a zombie haunts me

Chapter 209 The Dark Transaction of Buying and Selling Souls

Chapter 209 The Dark Transaction of Buying and Selling Souls

My heartbeat suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then it started beating violently. The blood all over my body was like boiling water, which made my head panic.

I raised my eyes, stared into A Lang's eyes, and suddenly realized that our car was parked less than ten meters away from the Moose Hotel.

He seems to have driven the car here on purpose, no...it must be a coincidence.

I comforted myself like this, but in the next second, A Lang pointed to a place not far from the window: "Did you see it?"

His voice passed over, like cold air blowing on my body.

Following the direction of his fingers, I saw a transparent shadow floating somewhere not far away, and that shadow seemed to be holding a black invitation card in its hand.

I was not mistaken, there were two big gold-plated characters clearly printed on the invitation card, those two words were extremely dazzling, and made my eyes hurt so badly.

"The invitation was sent from the Musi Hotel. Isn't the Musi Hotel a soul inn? The soul bank..."

I suddenly lowered my voice and said softly, "Could it be that the Soul Bank is also here?"

"No, this is just the Soul Inn, but the black invitation you saw is the registration card for the Soul Bank."

Ah Lang's voice was so cold, like an ice pick hanging on a tree branch in the twelfth lunar month, it pierced hard into my heart.

No wonder that the first time I saw that black invitation, I felt that it was full of evil breath.

It's just that I never dreamed that Wu Chuan and the Moose Hotel, which is a soul inn, actually had some kind of connection.

I always thought that Wu Chuan was the king of the underworld, but shouldn't the king of the underworld stay in the underworld? Why did he become the owner of the soul bank?
What is the secret behind this? It's so cold, it's like drinking snow water in winter, it's extremely uncomfortable.

"What exactly do you want to tell me, what does that black invitation mean, and what is the relationship between the Soul Bank and the Soul Inn?"

I have been eager to know all this, however, I found that my heart seems not as strong as I imagined, perhaps, this is the real me.

However, Alang still didn't rush to answer me.

At this moment, the child in my stomach suddenly kicked me again, and my already tense heart suddenly became out of control.

I raised my hand slightly, and slowly stroked my stomach, only to find that the small ups and downs in my stomach were still going on.

A Lang obviously didn't notice these details, he just sighed, and then said to me: "On the surface, the soul bank is just a place for financing, but in fact it is doing dark transactions of buying and selling souls."

My head seemed to be hit hard by something suddenly, and then, a big hole was broken with a bang.

The pores all over his body exploded like firecrackers.

The dark bargain of buying and selling souls...

It suddenly occurred to me that I had seen a small employee of the Moose Hotel before, and he mentioned to me the weirdness hidden in the basement of the hotel.

If those souls were sold to the Soul Inn through the hands of the Soul Bank, does that mean that the relationship between the Soul Inn and the Soul Bank is a dark transaction?

A Lang's subsequent words confirmed my guess. He said: "I believe you have heard about the three people who had accidents in the Song Group. The souls of those three people are probably in this soul inn."

At that moment, I sucked in a breath of cold air, and fear crawled across my back like dense worms.

I boldly guessed in my heart, if the souls of those three people were sold to the Soul Inn, then they must have gone to the bank with the invitation from the Soul Bank.

It's no wonder that one of those three people got rich overnight, one suddenly won an award, and the other suddenly got promoted...

Behind all of this is the transaction of selling one's soul.

"But, what are their souls doing at the Soul Inn?"

I asked in a low voice, only to realize that my voice was trembling slightly due to nervousness.

A Lang shook his head and said to me: "If you are better, you can find a substitute and become an adult. If you are worse, you will probably serve in the Soul Inn for life."

At that moment, I sucked in a breath of cold air, and my whole body seemed to have fallen into a huge ice cellar, and a chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

I suddenly thought of my father, and I seemed to understand a little bit why my father would not recognize me, would not say a word to me, and would follow me silently even after entering the Soul Inn.

He must have made some kind of deal with the Soul Bank before he was alive, and sold his soul to the Soul Inn.

"Why did it become like this..."

I muttered something in a low voice, but my upper and lower teeth were chattering because of fear.

"Remember, there are only two things you can't do in this world. The first is to sell your soul, and the second is to accept favors from others."

A Lang suddenly restrained his expression, and his tone was very, very serious.

"I understand selling my soul, but why can't I accept other people's favor?"

I stared into A Lang's eyes, and I always felt that the two conditions he just mentioned seemed to be the way of operating the Soul Bank.

He shook his head and said to me firmly: "No one will give you favors out of nowhere. Once you encounter such a situation, it is often the beginning of your step into the abyss."

At that moment, a layer of goosebumps suddenly appeared on my body. According to what A Lang said, my father may not have sold his soul at the beginning, but fell into the charity trap of the soul bank, and then, step by step, he walked into the abyss .

My heart suddenly became empty. It turns out that the answer I have been looking for is here.

"Who the hell is Wu Chuan? Since he is the owner of the Soul Bank, how could he have a flesh and blood body? What's even more weird is why he gave me the invitation?"

If Wu Chuan wanted to harm me, he wouldn't have saved me again and again, but since he wouldn't harm me, why did he send me a black invitation to sell my soul?

No... There must be a reason for this, which can balance the two, and the balance point in the middle is the key to unlocking everything.

I waited for Ah Lang's answer, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

He slowly clenched his hands that were lightly on the steering wheel, and suddenly, he quickly ignited the ignition, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

I have to admit that I have too many doubts in my heart, but when I raised my eyes slightly to meet A Lang's side face, I felt like a stick in my throat.

The night is silent, only the street lamps that keep receding, like fireflies passing through my heart.


Several days passed, and no one mentioned this matter again, including A Lang and me.

I found that if I don't think about these things, it seems okay, but every night, I always have the same dream. In the dream, I went to a very, very strange place. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't see a single person.

I don't know where I am, but I feel like my whole body is covered with ice and snow, and I'm shivering from the cold.

It seemed that I was in a high-rise compound, and there was a decaying smell everywhere. I pushed open a door suddenly, but what I saw was tall bookshelves, and the bookshelves were full of files.

What the hell is this place, and why does my heart become so disturbed when I walk in here?

I walked out quickly, and then pushed open another door, only to find that there were offices and conference rooms.

It's strange, it seemed that I was still in ancient times just now, but it seems that I have returned to modern times in the blink of an eye...

The whole dream was so chaotic, I don't remember how I woke up, I just remember that when I woke up, I was covered in cold sweat.

I never dared to tell Ah Lang about this dream, let alone grandma. I just kept it in my heart, but I would have such a dream every time. Is there another reason?

Too many mysteries were entangled together, like a pile of mess, until a week later, I found that my stomach had slowly raised a little bit.

It has been a long time since I saw the cursed doll in the mirror last time, and even if I passed by the mirror, I dare not raise my eyes.

Until today, I accidentally glanced and found a slight bulge in the lower abdomen.

I lowered my head slowly, and I could still see the tip of my toes. It can be seen that the stomach is not very big, but, after only one week, has this child grown too fast?

I didn't have any symptoms of nausea, and my appetite was still the same. If it wasn't for the occasional fetal movement, I wouldn't even really feel the existence of this baby.

My mind was empty, as if something was missing to fill it up. I thought, this is probably this child, who always makes me uneasy.

After dinner, grandma called me to her room suddenly, and I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but she seemed a little too enthusiastic.

For a while, I was asked if I was full, for a while, I was asked to sit down, for a while, I was asked to eat fruit, and for a while, I was asked if I felt tired.

Such a grandma makes me feel very strange, but what is even more strange is the way she looks at me.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you, if you have anything to say, just say it."

I put down the apples my grandma had peeled for me and said to her softly.

"Xiao Song told me that you are pregnant."

Grandma looked at me with a smile, and then quickly took my hand: "You silly child, pregnancy is a good thing, what are you embarrassed to say?"

I was slightly taken aback, it seems that I didn't expect Alang to tell grandma the news of my pregnancy so soon, what should I do, if grandma insists on taking me to the birth checkup, then she will definitely know the fact that the baby is stillborn.

With a chill in my heart, I hurriedly changed the subject: "Grandma, a few days ago, Ah Lang and I..."

Before I finished speaking, my grandma interrupted me: "I know, you bought a lot of baby products a few days ago and put them in the utility room on the second floor. Baby room, these two days, I am preparing."

My heart skipped a beat suddenly, and then I remembered, how could these things be hidden from grandma?

(End of this chapter)

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