a zombie haunts me

Chapter 160 The Sharp Blade Through Fingers

Chapter 160 The Sharp Blade Through Fingers

At that moment, I just stared into A Lang's eyes like that, and from his eyes, I saw an unprecedented emotion.

I was very scared in my heart, I was afraid that he would change his previous promise and pounce on me without asking if I wanted to.

"I suddenly realized that I'm so hungry, I'm going to eat something..."

After all, I ran away quickly.

Fortunately, A Lang did not catch up.

Walking into the kitchen, my hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

But even so, I can still hear my dull heartbeat, and my heart really wants to burst a hole in my heart and jump out.

As I opened the refrigerator, I tried to restrain my emotions.

However, I found that I had no way to control myself at all.

Some pictures seemed to appear in my mind again, I seemed to see A Lang hugging me and kissing under the tree.

When it was over, I found that I seemed to be a little unable to extricate myself.

What should I do, could it be that I really want to give birth to a child for him?

No, I'm not mentally prepared yet.

I shook my head, trying to keep my head clear, but even so, my mind was still very messy.

After eating something casually, I went back to my room.

Sometimes, I don't know what I really think. On the one hand, I really hope that Alang can understand my true thoughts, on the other hand, I am afraid to face myself.

That night, I thought so much that I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, until I finally fell asleep, but I had another long, long dream...

In the dream, there was a woman standing beside Ah Lang, but even though the distance was very close, I couldn’t see the woman’s face clearly. I just remembered that she said to me: "In this life, in the next life, and life after life, I will never let you get him."

I looked at Ah Lang, there was no expression on his face, but it was those dull eyes that made me unbelievable, it was really him.

"Ah Lang, who is this woman and why are you standing by her side?"

I asked him, but he didn't answer me, as if he didn't see or hear anything.

"Ah Lang, what are you doing?"

I wanted to rush over, but no matter how I rushed forward, there was always a distance between them.

I opened my voice and shouted his name, but he just refused to take a serious look at me, even just one look.

My throat was almost dry, and it hurt like a fire. However, A Lang in front of me was completely different from what I had imagined.

What should I do?

At this moment, a voice came from my ear, the voice was ethereal, but every word was like a bell and drum beating on my heart.

He said: "Do you want to get back what should belong to you, do you want to live the life you want, do you want to get rid of the status quo and go back to the past or the future?"

At this time, he suddenly laughed, and the laughter was full of temptation: "I can satisfy your wish, as long as you think of such a place in your heart, our door will be open for you..."

I opened my eyes suddenly, but as far as I could see, there was a snow-white ceiling.

It turns out that I was just dreaming, but why is this dream so real?
I wiped the cold sweat from my brow, trying to calm down my emotions.

Suddenly, I felt something quickly broke into my sight.

"Ah... Ah Lang..."

I was stunned. How could he appear in my room? Could it be that he stayed with me all night?
"Just wake up, you seem to be having a nightmare."

He said softly, walked slowly to my bed, and stretched out his hand to touch my forehead.

"Shouldn't be sick, but don't put your hands on your chest when you sleep at night."

I understand what A Lang means. When I was a child, my grandma often told me that, it is said that when you fall asleep with your palms on your heart, it is easy to oppress the heart and cause the brain to not rest well, so you will have nightmares.

"I understand...but you...when did you come in?"

I noticed that the door of the room was closed, that is to say, it shouldn't be because I didn't close the door properly, so I gave A Lang a chance to break in.

"These are not the point. The point is that grandma seems to be a little bit wrong this morning."

Ah Lang's words immediately made my heart go blank, something is wrong with grandma...

Grandma has been staying at home preparing for the wedding and rarely goes out. How could something be wrong?
Thinking of this, I quickly rushed to grandma's room.

Grandma is used to getting up early, so she is not in the room, but helping to prepare breakfast in the kitchen.


I quickly walked to my grandma, knowing that she has always been a face-saving person, so I didn't mention anything about her body, but just said to her: "Grandma, you have worked hard every day preparing for the wedding. Not idle?"

"Grandma is used to it, but you, you must be yourself and don't worry me."

"Don't worry, grandma."

I comforted her, but my heart was still very uncertain.

While I was helping, I observed grandma carefully. There was nothing wrong with grandma, but there seemed to be sadness between her brows.

"Grandma, you seem very tired today, did you not have a good rest last night?"

I asked tentatively, carefully observing the expression on grandma's face.

I saw grandma drooping her eyes slightly, with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

After a while, she said to me: "Do you still remember our neighbor Xie Youzhi?"

When grandma mentioned this name, I just thought it was familiar, as if I heard it somewhere, but after a while, I heard grandma say: "Have you forgotten, when you were young, you and his children often went to school together .”

At that moment, I suddenly woke up, by the way, it seems that there is such a thing.

In my memory, Uncle Xie always had a smile on his face. Every morning when I went to their house to ask his daughter to go to school with him, he would always say to me: "Yiyi girl is so pretty, she is prettier than our daughter. too much."

Then, he quietly stuffed me with an egg and told me not to tell others.

"Uncle Xie What's wrong with him?"

There was an ominous premonition in my heart, so I asked a question.


Grandma hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and then said to me: "He has made a fortune and moved away from us. He has lived a better life, but when I went to order wedding candies for you yesterday, Saw him again."

I froze for a moment, always feeling that something was inappropriate, otherwise, grandma wouldn't have said that.

"That's a good thing, how is Uncle Xie doing now?"

I asked carefully, but my grandma shook her head.

"I don't know what to say. I thought he should be living well, but I didn't expect that his whole person has changed."

Grandma said, with a look of doubt on her face, but there was some fear in that doubt.

She went on to say: "If I hadn't seen his wife, I would hardly have recognized him. The expression on his face was very stiff, and he didn't seem to be smiling at all. He was sullen in everything he did. But these are not the reasons that make me feel strange, what really makes me feel strange is that his whole body looks very uncoordinated, but I can't tell where the incongruity is."

Stiff expression, no smile, uncoordinated body...

Why are these words so familiar?
I suddenly remembered that those people who participated in the auction I met at the Musi Hotel, each of them had rich family assets, but the feeling they gave was surprisingly similar to the Xie Youzhi described by grandma.

No, there must be something wrong with this, but what exactly is it?

At this moment, grandma suddenly knocked over a teacup, and the crisp sound brought me back from my thoughts in an instant.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

I hurriedly held her hand to check if there was any wound on her hand.

Seeing that she was not injured, I was finally relieved.

"Grandma is getting old, and it will happen if she doesn't concentrate on doing things. Please help me cut two slices of ginger and make milk."

I nodded, then quickly took the washed ginger and put it on the cutting board.

I thought over and over again what grandma just said. In fact, I also began to have some doubts. What happened to those people who looked dull and stiff?
Most of these people are either rich or noble, and I began to wonder if they were suffering from some kind of disease, or some terrible curse.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but take a deep breath, it was morning, but I was like the deep night.

I was a little hesitant and hesitant in my heart. I always felt that everything had some kind of connection, and this kind of connection might have some kind of connection with me.

A kind of inexplicable panic was swimming in my body. I didn't know what was waiting for me, but I could feel that the gathering of everything might be in the Moose Hotel.

But I didn't expect that the distraction just now made me almost cut my hand when I was cutting ginger.

I watched the knife cut through my fingertips without feeling any pain.

I quickly put down the knife in my hand, raised my hand to have a look, only to find that there was no wound on my finger.

Strange, I clearly saw the knife cut it just now, could it be that I misread it?

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Grandma saw that I stopped, so she quickly walked up to me and asked, "Could it be that you cut your finger?"

"No... no more!"

I faltered and replied, grandma was worried, grabbed my hand and looked at it, and said to me after making sure there was nothing wrong: "Be careful."

I nodded, but suddenly thought of something...

By the way, the girl who died in my place!

What if it was me who should have died?
While grandma wasn't paying attention, I bit the bullet and stretched my fingers towards the blade...

(End of this chapter)

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