a zombie haunts me

Chapter 219 8 layers of hell

Chapter 219 Eighteen Levels of Hell

"This elevator is not going up, but... is going down?"

My heartbeat suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then, as if I had received some huge stimulation, it suddenly jumped up.

I finally understood why when the elevator door opened, almost everyone was looking at us, because only the two of us didn't know that this door led to the [-]th floor of hell.

"Do not be afraid."

A Lang still held my hand tightly, but the cold sweat on my palm was like ice cream melting in summer.

I think, I am not afraid, just because of tension and fear.

What I don't understand is why there is an inexplicable force pulling me to hell. Is zombie grass growing in hell? How is this possible?

I don't know why, but I feel that the whole elevator is shaking, it's as cold as an icehouse for a while, and it's as hot as a steamer for a while...

It seems that we are almost at the top of hell.

The torment in my heart was slowly expanding, but I watched A Lang secretly, and he didn't even have the slightest fear.

Why? Could it be that he has been to these eighteen levels of hell?
Breathing seemed to be getting harder and harder, and my mind gradually began to go blank.

At this moment, there seemed to be some rustling sounds in my ears, and an ominous premonition instantly covered me.

The elevator creaked and then stopped, but the elevator door did not open immediately.

My heart suddenly reached my throat, I couldn't imagine how terrifying what I saw when I opened the door, I just felt that the panic in my heart completely occupied me in an instant.

At this moment, the elevator door made a harsh sound of "sizzling", and then, a strange light shone in through the crack of the door. In just a second, I felt the scorching heat of the light.

I immediately got out of the way, but Ah Lang seemed not to feel it at all, and was still standing in front of him.

There was a ticking fragrance in my ears, like the sound of spring water, but I didn't feel any coolness around me, like standing on an oven and sweating.

It wasn't until the elevator door was fully opened that I suddenly realized that the sound of gurgling water was not clear spring at all, but magma...

Looking from a distance, one can only see the slowly flowing magma forming a protective belt like a lake, and on a high protruding rock in the middle, there seems to be a coffin...

My head seemed to be hit hard by someone, and suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and I saw that the coffin was emitting a green light like an emerald.

I began to feel vaguely in my heart that this was probably the location of the Zombie Grass.

Raising my eyes slightly, I saw a flash of light on A Lang's face, it was a kind of excitement, a kind of excitement.

Suddenly, he let go of my hand, put his arms around my waist, and said to me, "Are you ready? I'll take you there."

Before I could answer, Ah Lang led me to jump, but in the blink of an eye, I flew into the air, crossed the hot magma, and landed gracefully in front of the emerald green coffin.

I can't imagine what kind of scene I will see, whether it is a monster, a devil, a zombie, or a dead soul.

But I never dreamed that there was a man lying in the coffin. The man seemed to be older, but he was not old. His eyes were slightly closed, but his complexion was ruddy and shiny. same as people.

What the hell is going on here? Didn't Ah Lang bring me to find Zombie Grass? Why didn't I find anything?

There was no trace of zombie grass at all, and even the corpse in front of him didn't look like a zombie.

Suddenly, my heart beat heavily, and then I felt a strong impact hit me, as if it was going to break through my body, making me feel like I was being stabbed by something all over my body.

I suddenly widened my eyes, only to realize that the magma rolling up and down was like boiling water, and the surrounding temperature became higher and higher.

What should I do, is it going to be cooked?

At this moment, Ah Lang patted my back lightly, and I felt a heavy pressure on my back, as if I was looking for something.

My breathing stopped suddenly, and that thing was protruding out of my body little by little.

I held my hands tightly, feeling a force brewing...

A moment later, Ah Lang's hand was suddenly retracted. At that moment, I felt as if a crack had opened in my heart, and something suddenly popped out of my heart.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the emerald jade ring finger.

After the emerald jade wrench rushed out of my body, it fell into the coffin impartially, as if knowing the way, and returned to the right thumb of the male corpse in the coffin.

I couldn't believe my eyes, and my heart shuddered. What is the origin of this finger ring, and who is this man lying in the coffin?

I was about to grab Ah Lang and ask what happened, but unexpectedly, the moment the finger was put on the man's corpse, a thick black smoke burst out from his chest, as if it had been stained with ink, it was extremely weird.

After the black smoke dissipated, I suddenly realized that a colorful flower grew from the chest of the male corpse. No, it is more appropriate to say that it is a ganoderma lucidum than a flower.

"This... is this the legendary Zombie Grass?"

I was a little excited, and I couldn't even speak fluently.

A Lang nodded, and then said to me: "Take it off."

But I was a little hesitant, I don't know whether I should pick this zombie grass or not.

Besides, after all, this is someone else's possession, and I just took it away, so what's the difference between stealing and snatching it?

"No matter how late it is, it will be too late. We finally got here. Don't you think our sacrifices were wasted?"

I admit that I was moved by him. Although I don't covet that zombie grass very much, I am very clear about the special significance of this grass.

At this moment, Ah Lang grabbed my hand violently, and then reached out to the grass.

The moment my hand touched the grass, something rushed into my mind.

"Come back to me..."

The man's voice was sullen, and I don't know why he said this to me.

"do not want!"

Of course I refused, but suddenly, his hand held my wrist, and his voice was like a bell: "If you are greedy for the world, you will live forever, and I will never come back again!"


My mind suddenly fell into a blank, I only felt that my wrist was so painful, and I seemed to finally see clearly that my wrist was being tightly held by the hand with the emerald jade finger ring.

At that moment, my whole body seemed to be hit by an electric current, and my whole body was covered with fear, and my beating heart became faster and faster...

The pores all over his body crackled and exploded, like a ignited firecracker.

That hot hand held my wrist tightly, completely different from A Lang's cold hand.

Immediately there was a sharp pain in my wrist, and my whole body seemed to be bitten by something, and I was in pain.

However, the sleeping male corpse still had his eyes closed, but he seemed to be able to sense that the zombie grass was about to be taken away by me.

I feel like my wrist is about to melt, what should I do, if this continues, I don't know if I can hold on.

At the very moment, Ah Lang grabbed my other hand and bit it down without hesitation. My finger felt a sharp pain. Then, I found a small hole in my fingertip, and a drop of blood Slowly seep out.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ah Lang dripped the drop of blood on the man's hand that was holding me tightly.

My blood was like boiling water splashing on his body, he let go of his hand immediately, and I suddenly realized that there was a strange scar on the wrist that he had held tightly just now.

With a sudden force, Ah Lang plucked the zombie grass from the man's heart.

"Come on!"

I yelled, Ah Lang nodded, quickly grabbed my waist, jumped, and we went back to the elevator again.

The boiling magma slowly calmed down, and the sound of gurgling water seemed to be heard again.

However, the elevator doors refused to close.

Suddenly, Ah Lang kicked towards the elevator violently. After two sounds of "sizzling", the elevator door finally closed heavily, and he walked all the way up.

I stared at the Zombie Grass in my hand, no matter how I looked at it, it was still an ordinary Ganoderma lucidum, and without the illumination of the magma, it seemed even more ordinary.

"Eat it!"

Ah Lang's deep voice came into my ears, and my heart, which was not very peaceful, couldn't help trembling slightly.

"We do everything we can to snatch the Zombie Grass just to eat it?"

I looked at A Lang with a puzzled frown, and an imbalance gradually expanded in my heart.

"Otherwise?" He asked me back, but when he met my gaze head-on, he lowered his voice and said to me: "For the child in your stomach, this is the best supplement."

"I don't want any supplements. You can keep this stuff for yourself."

I slammed the zombie grass towards Ah Lang, like throwing away a piece of garbage, like a shoe.

But in the next second, Ah Lang suddenly hugged me and kissed me before I could react at all.

My brain exploded with a bang, the pores all over my body shrank rapidly, my heart was beating like a drum, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

What the hell is he doing, we're still on the elevator from hell back to the ground, is he... crazy?

But slowly, my brain began to lose consciousness, my blood seemed to stagnate, and my breathing became shallower and shallower.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp stabbing pain from the back of my spine. I felt dizzy and my eyelids became heavier and heavier. Just as my eyes were about to close, I saw the tree in A Lang's hand. Zombie Grass began to shrink slowly.

In the end, it shrank to the size of a pill.

"No... I won't eat!"

I faltered and said, but my voice became smaller and smaller, as if I couldn't speak at all...

(End of this chapter)

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