a zombie haunts me

Chapter 176 Can't See His Zhang Yi

Chapter 176 Can't See His Memories

Before I could fully react, a white shadow flew towards me with a "whoosh".

The white shadow flew to my feet all of a sudden, and suddenly, the ghost hand that was tightly grasping my ankle shrank back quickly as if it had been scalded by boiling water.

I hastily raised my already frightened foot, only to find that a clear scratch could be seen on my ankle.

The scratches were blue-gray, and the blood vessels burst, forming a sharp contrast with the blue-gray scratches.

I was so frightened that I squatted down suddenly, but just as my fingers touched the scratch, a piercing pain hit me in an instant.

Just as I was looking for the white shadow to look over, the white shadow had disappeared behind the man.

I suddenly felt a little lost in my heart. It turned out that this expert saved me. I thought it would be Ah Lang.

At this moment, Bai Chenxu had already been slammed to the ground by him, and his hands were tightly clutching Bai Chenxu's neck. I saw Bai Chenxu's face was black and blue because of difficulty breathing.

"Help... help..."

I heard his voice calling for help. At this time, his eyes were no longer as dim as before, but clear again.

"Don't hurt him, he's just controlled by ghosts."

I yelled because my ankle hurt and I couldn't walk over it.

That man didn't mean to hurt Bai Chenxu, seeing that his expression was much better than before, he slowly withdrew his hand.

Bai Chenxu breathed heavily and coughed violently due to lack of oxygen.

I limped to Bai Chenxu's side, sat down beside him slowly, and asked him in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"No...it's okay..."

His voice was a little hoarse. At this moment, I looked at the shadow belonging to Bai Chenxu on the ground, only to realize that two of the three overlapping shadows had disappeared, and the remaining one was indeed Bai Chenxu.

The heart that was hanging just now finally fell to the ground.

But at this time, the man who had just exploded in combat power suddenly fell down, and I realized that the not-so-deep wound on his body had split open into a huge gash, and blood kept gushing out. A pool of blood has been collected.

The shocking red made me tremble all over. I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and walked towards him slowly.

"You seem to be injured, I'll take you to the hospital."

Without any explanation, I slowly lifted him up, but he was much heavier than I imagined, I could only put one of his arms on my shoulder, and then use the strength of my shoulder to lift him up.

However, my foot was also injured, and I managed to help him stand up, but because of the pain in my ankle, I couldn't stand still and wobbled a bit. Fortunately, he supported me.

At that moment, my gaze met his face, only to realize that this face was so familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere...

But I couldn't remember it for a while, that's all, people have similarities and similarities.

"Thank you for saving me."

I thanked him, but he just smiled at me.

It wasn't until Bai Chenxu's cough stopped and the surroundings returned to silence that I realized that this action was really too intimate.

I blushed with embarrassment and said embarrassedly, "I'll call an ambulance right away!"

So, regardless of whether he could stand still, he immediately let go of him and took out the phone from his pocket.

However, at this time, my eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of a big tree not far away. It was completely dark, but I saw a figure behind that tree.

Looking at his figure, he seemed somewhat similar to A Lang. I opened my mouth, trying to call his name, but the call was connected at this moment.

When I described the address in detail, hung up the phone and waited for the ambulance to arrive, when I turned around, I found that there was nothing under the big tree where a figure was standing just now.

Did Ah Lang leave, or did I just misread it?
I was thinking about it, but at this moment, Bai Chenxu babbled and yelled: "Why am I here, what happened... ah...why does my whole body hurt?"

My heart sank suddenly, as if I suddenly thought of something.

By the way, that ball of white light I saw before!
I remember that the reason why I was able to see the white light was because my hand touched Bai Chenxu at that time, so I think what I saw at that time should be part of Bai Chenxu's memories.

In other words, when the white light invaded his body, could it be the time when Bai Chenxu was haunted by a ghost?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart. It seems that Bai Chenxu himself hasn't realized what's going on with him.

But at this time, I suddenly thought of another weird thing.

I remember that when I helped that man stand up just now, my hand obviously touched him, but why, I couldn't see anything?
Perhaps, being able to see other people's memories is also a kind of accident. I thought so, but somewhere in my heart became a little heavy. Who is this man?
After thinking about it, I decided to try him.

So, I smiled at him and said to him; "I'm really sorry to hurt you today. Are you seriously injured? Let me see your wound."

As I spoke, I walked forward and squeezed his hand without any hesitation.

I thought about what I would see in my mind, but I still didn't see anything.

Could it be that this man's memory is blank, or is this man not an ordinary human being?

But I clearly saw that he was injured, and the blood kept pouring out.

Just when I was hesitating and hesitating, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "Little Pepper...Boss Wu...how do you..."

When I heard Bai Chenxu's voice, I had some doubts about this man's identity just now, but my heart skipped a beat.

Am I really mistaken?
Bai Chenxu stood up slowly, patted the dust off his body, and muttered in a low voice: "What's going on..."

"You were bent over by a ghost, do you know that?"

After hesitating for a moment, I felt that I could no longer hide Bai Chenxu.


Bai Chenxu frowned slightly, then spread out his palm to take a look, and then said to me: "When did it happen?"

I shook my head and said to him: "I... I don't know either. When I found out, you almost attacked me. It was Boss Wu who saved me."

At that moment, Bai Chenxu and I turned our eyes to the injured man at the same time. He did seem to have lost a lot of blood, and his face was slightly pale.

"You two are too polite, just call me Wu Chuan."

The man smiled, even though his body was bleeding, he didn't seem to care at all.

"Boss Wu, I'm really sorry to hurt you."

I apologized again, but Wu Chuan waved his hand and said to me: "It's just a small effort. Anyone who sees a weak woman in trouble will stand up. It's just that this hero has a rare chance to save the beauty. Immodest."

He speaks with a bookish air, not only that, his gestures and gestures are very much like an ancient nobleman.

Although, I don't know what his occupation is, but he seems quite friendly.

"Boss Wu, your wound has been bleeding, why don't you lie down and rest for a while."

I was very sorry, not only because Wu Chuan saved me, but also the most important reason, that is, I was about to lose my strength, but I was afraid that I would never get up again after I fell down like this.

However, Wu Chuan just waved his hands and said to me: "It's okay, this little injury is nothing serious."

After listening to his words, I immediately stared at him with wide eyes. He was obviously seriously injured, but he wanted to pretend that nothing happened. different.

It was as if his sudden appearance was by no means a coincidence.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and the three of us were taken to the hospital. During the journey, I got a rough idea of ​​Wu Chuan's identity.

It turned out that he was running a bank in the city. At first, I thought I had heard it wrong.

Isn't Qianzhuang just an ancient bank? In this era, where is there such a place?
Later, after Bai Chenxu's explanation, I realized that the so-called bank is a small private bank, but it just took a very classic-sounding name.

Generally speaking, Boss Wu should be very rich. However, I think he is not only rich, but also has some special abilities. If not, I will not fail to see the memories in his mind.

But this man is quite upright and has a sense of justice, which inexplicably made me feel good.

But I never dreamed that this good feeling didn't last long...

When we arrived at the hospital, the first thing we saw was neither a doctor nor a nurse, let alone other patients, but a beautifully dressed woman.

I had just gotten out of the ambulance when the woman pushed me away.

At that time, I was almost squeezed and staggered and fell, but fortunately a nurse supported me.

Then, there was a surprised woman's cry: "Ah, boss, why are you hurt? Who hurt you? You bled so much."

I turned my head and found that the alluring woman was completely attached to Wu Chuan's body. The picture was a bit weird, so I hurriedly turned my head away.

To be honest, I didn’t pay attention to what the coquettishly dressed woman just now looked like just with two eyes. I can only say that from a distance, I can smell the perfume on her body, no matter how high-end the perfume is, It also makes me feel choked up.

It seems that this Wu Chuan is not a good thing.

My impression of him suddenly fell to the bottom, and suddenly, I felt a sharp edge attacking me from behind, and this feeling seemed familiar.

After a moment of hesitation, I suddenly turned around...

(End of this chapter)

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