banner is only about one stick of incense. Therefore, after one stick of incense, if we can't come back here, I'm afraid it will be too late." Lives are at stake."

A Lang said in a deep voice, every word he said is deeply engraved in my mind, and I will definitely remember it clearly.

However, I couldn't help but have some doubts in my heart: "By the way, Ah Lang, where did you get these things from?"

That little crossbow, the three short feathered arrows on it, and the soul-returning flag, I have a faint feeling that during the time I fell asleep today, A Lang has been researching how to make this house Everything cracked and successfully penetrated into the hinterland of the house.

"There is an antique city called Yi Bao Ge on the outskirts of the city in the east. All these things are bought there."

A Lang told me very calmly, but I was a little taken aback, I couldn't believe that there really is a place that sells this kind of thing.

"Then if we scour all the treasures in this antique city, wouldn't it be..."

Before I finished speaking, I received a fierce look from A Lang, and he said, "Do you think they are all real guys?"

At this moment, I suddenly realized that Ah Lang is not short of money. If he could buy it, how could he not buy it?

If I have time, I also want to see and see, even if I look at it.

However, after a long time, Ah Lang still didn't speak. I saw his eyebrows slowly gather together, and his eyebrows were twisted together like two ropes.

"Time is running out, let's set off immediately."

A Lang said, I nodded, but my heart was still uneasy. However, I knew that the time I could grasp was too little.

Without hesitation, I quickly followed A Lang's footsteps.

We stepped on the wooden floor with a series of thuds, which made us feel a little dignified.

The sound of the glass marble disappeared, and I could feel that what A Lang said was correct, the root of the ghost hitting the wall was in that glass marble.

Although, I don't know what kind of ghost is lying on the couch under the old tree just now, but I can always feel that the frequency of the black air condensed here is the same as your frequency emitted by the ghost palm print on me. the same.

However, unexpectedly, this time, we entered the second floor very, very smoothly, so smoothly that I couldn't believe it, all of this turned out to be true.

"Be careful."

A Lang reminded me again, I nodded, did not answer him, but followed behind him cautiously.

Suddenly, the field of vision widened in an instant. The layout of the second floor was obviously different from that of the first floor, consisting of several rooms.

There are two particularly symmetrical rooms on the far left and the far right, and a large room in the middle. It doesn't look different, but my heart just becomes more nervous.

When I get nervous, my throat tends to get dry and itchy, and even swallowing a little bit of saliva feels like swallowing sand.

A Lang led me to the house on the east side first.

But before we had taken two steps, we heard some strange sounds.Rusting, like a mouse.

However, I know very, very well in my heart that there will never be any mice here.

However, when we walked a few steps forward, the rustling sound became more and more obvious, as if it was slowly amplifying in our ears. The sound stimulated my eardrum and made me tremble all over. .

Suddenly, I discovered that there were some murals hanging in the corridor. The patterns and colors on the murals were bright and eye-catching. What's more, there was a photo of an old man hanging beside the easternmost door.

In the photo, the old man looked in our direction with piercing eyes, staring very, very seriously.

Suddenly, it seemed like a hallucination appeared in front of my eyes, because I found that the old man in the photo turned his eyeballs.

I moved slightly, and his eyeballs followed me, as if he really saw everything, staring at me closely...

At that moment, I felt like I was getting an electric shock, shaking like a sieve.

I held A Lang's hand tightly and said to him: "Click on a photo...on the photo..."

At this point, I couldn't express myself at all, because the fear in my heart made my teeth tremble uncontrollably.

I was very, very scared, and I worried that maybe it wasn't as simple as I thought it would be.

But Ah Lang was silent for a moment, and then whispered in my ear: "That's the guard's doorman."

There was a buzzing in my mind, and suddenly it cracked with a "bang".

The guard doorman turned out to be an old man?

It is enough to see how long the evil spirits in this door have a history...

It seems that the female celebrity did not intend to commit suicide here. The so-called suicide rumors may not be true, but was controlled by evil spirits, and she lost her life as a last resort.

I was very scared in my heart, and the fear spread up in an instant, rushing to my limbs and bones in an instant.

What to do, now that the door is guarded by a doorman, it is even more difficult to get in.

"Be careful, remember, don't make any noise, and be careful to attract other ghosts."

Ah Lang's voice came into my ears, I nodded heavily, but my heart was beating, how many ghosts are hiding in this house?
I really can't imagine, if I continue like this, what will I encounter?

Trembling, I followed A Lang cautiously step by step. I could feel that the danger never left.

At this time, I suddenly found that every time we took a step forward, the doorman's eyes turned around like the wheels of a car, and the sharpness of his eyes pierced my body like thorns, which made me shudder.

But at this moment, Ah Lang still walked firmly, without flinching in the slightest.

I followed behind Ah Lang, not daring to look into the old man's eyes in that portrait.

All of a sudden, a strange laughter came, and the laughter was so close, as if it was right beside me...

I raised my head in panic, and my eyes hit the portrait not far in front of me head-on, and my face was instantly ashen with fright...

(End of this chapter)

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