a zombie haunts me

Chapter 174 3 Shadows

Chapter 174 Three Shadows
But Gao Hongfei didn't answer me. From the silence on the phone, I could tell that his mood seemed to have fallen to the bottom at the moment.

At this time, I still stepped on it, isn't it a bit unkind?
But I will never forget how he treated me at that time!
"Gao Hongfei, I tell you, no matter what you say to me, I will never believe you again!"

After I finished speaking, I quickly hung up the phone.

However, when I hung up the phone and looked up again, I saw A Lang's curious eyes.

"He has cancer?"

A Lang asked me in a low voice, I was slightly taken aback, and lowered my eyes to glance at the phone receiver.

That's right, the ears of zombies are extremely sensitive, and even small sounds can be heard, not to mention, the volume of my mobile phone receiver is not low.

I nodded deeply, and said to A Lang: "It seems to be the case from what he said, but you can't completely listen to him. His words are not trustworthy."

But I found that when I talked to A Lang in this way, his eyes were not looking at me, as if he was thinking about something, but I couldn't see what he was thinking about.

What makes me feel strange is that A Lang should hate Gao Hongfei very much and let me hide as far away as possible. Why didn't he say that today?

I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart. How should I put it, I seemed to feel that Ah Lang still knew something that I didn't know, and those things were exactly what he was hiding from me.

I stared into Ah Lang's eyes for a long time, but he didn't notice that I was looking at him.

If it wasn't for a nurse who came to round the ward and saw the mess in the ward and screamed, I think he would have been thinking like this forever.

I hastily apologized and sent the nurse away.

Bai Chenxu seemed to have heard the screams, and rushed over.

"What happened?"

There was a little surprise in Bai Chenxu's eyes, but A Lang didn't answer, he just said to him: "Go to the oncology department and check if there is a patient named Gao Hongfei."

Bai Chenxu was taken aback for a moment, then asked me in a low voice: "This Gao Hongfei is not yours before..."

Before he could say the word "boyfriend", he received a blank stare from A Lang.

"Patients in the oncology department..."

Bai Chenxu faltered, his voice was very soft, as if he was muttering to himself.

"I heard that it's the terminal stage of cancer, go and find out if there is such a thing."

In order to avoid the two of them quarreling, I was the one who was embarrassed, so I quickly tried to get Bai Chenxu away.

It's just that this guy just didn't open which pot and lifted which pot. Instead of leaving, he said to me: "Why don't you ask me to check? Why doesn't he go by himself?"

He had just finished speaking when he noticed that Alang's face had grown.

A Lang's face was ugly, and it looked as if he might explode at any moment.

I hurriedly pushed Bai Chenxu out of the ward and closed the door gently.

As I pulled him forward, I asked in a low voice about the extraction of corpse oil.

"About the school's pottery hall, and the handmade porcelain kiln..."

Before I finished speaking, I noticed Bai Chenxu's strange gaze.

At that moment, I was slightly taken aback, thinking to myself, as long as this matter is mentioned, will those ghosts appear?

A deep fear spread in my heart, as if a huge hole was suddenly opened in my heart. I wanted to say something, but I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

The corridors of the hospital were empty, and a gust of wind blew, and I felt the cold wind blowing behind my ears, as if someone was blowing into the base of my ears.

I turned around suddenly, but there was nothing behind me.

At that moment, a deep fear made me feel numb all over. I rubbed the goose bumps on my arms, and my eyes fell heavily on Bai Chenxu's face.

"Just now... didn't I..."

Before the words fell, I heard a leisurely voice from behind: "Are you talking about me..."

My heart suddenly beat half a beat, and I turned around suddenly again, only to find that there was a slender nurse standing in the originally empty corridor.

Her skin was very fair, and under the dim light, I saw that she was wearing a pair of gloves, and the bright red blood on the gloves was dripping on the ground bit by bit.

My mind suddenly went blank with a "hum", and then I let go of my voice and screamed: "Ah..."

At that moment, I instinctively grabbed Bai Chenxu's hand, took his hand and ran away.

It wasn't until I ran to the end of the corridor that I looked back, only to realize that the scary nurse hadn't caught up.

"I said little pepper, why are you running?"

Hearing Bai Chenxu ask me this, my mind suddenly went blank.

Those bloody gloves suddenly appeared in my mind again, and the next second, my heart was plunged into endless panic.

"You are stupid, you obviously saw a ghost, but if you don't run away, are you still waiting for her to eat you?"

I stared at Bai Chenxu's eyes, and felt as if something had stabbed me hard in the heart, because this guy was holding back his laughter.

"The nurse just now is not a ghost, she just walked out of the operating room."

Bai Chenxu laughed while talking, the laughter made me tremble all over.

"It's not a ghost, why didn't you say it earlier?"

I stared at him, at this moment, I really wanted to crush him into meat sauce.

But this guy didn't respond at all, he still laughed heartlessly.

However, thinking about it now, I still think that woman looks terrible.

Mainly because of her pale and pale face, and the bright red and dazzling blood on the white gloves.

I was very scared in my heart, until now when I think about it, I still feel a little scared.

Maybe it's because of the ghostly hand that suddenly broke into my sight before, and the stench of corruption.

"Speaking of business, will you go to the school celebration party?"

Bai Chenxu suppressed his smile and looked at me with a serious expression.

To be honest, I really don't know how to answer this question.

Bai Chenxu told me not to go, but A Lang let me go, who should I trust?

I always feel a little unreliable in my heart, and I don’t want to go, and I don’t want to go.

At this time, Bai Chenxu whispered in my ear: "Refining corpse oil can't be done in a day or two. If you want to know how to do it, I can take you to meet someone."

I looked into Bai Chenxu's eyes, and my beating heart suddenly missed a beat.

Does Bai Chenxu really know the person who refines the corpse oil? Nineteen Lords would definitely not do this, but who else could this guy know besides his master?

After a moment of silence, Bai Chenxu seemed to have noticed something, and said to me: "Don't be nervous, he is not specialized in refining corpse oil, he just knows some methods of refining corpse oil."

I thought about it, anyway, it’s okay to go and have a look, after all, there should not be many people who know this technology, so I can find an entry point and find out the person who captured the students and used them to extract corpse oil.

However, when I think about it, I still feel sick in my heart.

After all, the school is a public place, and some scorching gas will inevitably be released during the refining process. How did that person deal with it?

I still had a lot of doubts in my heart. After thinking for a while, I didn't hesitate any longer and followed Bai Chenxu out of the hospital.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Bai Chenxu found a car, but when he got in the car, something fell out of his pocket.

Just as I bent down to pick it up, I suddenly saw the shadow of Bai Chenxu on the ground, and froze for a moment.

I didn't care at first, but when I saw the shadow swaying in the wind, my heart sank suddenly.

After thinking for a moment, I raised my eyes slightly, and I happened to see Bai Chenxu standing in front of the car.

His figure was straight and he stood in front of the car without moving a bit, however, I saw his shadow swaying from side to side.

Not only that, the shadow is one high and one low, one big and one small, it doesn't look like the shadow of a person at all, but...

The three shadows overlapped, that's right, it was three shadows!

I then looked at my own shadow, although my shadow was somewhat different from before, but at least it was still clear, and it definitely wouldn't swing back and forth.

"Coward, I have something, I want to ask you, that... How long has it been since you went back to see your master?"

When I mentioned the word "Master", I felt Bai Chenxu's body startled slightly. It was just a simple movement, but I could see the panic in his expression.

"It's not just you, even I haven't seen Nineteen Dukes for a long time. It's strange to think about him. Speaking of refining corpse oil, I think your master probably knows something about it. Why don't we go... ..."

Unexpectedly, before I finished speaking, I heard Bai Chenxu's voice: "Master is not in good health now, besides, telling him is tantamount to telling Grandma Lan, it's still not good to do so..."

I felt the dodge in his eyes, it was strange, the former Bai Chenxu was not like this, although he was timid and a little afraid of Nineteen Dukes, but in general, he still respects Nineteen Dukes, and more importantly, , His feelings for Nineteen Dukes, on the surface, are nothing more than a master-student relationship, but in fact they are as close as a father and son.

However, when he said those words just now, I couldn't see the feeling of treating relatives from his eyes at all.

No, there seems to be something really wrong with Bai Chenxu!
He seemed...to be a different person, in short, he was different from before.

"I almost forgot to ask you, where does the expert who refines corpse oil you mentioned live?"

I asked tentatively again, but Bai Chenxu's voice seemed a little strange.

He thought for a while and said, "It's not far, it's only a dozen kilometers away from here."

When he said this, there was an unnatural smile on his face. I could tell at a glance that there were some truths and some falsehoods in what he said, and some falsehoods and some truths. It's not whether this expert actually exists, but whether the face in front of me at this moment is Bai Chenxu himself!

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from my ear...

(End of this chapter)

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