Chapter 180

"Did you see...the red-burning Ci Kiln...they all gave Xianweng dim sum first."

In an instant, I felt that the sound was like a gust of wind blowing past my ears, causing my auricles to hurt.

Obviously that voice came from inside the pottery hall, why do I feel that it comes from behind me?
I was so nervous that I clenched my hands slightly, only to find that the cold sweat on my palms was still wet.

However, what exactly is an "immortal old man", I have only heard that corpse oil is used to pay homage to the dead, but no one uses corpse oil to honor the immortal.

Could it be that the so-called "immortal man" is actually the ghost that Bai Chenxu said?
A burst of coolness hit from behind my ears, piercing into my neck as if I had eyes, which plunged my heart into an indescribable fear.

I couldn't help but took a deep breath, only to realize that the icy air around me seemed to be condensing, sucking it into my lungs would almost freeze my whole body into ice.

"It's strange, it was full of evil spirit just now, why doesn't it smell at all now?"

Bai Chenxu put away the compass, it was clearly a whisper, but I heard it very clearly.

As he said, just now the surrounding area seemed to be shrouded in a layer of purple gas, but at this moment, the purple gas seemed to disappear out of thin air.

I guess, is this purple air just to attract us here?

At this time, I felt A Lang slowly take a step forward. I thought he was going to walk in and hurriedly followed behind him, but he just took a step.

I didn't pay attention and bumped into his back. He turned his head and said to me: "Don't worry, no matter how powerful a ghost is, it will have its weaknesses."

"That's right, I think the weakness of this so-called 'immortal' is probably corpse oil!"

Wu Chuan's voice was still so calm, but I saw something flash across his face, but it disappeared quickly.

Corpse oil... Immortal...

My mind is a little messed up, I don't know what's going on, let alone how we can rescue people.

At this moment, Bai Chenxu seemed to have discovered something, quickly took out a piece of talisman paper from his sleeve, and silently recited a spell, the talisman quickly flew towards the tree not far in front of us.

In just a second, I felt a strong air pressure pressing towards me.

After the sound of "bang", the big tree immediately ignited a raging fire. The fire became more and more intense, and the burning smell in the air continued to spread, which made my stomach churn.

I'm absolutely not mistaken, this feeling is the disgusting burnt smell that was in the air before.

"Is that tree the place where the ghost hides?"

I asked in a low voice, but Bai Chenxu didn't answer me. He just walked about seven steps forward, and then slowly bent down.

At that moment, my heart sank suddenly, and an ominous premonition rose in my heart.

The blazing fire shone on us, and Ah Lang stood upright like that, his face was slightly reddened by the dancing flames.

I gently tugged at his sleeve, but was suddenly pulled back by an arm.


Due to the unstable center of gravity, I leaned back, but instead of falling to the ground, I fell into a warm embrace.

Just now, a wind blade slashed across my cheek, and a bunch of broken hair slipped from my forehead. Just now, the wind blade knocked off my hair...

I looked at the falling hair, but the fear in my heart slowly spread like a virus.

A Lang turned his head and saw me lying in Wu Chuan's arms, but he didn't say anything, he just put his foot on Bai Chenxu's body.


Bai Chenxu yelled "Ah!" and immediately got up, holding a yellow paper figurine in his hand.

"I'm afraid there is something hidden here. Look, someone is casting a spell."

My eyes fell on the yellow paper figurine in Bai Chenxu's hand. That paper figurine was so familiar to me that I would never mistake it. I have seen this paper figurine many times.

What kind of conspiracy is hidden behind this? Could it be that the person who wants to hurt us is not a ghost at all, but this person who secretly casts spells?

In other words, the weird wind blade that just struck...

There seemed to be a huge hole in my heart suddenly, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I felt my scalp go numb, as if I had fallen into an ice cellar, and I shivered from the cold.

"Be careful, everyone, look, the shape of that tree!"

Hearing Wu Chuan's voice, I quickly turned my head and followed his gaze, only to find that a black shadow could be faintly seen in the raging fire. There are several forks, and it looks like a chicken foot!
I remembered, isn't this shape exactly the shape of Lu Feng's hand hidden under the black glove?
All of a sudden, the burning flame spewed out tongues of fire, and the tongues of fire rushed towards me. Just for a moment, I felt a warm current standing on my face, almost engulfing me.

I thought the fire was going to burn me, so I hurriedly covered my face with my hands. However, the fire didn't come over, and my eyes suddenly went dark. When I opened my eyes again, I realized that I was blocked by a person, and in front of me The person in front of me was not Ah Lang, but Wu Chuan.

In an instant, I saw the pained expression on Wu Chuan's face. He was blocking me with his body, but he was just an ordinary person, an ordinary person with flesh and blood.

Bai Chenxu quickly took out a box, and then sprinkled the contents of the box on the tongue of fire, and the tongue of fire was quickly extinguished as if it had been splashed with water.

Wu Chuan stepped down, he leaned on my shoulder, I felt his breath getting weaker and weaker, and then I suddenly realized that his back was burned by fire.

This is the second time he has been hurt for me, I don't understand, I don't know him, or we just met, why should he do that for me?
"Little Pepper, this fire is coming towards you, hurry up and hide."

Bai Chenxu yelled at me, but at this moment, where can I escape?

Suddenly, I felt some rustling noises on the ground.

Then, something gushed out from all directions, like a gopher digging a hole, and countless dirt bags rushed towards me.

The refurbished earth smell mixed with the burnt smell in the air stimulated my sensitive nerves.

Goosebumps popped up in an instant, and I hurriedly retreated, but I didn't know where to retreat.

At this moment, a deep and vigorous roar came from beside my ear: "Roar..."

The earth seemed to be trembling, and I felt that when the dirt bag approached me, some fine sand splashed up and hit my face, like a sharp knife cutting my skin, the deep stinging pain Feeling, makes me tremble all over.

All of a sudden, Ah Lang punched into the soil, and then, the besieging thing disappeared in an instant.

In just a second, A Lang grabbed something out of the soil, like a little field mouse.

However, at the moment when his long nails were about to pierce the vole, after the vole squeaked twice, it suddenly shrunk like a deflated ball.

In the blink of an eye, I saw the vole in A Lang's hand turned into a thin piece of paper.

It's just that the yellow piece of paper stimulated my visual nerves. I didn't expect that the vole just now turned into a yellow paper man!

"No, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!"

Bai Chenxu yelled, but it was too late.

I heard a voice from the pottery hall: "It's not that easy to run away."

In just a moment, the tree that was burning with raging fire suddenly went out, leaving only a scorched residue like chicken feet.

But what I never dreamed of was that a certain place in the pottery hall lit up.

The flames shot up into the sky, and the red buttons lit up in sequence from left to right.

I was so scared that I didn't even dare to blink my eyes, only then did I see clearly that the lit place was actually the electric porcelain kiln in the pottery museum.

Lu Feng... Where the hell is Lu Feng?
I think I underestimated the power of that ghost, he can't hurt me, so naturally he won't let anyone in the pottery hall go.

At this moment, a student's body suddenly floated up.

As if being held by an invisible hand, it quickly moved into the electric porcelain kiln.

"Let him go!"

I yelled, but I saw with my own eyes that the door of the electric porcelain kiln opened, and the child was thrown in by an inexplicable force.

Then, the door of the porcelain kiln closed with a bang, and the dial continued to increase the temperature. The child's screams were like a crow screaming above his head, but they disappeared soon.

"That child... has that child turned into corpse oil?"

I can feel that when I speak, even my voice trembles slightly.

The upper and lower teeth creaked, and the sound drowned out even my feeble voice.

"do not move!"

A Lang pressed my shoulders violently, but everything in front of me made me feel as if I had been burned, because I saw the children being thrown into the electric porcelain kiln one by one, not only that, the temperature of the kiln was still rising... …

"Corpse oil...I can smell corpse oil..."

A deep and terrifying voice seeped faintly from the ground, making the hairs all over my body stand on end.

I felt an inexplicable force on the soles of my feet lifting me up. Could it be that he even wanted to throw me in?

At this moment, Wu Chuan, who had been lying next to me, grabbed my hand and held it firmly. I could feel that he had exhausted almost all his strength, but I was still being lifted up bit by bit. Slowly move in the direction of the porcelain kiln.

"Even my woman dares to touch!"

A Lang shook off Wu Chuan's hand, and then pulled me into his arms with his strength, and swung his right hand violently.


I seem to hear the sound of something cracking, and the sound is very clear in the dark night.

I was stunned, but suddenly realized...

(End of this chapter)

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