a zombie haunts me

Chapter 190 Vicious Curse

Chapter 190 Vicious Curse

At that moment, I suddenly thought of something, and quickly widened my eyes.

But at this moment, I realized that on the stretcher that was slowly being carried away, there was a blood-red hole in the abdomen of the male corpse.

Upon closer inspection, his internal organs had also been gutted out, leaving only an empty shell.

His appearance suddenly reminded me of those ghosts eating people in the Soul Inn.

It was as if someone had poured cold water on him, from head to toe.

But at this moment, the body was carried to the elevator entrance.

The moment the elevator door opened, a weird gust of wind blew towards us again, crawling past my face like densely packed bugs.

I suddenly discovered that the weird wind was blowing towards the dirty doll on the ground.

The doll's wig hanging in front was blown away by the wind, revealing a face scribbled with ballpoint pens.

Her eyes seemed to have been poked with a ballpoint pen, and the eyeball part fell off, and there was a cotton thread on it.

Not only that, but the doll's heart seemed to have been pierced with scissors, and it looked horrifying.

My breathing stopped suddenly, and a deep fear quickly spread in my body like a virus, spreading to my internal organs, limbs and bones in an instant.

I quickly tugged on Bai Chenxu's sleeve and said to him, "Coward, look over there!"

Bai Chenxu then turned his head and followed my line of sight to the corner.

At this moment, the scary doll in the corner suddenly grinned at me, that smile was very strange.

In an instant, I felt a cold wind rushing towards my face, and the coldness made my scalp numb.

My heart was beating suddenly, as if it was about to burst out of a hole in my heart.

"Hee hee hee ha ha ha..."

The sharp laughter came to my ears, making my heart tremble with fright.

Suddenly, the doll raised its head slightly, and then, blood spurted out from her punctured heart.

The blood splattered three feet and almost sprayed on my face.

I quickly pulled Bai Chenxu out of the way, only to realize that he looked at me with a suspicious look.

"Little Pepper, you... what did you see?"

Bai Chenxu's words made my mind go blank in an instant. I frowned slightly, met his eyes, and asked cautiously, "You... didn't you see anything?"

Bai Chenxu didn't answer, but just shook his head.

My heart sank suddenly, and I suddenly raised my hand, pointing to the dark corner: "Such a big cloth... cloth doll..."

Suddenly, I found that there was nothing in that dark corner.

Dirty and torn dolls, horrible wigs and eyes, and blood spurting from the chest...

Is everything my illusion?
No, it can't be!

"This is a hospital, and there are a lot of dirty things."

After Bai Chenxu finished speaking, he pulled me to leave, but just as he took a small step forward, I immediately felt something flying towards me.

I dodged suddenly, only to realize that the weird doll had appeared on the opposite window.

"Hee hee hee ha ha ha..."

The sharp laughter continued, tearing my sensitive nerves back and forth like sawtooth.

At this moment, a strange scream suddenly came out from the room where the doll was.

Like being struck by lightning, Bai Chenxu and I froze in place for a long while without moving.

The doctors and nurses who heard the screams rushed over, but in the next second, I suddenly found that the doll stuck on the window disappeared again...

Not long after, a corpse was carried out from the ward. This time, I didn't dare to look at it again.

However, I never dreamed that Bai Chenxu would walk directly towards the corpse.

"and many more!"

He stopped the two men who were carrying the corpse. I don't know what he was going to do, but he bent slightly, as if he was listening to something...

"Did you hear that?"

Bai Chenxu suddenly pointed to the corpse and asked, "He's crying, he seems to be crying..."

My brain exploded with a "hum", and my eyes fell heavily on the corpse, but I tried my best to listen, but I didn't hear anything.


The two men carrying the corpse looked at each other and said in unison.

But just as the words fell, the corpse on the stretcher sat up by itself...

The white cloth that was originally covering the corpse fell down in an instant, and it was a man without eyeballs that caught the eye. At the same time, a huge hole was opened in the man's chest, as if his heart had been dug out.


The two men threw away the stretcher as if they had seen a ghost, and ran away as if fleeing.

However, what I never dreamed of was that the corpse that fell on the ground was shaking slightly, as if it was crawling towards my feet step by step.

The fear in my heart is like a stone falling into a lake, rippling up waves one after another.

I backed up quickly until my back was pressed against the cold wall, and there was no way I could retreat.

How could this be? After a person dies, even if he wants to become a zombie, it will take some time. How could it be so fast?
I vaguely feel that this is not a zombie, but this man is definitely dead.

At this moment, I heard Bai Chenxu's voice again: "Little Pepper, did you hear that, he... seems to be crying!"

I quickly shook my head, what crying, I didn't hear anything at all.

The crowd of onlookers ran away to nowhere. In the entire corridor, only Bai Chenxu, me and a crawling corpse remained.

Cold sweat had already covered my forehead, and I wiped it gently with my hand, only to find that even my hair was wet with cold sweat, and a few bundles of hair were tightly attached to my forehead, as cold as if hanging on the bed. An ice pick on my forehead.

"Walking corpse... I remembered, the master said that if someone dies in a special way, it is possible to become a walking corpse."

Bai Chenxu suddenly grabbed my stiff body and pulled me out of the reach of the male corpse.

"What walking dead, why don't I seem to have heard of it?"

I faced Bai Chenxu, although I was scared, but at least the male corpse could not touch me now.

"Crying... Listen, he seems to be crying more and more."

Bai Chenxu pointed at the corpse, his voice trembling slightly.

But because the corpse had no eyeballs, it couldn't be seen at all, and it still crawled forward slowly.

"what is the problem!"

I'm about to collapse, why bizarre things happen one after another, I just want to live a stable life.

"There is a very vicious curse in this world. According to legend, the cursed person will always lose a part of his body. If he cannot be cremated in time, he will become a walking corpse."

Bai Chenxu explained in a low voice, in an instant, the hairs all over my body stood on end, and my beating heart seemed to be about to exceed the maximum load of my body.

Something flashed through my mind quickly, by the way, I remembered that weird doll just now!
Could it be that that doll is the legendary cursed doll?
I suddenly grabbed Bai Chenxu and said to him: "Let's go, let's go find Ah Lang!"

The cursed doll will definitely look for the next target. If we don't act quickly now, I'm afraid, the doll will target grandma.

I don't know where the courage came from, I pulled Bai Chenxu and ran away like crazy.

After running for a long time, we finally ran out of the hospital. Bai Chenxu stopped and asked me out of breath, "Do you know where he is?"

My brain seemed to be hit hard by something suddenly, and I reacted in an instant.

Panting heavily, I didn't run any longer, so I simply took out my cell phone and called A Lang.

But the phone was just in my hand, and I discovered that I had two missed calls!
No, my phone keeps vibrating and ringing. If a call comes in, how could I not know it at all?

"Hee hee hee ha ha ha..."

A burst of weird laughter broke my thoughts, I suddenly raised my eyes, and vaguely saw something hanging on a dead tree not far away.

that is……

Fear is like a long winding tongue, slowly spreading from the soles of my feet.

The pores on my body seemed to have exploded, and my mind went blank for a moment.

Because I saw that what was hanging on the tall dead tree was nothing but the cursed doll that had just appeared outside the ward!
It was too late, so I quickly called A Lang.

I thought so in my heart, but when my eyes turned to the phone again, I suddenly realized that my phone seemed to be implanted with some kind of virus, and some words flashed rapidly.

However, I don't know any of the characters on it, they seem to be ancient characters, which are older than Xiaozhuan.

I knew in my heart that it must be the ghost of the curse doll, so I quickly threw away the phone in fright, but my phone was stuck tightly to my palm like super glue.

I shook it desperately, but I couldn't shake it off. The weird laughter became louder and louder, as if pressing the repeat button, it almost burst my eardrums.

Bai Chenxu suddenly held my hand, "Little Pepper, what's wrong with you?"

The voice was very calm, but it pulled me back abruptly. I stopped only to realize that the missed call displayed on the phone was A Lang's number.

The weird laughter stopped abruptly, and when I looked at the dead tree again, I realized that the cursed doll hanging on the dead tree had already disappeared.

A gust of cold wind blew towards me, and cold sweat slowly slid down my temples, stirring up endless panic in my heart.

It turns out that everything that happened just now turned out to be an illusion...

The next second, I quickly dialed A Lang's phone.

Unexpectedly, the call was connected soon, my heart was beating fast, I paused, and I asked, "Ah Lang, where are you?"

However, A Lang's voice could not be heard on the other end of the phone, only the sizzle of electric current, suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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