a zombie haunts me

Chapter 143 Lying in the Coffin

Chapter 143 Lying in the Coffin
Suddenly, as if under a spell, I squatted down and dug the grave crazily.

Without any tools, I just dug on the ground.

I could feel the sand embedded in my fingernails, and there was a piercing pain in my fingertips.

I was very, very scared, and that deep fear almost swallowed me whole.

The white paper lanterns hanging beside the tomb were like pairs of bright eyes, staring at me firmly.

Cold sweat slowly slid down my temples, dripped into the soil, and mixed with the soil in an instant.

I am like a puppet, without my own thoughts, let alone directing my actions, only a force is controlling me, constantly digging graves...

I don't know what happened to me, but there is nothing in my mind, only one thought, that is, as long as I dig this grave, I can escape from here.

I don't know how long it took, all ten of my fingers were worn out and dripping with blood, before I finally dug up that dirt bag.

The black lacquered coffin is faintly visible, I think, as long as this coffin is opened, it will be the passage to leave here!
I continued digging, digging deeply, thinking in my heart, I must get out of here.

But at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, and then a thunder rang out with a bang.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the black lacquered coffin had suddenly appeared in front of me.

It is now, perhaps, this is the last chance!

I warned myself like this, and with a sudden force, I kicked towards the cover of the coffin.

After kicking a few times, I suddenly realized that I had completely kicked the coffin lid open.

I thought I could see a shortcut to the real world, but what appeared in front of me was a bride in a bright red wedding dress.

The bride lay motionless in the middle of the coffin, her face was covered by the red hijab, and her two fingers were lightly clasped on her abdomen.

At this moment, I was suddenly startled, she actually had a ring exactly like mine on her finger...

Do not!This is impossible!

Bai Chenxu once said that there is only one pair of Nether Mandarin Duck Rings in the world, the female ring on my finger, and the other one is absolutely impossible...

I was thinking like this, looked down at my fingers slightly, and suddenly realized that my fingers were actually empty!

At this moment, in the coffin, the embroidered shoes worn by the bride moved slightly, and my heart hung in my throat for an instant.

An icy cold current was like a small snake, spitting out a letter and slowly crawling up from the soles of my feet, sticking tightly to my skin, it raised not only a layer of goosebumps, but also the rash that quickly spread all over my body. panic.

The dark clouds overhead had dissipated, revealing the pale moonlight.

The moonlight shone on the bride's body, as if it was covered with a faint silver brilliance.

My heart, I don't know if it's because of this situation, or because it's gradually being covered with ice, and it starts beating wildly.

A gust of wind blew towards me, gently blowing the bride's hijab, I froze for a moment, fear crawled all over my cheeks like dense bugs in an instant.

At this moment, the dark wind suddenly blew off the bride's hijab, and the surrounding cold air penetrated into my lungs in an instant, making me suffocate for a while...

Because I saw that the bride lying in the coffin and wearing a bright red wedding dress turned out to be me!
My violently beating heart suddenly tightened, as if my heart was stabbed hard by an ice pick hanging on a tree in the twelfth lunar month, and the deep pain spread to my limbs and bones instantly.

My legs seemed to be numb and I couldn't even move. My whole body was like an ice sculpture.

Suddenly, I sat up in the coffin, opened my eyes abruptly, and those sharp eyes shot at me like thorns.

Fear spreads in my body like a virus. At this moment, my uneasy heart is like a boundless black hole, swallowing up my few rationality.

I, who was wearing a wedding dress in the coffin, looked at me with that kind of hateful eyes, as if I was going to pounce on me in the next second, and then, kill me!

The eye-catching bright red in front of me deeply hurt my heart, and the blood in my whole body was like boiling water.

At this moment, I felt a sudden burst of burning heat under my feet, which made me almost collapse.

I suddenly lowered my eyes, only to realize that my feet were turning into ashes little by little, as if they were on fire.

At that moment, I didn't see the flames, I could only see half of my body gradually disappearing into ashes...

That feeling made my scalp numb, and the fear in my heart was biting me like a wild beast.

The scorching heat under my body gradually spread up, spread to my heart, spread to my whole body...

I just disappeared. Before I disappeared, I saw myself sitting in the coffin and wearing a wedding dress showing a weird smile to me...

I thought I was dead, but there were some strange sounds in my ears.

"Yiyi, wake up!"

That's grandma's voice, yes, it's really grandma's voice!
"Doctor, what happened to our Yiyi? Why can't she wake up after being in a coma for so long?"

"This... We have tried our best. The girl's life should not be in danger. However, whether she can wake up or not depends on her own willpower."

At this moment, a cold hand grabbed me violently.

I heard Ah Lang's magnetic voice, he said: "Wake up quickly..."

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my heart, and I realized that everything that happened just now was a dream!

Yes, that is a dream, everything is just a dream!

I want to wake up, I must not sleep like this!
I struggled repeatedly, and at this moment, a sharp pain woke me up.


I quickly sat up from the bed and stared at A Lang.

"You finally woke up."

Only then did I realize that a ring suddenly appeared on his finger, the men's ring in the Nether Mandarin Duck Ring.

That's right, I must not be mistaken, because I can sense it, and my ring finger is also trembling...

It was that force that woke me up just now. Didn't he say that he won't be wearing this ring for the time being? I thought he didn't want to marry me at all.

I clearly remember last time, when I asked him, he just said to me, when the wedding was, he asked me to help him put it on.

I always feel that some of what happened just now are real, and some are indeed illusions. However, I know that all this is by no means simple. During the period of my coma, some things that I have just happened must have happened. do not know things.


Grandma touched my head gently and found that my forehead was covered with cold sweat, so she took a hot towel and wiped my face.

"Yesterday, when Xiao Song brought you back, I was terrified."

Grandma said, the worry on her face still hasn't completely dissipated.

After pause, she went on to say, "At that time, I thought you had something wrong. The whole face was white and white.

"She was just a little scared, nothing."

A Lang whispered beside him, but for some reason, I could smell a burning smell.

It's strange, A Lang doesn't seem to have smoked, and there is a clear regulation in the city that it is not allowed to burn garbage. What is this stench?

I thought about it for a while, but I still had no idea, but I saw Ah Lang say to grandma: "Grandma, you didn't close your eyes all night, and now she is awake, you should go to rest earlier."

Grandma looked at me carefully and looked at the doctor on the side. It wasn't until the doctor nodded before she slowly stood up.

"Yiyi, listen to the doctor and take your medicine on time. Grandma will go to rest for a while so you don't worry."

I nodded to grandma and watched her leave.

The doctor left the medicine and left.

At this moment, there are only me and A Lang left in the room.

I asked A Lang: "What happened just now, why did I..."

Before I could finish my sentence, I saw him take out an ashtray containing ashes from under the bed.

A burnt smell rushed towards me in an instant, that smell filled the tip of my nose, and I suddenly realized that when I just woke up, I also smelled the same smell.

"You have fallen into hallucinations. When I brought you out from Juxing Street No. 17, you were already unconscious."

Hearing what he said here, I suddenly realized that I was actually at A Lang's house, and that's right, the hospital was still shrouded in black air. If I was sent to the hospital, it would only encourage the power of that black air.

Thinking of this, I pointed to the burnt paper ashes in the ashtray and asked, "Then what are these things?"

"Don't be nervous. I found these things from the third floor of the old house No. 17 on Juxing Street. I believe that this paper man is the thing that controls your soul. When I burn it, you will wake up soon." coming."

A Lang said indifferently, his eyes fixed on the burnt paper ashes in the ashtray.

Paper dolls... paper dolls again!
"Aren't these paper people yellow?"

I immediately asked a question. Unexpectedly, A Lang showed a bit of surprise and asked, "How do you know?"

"Someone is doing it. Bai Chenxu said that wherever there are yellow paper men, it is because of someone doing it."

Hearing what I said, Ah Lang's face immediately became serious.

"You mean to say that since we entered the No.17 old house, someone has been casting spells behind the scenes?"

Ah Lang obviously couldn't believe it. I knew he was a zombie, and it was impossible not to sense it.

"I don't know... All I know is that this yellow paper man is some kind of forbidden technique of Taoism. Ordinary people can't practice it, but cultivators must not be simple."

That's all I know, but at this moment, I saw a deep ruthlessness flashing across A Lang's face, which seemed to condense a wave of resentment and killing...

(End of this chapter)

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