Chapter 22
My heart was beating like a drum, but I didn't dare to turn my head, I was afraid that I would see something horrible when I turned my head.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.


The uncle Han next to me yelled loudly and chased after him.

Villagers kept chasing after me, but I didn't know what happened.

Just looking up, he suddenly discovered that a woman in a big red cotton padded jacket was standing beside the big rock.

She tiptoed to get the weird bronze mirror on the stone.

I almost doubted my eyes. On such a hot day, she was wearing a padded jacket. Isn't it hot?
Uncle Han and the others knew that they couldn't catch up, so they stopped and looked up at the woman.

"Put down that mirror, you are disrespecting Empress Shixian!"

All the villagers became angry, eager to go up and pull the woman down.

But the woman didn't seem to hear the villagers' voices at all, and it seemed that her fingertips were about to reach the mirror.

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm in the sky. It was clear that the sun was scorching in the sky one second, and dark clouds covered the sun in the next second.

The sky seemed to have been blasted open, and the cold wind kept pouring into the valley, and I couldn't help shivering.

Looking again, the bronze mirror actually shook and fell from the stone, just in the woman's hand.

The woman saw her own face in the mirror and laughed.

The villagers were stunned, and the terrifying laughter just now appeared again, echoing throughout the valley.

Only this time did I hear clearly. It turned out that the laughter came from that woman.

A flash of lightning struck, and the cloudy sky lit up in an instant, but within a second, it immediately went dark again.

But at this second, I saw the face of the woman in the flower jacket.

Her disheveled hair almost covered half of her face, revealing a pair of terrifying eyes.

I actually found that her eyes were a white hole, no, that was her white eyeball, and she didn't have black pupils.

She was grinning and letting out a horrible laugh, her teeth were sparse, and she looked terribly scary.

But I noticed that a crimson gully appeared between her brows, and the crimson marks flickered, as if you could see the blood flowing inside.

The white light of lightning shone on her face, but her skin was pale, with no trace of blood visible.

At this moment, she suddenly looked towards me, the deep red gully between her eyebrows became redder and redder, and there was still a glowing red light around her.

I was so scared that I almost screamed, but I couldn't let her see my fear. I covered my mouth with my hand, and the scream was suppressed by my palm.

There was a bang, and after another thunderstorm, the dull thunder made my brain buzz for a while.

Suddenly, I heard sparse noises in my ears, and huge hailstones fell from the sky.

Fortunately, I was wearing the hat given to me by the villagers, but I could still feel the hailstone hitting the top of my head, like when I was disobedient when I was a child, grandma hit my head with chopsticks.

I saw that all the villagers fell to their knees with a plop, kneeling in front of the stone.

They kept kowtowing to the stone, saying, "Don't be offended by the Shixian empress, don't be offended by the Shixian empress!"

I was stunned for a moment, I don't know if this is the manifestation of the stone fairy, but I clearly saw that the stone was covered with ghost hands covered in blood.

At that moment, I only felt that my whole body was icy cold, and the hailstone hit me, and I could feel sharp tingling pains from my skin.

Uncle Han hastily pulled me and motioned for me to kneel down too, but before I could react, the weird laughter in my ears became farther and farther away...

When I looked up, the woman had disappeared, and the bronze mirror had also disappeared.

My heart became empty in an instant, a gust of wind blew, and I shivered in the cold wind.

The dark clouds overhead slowly disappeared, and there was no more hail in the sky.

After a while, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun returned to the land again.

The villagers supported each other to get up, each of them had a dark face and looked very bad.

My originally cold body, after standing under the scorching sun for a while, slowly regained its warmth.

At this time, I suddenly realized that the hailstones that fell from the sky just now had all melted. The melted hailstones could not withstand the scorching sun, and there was not even a trace of water left.

Everything that happened just now seemed like a nightmare.

My stiff back was slowly able to move, I took a deep breath, and I asked, "Uncle, who was that woman just now?"

He let out a long sigh, and said slowly, "That woman is a silly elder sister in the village, she has been crazy and stupid for decades, it's strange to say that this silly elder sister, even if she was crazy, would never run to Empress Shixian is here to make trouble, what happened today?"

I looked into Uncle Han's eyes and suddenly remembered what grandma said.

It seems that the silly elder sister in the flowered jacket did not appear for no reason just now, but the power that had been sealed in my body for 20 years was exposed little by little.

The sun is baking on my body, it is obviously hot, but my body has a layer of goose bumps.

There is an unprecedented fear in my heart, which is gradually spreading.

I was deeply afraid, afraid that I would have been killed by those ghosts before I had time to unravel the truth of my parents' death 20 years ago.

I was silent for a moment, and then asked, "The bronze mirror was taken away by her just now, Shi...wouldn't Empress Shixian blame her?"

Uncle Han seemed very worried, but he just shook his head helplessly, "I don't know about it, but when I was young, my grandfather told me that this bronze mirror has always been hung on the On Empress Shixian."

When he said this, I couldn't help but think of something. I looked up and saw that the part of the stone where the bronze mirror was originally placed was bare, with neither a hook nor a crack in the stone.

"This bronze did you hang it on?"

I asked a question, full of doubts in my heart.

"This... I don't know for sure. I just remember that my grandfather said that the frame of the bronze mirror was originally inlaid with jade. Later, someone in the village saw that the bronze mirror was valuable, so they wanted to steal it and sell it for money. As a result, Shixian The empress blamed it, the three members of that family unexpectedly died suddenly that night, the death conditions were extremely terrifying!"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but gasped, but I didn't dare to ask him what kind of horrible death the family of three was in.

I just felt that some kind of force in the dark was pulling me to Coffin Town, first to Guitou Village, and then here again.

But I know better that there are some things that I really can't hide from.

Uncle Han went on to say, "Later, the village head invited a Taoist priest over, and the Taoist priest said that it can only be resolved by plating it with gold."

I nodded, remembering that when I saw the bronze mirror before, it was indeed inlaid with gold.

At that time, I wondered why it was wrapped in gold when it was clearly just a bronze mirror. It turned out that there was another such story.

"It's getting late, Mr. Liu, let's go back to the village early, I have to discuss it with the village chief, get the bronze mirror back from the stupid big sister as soon as possible, and hang it up again, otherwise, the entire Longtou Village I'm afraid they will all suffer."

After hearing Uncle Han's words, goosebumps popped up on my body again.

I took a deep look at the mountain stream not far from me, and several black crows flew from one end of the mountain to the other, their mouths kept making heart-shattering neighs.

I followed the large army into the mountains, and unintentionally, I took another look at the strange stone, which was still covered with green moss.

Suddenly, a bloody ghost hand stretched out from the green moss and slowly waved towards me.

I was so frightened that the hairs all over my body exploded. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. The ghost hand was gone, and the moss was still the same moss.

"Teacher Liu, hurry up and follow me."

Uncle Han called me, and I quickly followed the large army, never daring to look back.

After driving the mountain road for a long time, the road was delayed for a while because of the appearance of the silly elder sister, and it was already dusk when we arrived at Longtou Village Middle School.

The sun had set on the halfway up the mountain, and it was about to set.

Under the recommendation of Uncle Han, I met the only teacher in Longtou Village. Her name is Li Su, and the students call her Teacher Su Su affectionately.

The school is indeed as simple as Uncle Han described. There is only a classroom built of thatched huts, and there is an adobe house behind it, which is the staff dormitory and cafeteria.

There is no running water in the village. If you need water, you can only get water from the well behind the school.

However, Susu was very kind to me and very enthusiastic. She showed me around the school as soon as I arrived at the school.

Susu is a very pretty woman, but she always covers the left half of her face with her hair.

In the evening, she helped me arrange the dormitory, and we sat down and chatted for a while.

It turned out that she was an alumnus of mine, and she attended the same normal school as me, but she was one class higher than me, so first I came to Longtou Village Middle School as a volunteer teacher for a year.

I asked her why so many people were unwilling to come to such a poor Coffin Town, but she didn't dislike it.

She told me that her family lived in Longtou Village.

I suddenly realized that she was a poor college student who passed the entrance examination from Longtou Village Middle School.

At this moment, I have a special admiration for her in my heart.

We were talking happily, and I said a little embarrassedly, "Susu, you are so beautiful, why do you always cover half of your face with your hair?"

When she heard me ask this question, she couldn't help being surprised.

I was beating a drum in my heart, could it be, did I ask something that shouldn't be asked?

"If it's not convenient for you to say, it's okay, don't tell me."

I smiled, trying to defuse the embarrassment.

But she suddenly lowered her voice, the voice was very weak, and her voice was like gossamer: "Do you really want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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