a zombie haunts me

Chapter 216 Ghost Fitness Center

Chapter 216 Ghost Fitness Center
The man who practiced fast walking on the treadmill, although he was burly, but when he walked, his gait was flimsy, and his heels didn't even touch the ground!

I remember Jiujiu Gong once told me that if a person’s heels cannot touch the ground when he walks, it means that the person may be dying.

But the man in front of him doesn't look like he's about to die at all...

At this moment, an unpleasant rancid smell entered my nostrils, and it became stronger and stronger as I walked forward.

I thought this atmosphere was extremely weird, but when I walked up to that man, my steps froze.

Isn't the stench of corruption emanating from that man? Why didn't other people notice it?
I took a step forward and stopped next to the man's treadmill. Just as I was about to say something, I discovered that the two deep tooth cavities on the man's neck were clearly visible...

The location, depth, and appearance of this wound are so familiar!

The heartbeat suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then, it suddenly beat violently.

I stared at the two cavities for a long time, and I was sure that they must have been bitten out by zombies.

Unexpectedly, this man was bitten by a zombie at such a young age. Does that mean that he will soon become a zombie?
No, if he is a zombie, why is it different from the zombies we saw that night, and he is still exercising!

"Excuse me, what happened to the wound on your neck?"

After hesitating for a long time, I finally couldn't help it anymore, so I pointed to the hole in the man's neck and asked.

The man gave me a hard look and shouted, "What's none of your business?"

I was stared back by his ferocious eyes, took a step back a little later, and asked again: "Did I get bitten by something?"

Unexpectedly, before I finished speaking, the man immediately jumped off the treadmill and almost hit me with his fist.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ah Lang took a step forward and stood in front of me.

"What do you want to do?"

His face was so calm, and the words he said were neither salty nor bland, but carried an indescribable deterrent force.

The man put away his fist and complained: "You were bitten by something, crazy!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around quickly, not knowing where he went.

I had a vague premonition in my heart, I always felt that that man must have been bitten by a zombie, but why didn't he know it at all?
If a person does not know that he is dead, but still lives as a normal person, how dangerous are the people around him?
I originally planned to catch up, but Ah Lang held my hand tightly and whispered in my ear: "Don't meddle in your own business."

Is this meddling? This is a matter of many lives!

I was about to explain something, but saw a graceful woman walking not far away.

I have to say that people who like to soak in the gym seem to be in good shape.

However, this woman had two thick dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept for a long time, and she looked a little scary.

However, it is also possible that the diet has gone too far. In the gym, it is not surprising to see such a woman.

But just as she walked past me, I could clearly smell a rotten stench emanating from her body.

This smell is somewhat similar to the one I just smelled. Thinking of this, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Could it be that this woman has also...

The word "death" hadn't had time to pop into my mind. The moment the woman turned around, I saw a knife stuck in her long hair behind her head. The handle of the knife was not long. It is inserted so deep that it cannot be seen from the outside at all.

The woman passed by A Lang, and at that moment, she even flirted with A Lang shamelessly.

How could this be so? How could a normal person survive being stabbed so deep with a knife? No, he didn’t feel anything at all!
It was so strange, but after a while, I saw two people, both of whom were dead, but neither of them knew that they were dead.

There are so many people in the gym, so what about the others, have they also turned into walking corpses?
My brain suddenly short-circuited, and I always had an inexplicable panic in the face of messy things.

Suddenly, I seemed to have made a new discovery.

It was strange that none of those who were exercising hard were panting, let alone breaking a sweat.

Suddenly, my brain seemed to be knocked violently, by the way, could these people have already died?

Only dead people are not breathing, so they will not take a breath at all, and no one will sweat.

At that moment, I just felt that the blood in my whole body seemed to be stagnant, and I didn't want to move at all.

This is not a "Macho Fitness Center" at all, it is clearly a "Macho Fitness Center"!
I held A Lang's hand tightly and said to him, "A Lang, let's go."

Obviously, I have already noticed that something is wrong with this fitness center, however, A Lang waved his hand and said to me: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He is always so blindly confident. Those people are obviously dead, but they don’t even know that they are dead. If this goes on, I think, will I be like this...

A Lang comforted me carefully while looking back and forth.

It's just that at this moment, I'm not in the mood at all, just waiting to get out of here quickly.

Looking around, it's not that I'm not interested in the gym, but that as long as I think of those fitness equipment that are "only for fierce ghosts", I can't help being afraid for a while.

After turning around several times, I couldn't hold it anymore. People here either had two cavities on their necks, or all kinds of rot on their bodies, but I didn't realize it.

"Alang, I don't think this place is really suitable for me. Let's go to other places, shall we?"

I even used it to act like a baby, but it didn't seem to be of any use to Ah Lang.

He grabbed my hand, as if he was afraid that I would run away, and said to me: "Anyway, it's already here. Haven't you heard an old saying that once you come, you will be safe?"

Of course I know, just staying here is really a very powerful test for me.

After a while, I suddenly thought of something, and said to A Lang: "Didn't you say you want to replenish my body, I'm hungry, why don't we go eat first!"

It's almost lunch time, which is really a good excuse to take the opportunity to leave.

However, before I finished speaking, I heard a man's voice behind me: "Our fitness center is now offering a luxurious lunch. Since both of you have already arrived, don't miss it."

I turned around subconsciously, and happened to bump into an emerald jade wrench.

The boss stood behind me at some point, rubbing his hands in front of me, and the emerald jade finger became more and more eye-catching.

My heart suddenly "thumped", who is this man?
Why are all the people who come here to exercise dead, and I still don't realize it? Could it be that everything is related to this boss?

A chill spread up from the soles of my feet and kept wandering around my body, as if I had fallen into a huge ice cellar. I felt my whole body was shaking non-stop.

I was trying to find a reason to refuse, but I didn't expect A Lang to skip me and said to the boss: "Please prepare a luxurious lunch. My wife and I will have lunch here at noon today."

At that moment, I noticed an imperceptible smile flashed across the boss's face, and that smile immediately made my scalp tingle.

Why does he want us to stay and eat so much? Is there something wrong with those meals?

At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that the boss was afraid that he wanted to do something in the food, so that we could become like other customers, who were obviously dead, but didn't even notice it.

However, when the dishes were served one by one, I felt that I had guessed wrong from the beginning.

For the red wine that was served first, the waiter placed a goblet in front of me and A Lang, and the red wine bottle was opened with a "bang". Then, the waiter carefully poured the red wine into the glass. At first, I thought it was just plain red wine and didn't pay much attention.

However, slowly, I found that those red wines seemed to be a little different. First of all, the color was too bright and eye-catching red, and the color was indeed a little weird.

The second smell, to be honest, I didn't smell any fragrance that red wine should have.

I was about to study hard, but I didn't expect that A Lang actually picked up the cup and drank it down...

No, there must be something wrong. Why is the red wine in the glass so viscous? Could it be that it is not actually red wine?

I don’t know where a gust of cold wind blows, and the cold wind keeps drilling into my neck, as if someone is lying on my back and blowing on my neck, the cold feeling makes all the hairs on my body tremble. Stand up.

I turned around suddenly, only to find that there was nothing behind me.

At this moment, the waiter brought a dish, which looked very beautiful, like flowers and puppies painted in cream.

However, Ah Lang just tasted the wine and didn't say anything.

Strange, in normal times, he would tell me to eat more, what is going on?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help picking up the knife and fork, aiming at the cream cake and preparing to strike.

But as soon as my knife touched the cream cake, my whole body froze.

Isn't the cream cake supposed to be soft? Why didn't the knife cut it when it went down?

The pores all over his body exploded like firecrackers.

I tried my best to cut off the cake, only to realize that it was not a cream cake at all, but candles, all kinds of candles!

(End of this chapter)

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