a zombie haunts me

Chapter 246 Don't drink non-human blood

Chapter 246 Don't drink non-human blood
The child's soft lips were attached to my finger, and he was actually sucking my blood. I wanted to take my finger back, but my finger seemed to be stuck with glue, and I couldn't pull it out at all.

The inexplicable fear was like sharp barbs, tearing my sensitive nerves back and forth. The pores all over my body were like lit firecrackers, and they all exploded with a thunderbolt.

"No... child, you can't drink this blood, you can't..."

I was so anxious that I shed tears, but it was too late, he had already drunk my blood.

I didn't see the child frowning slightly until a sudden pain came from the fingertips, as if he couldn't suck the blood and felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while, he let go of me slowly, and burst into tears with a "wow".

But I was completely at a loss, I could only silently look at the child in my arms, there seemed to be something stuck in my throat, and even breathing began to become a little difficult.

Bai Chenxu ran into the house in a panic. When he saw this scene, he was a little confused. Until his eyes fell on the bloody teacup crumbs on the ground, I saw his originally flat brows gather together, and the middle was sunken. There is a long ravine.

"He drank your blood?"

Bai Chenxu couldn't believe it, so he asked.

Like a child who has done something wrong, I lowered my head slightly.

So, when Bai Chenxu poured the cooked pig blood soup into the baby bottle and put it near the child's mouth, his small mouth squirmed slightly, and he spit it out just as the soup entered his mouth, with a loud "wow" Crying is deafening.

What to do, I seem to have made a mistake, I am afraid that from now on, this child will not drink non-human blood.

The headache was severe, and the panic in my heart could no longer be described in words.

Two days later, the child didn't drink any water and began to cry all day long.

Bai Chenxu and I were going crazy, but no one dared to feed him blood.

On the third day, I couldn't hold on any longer, so I cut a small wound on my wrist while Bai Chenxu wasn't paying attention.

The blood flowed out in an instant, and the dark red blood made my heart shudder.

But as soon as I put my hand near the child's mouth, he came over directly and sucked my wound without any scruples.

The heartache was unbearable, and I looked at the child with his eyes slightly closed at this moment, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

I know, I can't blame him, it's all my fault, he is a child of zombies, he should feed on blood, I shouldn't have given birth to him, let him suffer.

The child fell asleep peacefully after drinking enough, and I carefully wiped off the blood stains on his lips so that Bai Chenxu would not find out.

After a little treatment of the wound, I covered the wound on my wrist with a long sleeve, but there was nowhere to say the pain in my heart.

When Bai Chenxu saw that the child was not crying or making trouble, he thought it was because the child was tired from crying, so he didn't take it too seriously.

The days passed day by day, and a week later, after I finished feeding the baby, I just put him in the stroller when my vision went dark and I fell to the ground.

When Bai Chenxu found me, I was already very weak.

He was a little angry, and he lifted my sleeves. When he saw that the knife mark with a length of more than ten centimeters was not stained with a trace of blood, he cursed like crazy: "You Do not die?"

I shook my head, opened my chapped and white lips, forced a smile, and said to him, "He is my child after all..."

Tears poured out of my eyes like that, my heart seemed to be crazily torn by an invisible force, it was torn into pieces, and fell to the ground in a mess.

But Bai Chenxu was speechless by what I said. After a long time, he sighed deeply and said to me: "I know..."

The sky was gloomy, as if it was going to rain, and I lay quietly on the bed, unable to draw any strength from my body.

The infant child was sleeping soundly. Bai Chenxu was sitting beside my bed, staring at me with a pair of deep eyes.

"What are you going to do in the future?"

Suddenly, he asked me in a very serious tone.

I pondered for a moment, but still had no answer in my heart, so I shook my head slightly.

Bai Chenxu suddenly became a little excited, he took my hand and said to me: "You can't keep him by your side, otherwise, you will die, you will die!"


I don't know if he pulled too hard and hurt my wound, which made me gasp.

"I will take him away, I know there is a place where he can be sealed."

After Bai Chenxu finished speaking, he got up to hug my child, but I grabbed him, regardless of the pain in my wrist.

"No... I beg you, don't do this to him."

My voice is hoarse and tears are welling up in my eyes.

Bai Chenxu's hands that were originally reaching out to the child froze slightly, and he looked extremely helpless.

"Little Pepper, if you must keep this child by your side, then promise me that you will never feed him with your own blood again."

At that moment, a heart-piercing pain spread in my heart. After a long silence, I finally nodded helplessly.

"I will find a solution to the child's eating problem. Starting tomorrow, as long as I see you feeding him with your own blood, don't blame me for sending the child to the seal."

It can be seen that Bai Chenxu is very angry. He must be angry that I did this without telling him.

But what can I do?

He helped me re-bandage the wound, and prepared some blood-enriching ingredients to make soup for me, but I looked at the sleeping child in the cradle, and my mood was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

I didn't expect that Bai Chenxu bought a live chicken from the market, slaughtered the chicken, and fed the fresh chicken blood to the child. At first, the child was a little obsessed with life, but soon, he started drinking.

Bai Chenxu sighed and said to me, "Drink some chicken soup to replenish blood later."

I nodded, and I don't know how long this kind of life will last. Suddenly, I thought of A Lang. Before he left, he asked me to take good care of the child. After all, what happened in Tiancui Cave that day?

I have been busy with my children's affairs all day, and I didn't even have time to ask.

After thinking about it, I pulled Bai Chenxu aside and asked in a low voice, "How did we escape from Tiancui Cave that day?"

The next second, I saw Bai Chenxu's face tremble slightly, he lowered his eyes slightly, and said to me with great reluctance: "Just escape, you don't care how he escaped?"

All of a sudden, I felt that he was definitely hiding something about this matter, but why would he do this?

The only possibility is that this matter has something to do with Ah Lang!
"Tell me quickly, otherwise, I will take the child and leave here!"

Bai Chenxu knows my character well, and I always keep my word.

Seeing the expression on his face began to hesitate, I knew that he was still willing to tell me.

After a while, Bai Chenxu took a deep breath and said to me: "That zombie saved us. At that time, I didn't know what happened. I passed out vaguely, but, little pepper, listen I said, don't relax your vigilance against that zombie just because he saved us, don't forget what Master said, Master will not harm us."

At this moment, my heart became more and more heavy, Bai Chenxu's words were similar to what I imagined, it was really Ah Lang who saved us.

But, why did Nineteen Lords say that, why couldn't the child be handed over to his father, what exactly is Ah Lang planning?

One night three days later, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. The baby kept crying, no matter what he was fed, he refused to drink.

Bai Chenxu and I had nothing to do with him, so we had to keep trying to coax him.

It wasn't until midnight that the children finally stopped making trouble. I was already exhausted, so I sent Bai Chenxu to rest, and fell asleep by myself.

However, not long after falling asleep, I felt a cool breeze blowing on my face.

Maybe I forgot to close the window, I didn't pay too much attention, turned over and continued to sleep.

In the darkness, it seemed that someone got into my quilt and tightly held my hand that was lying flat on my lower abdomen.

His hands were icy cold, without a trace of warmth. I was in a daze of sleep, so I quickly pulled out my hands and hid them under the pillow.

Unexpectedly, that cold hand reached into my clothes, and gently slid across my skin inch by inch, from top to bottom...

Who... who the hell...

In the haze, I wanted to open my eyes, but no matter how hard I tried, the eyelids just couldn't open.

His icy fingers were full of nostalgia, and a kind of joy after reunion.

"Who are you...don't touch me...don't touch me..."

I started talking in my sleep, but that person didn't seem to hear anything, his palm suddenly stretched out to my forehead, gently stroked the broken hair on my forehead, and then, Soft but cold lips pressed to my forehead.

A familiar smell hits the face, with a pleasant fragrance, like sawdust hidden in a drawer.

Ah Lang...it's Ah Lang!

My heart began to beat wildly. I wanted to grab him and hold him tightly, but it was as if someone had cast a spell on my body, and I couldn't move at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I seem to be able to see the faint dawn...

But suddenly a voice came from my ear, that voice was icy cold, like an ice pick hanging on a tree branch in the twelfth lunar month, directly piercing my heart, he said: "Lady, I took the child's heart away."

The next second, I suddenly opened my eyes wide, and the morning sun shone into the room, reflecting a touch of red.

The windows are open, the soft wind blows in through the windows, and the curtains dance in the breeze.

Something flashed through my mind in an instant, and I subconsciously climbed out of bed and walked towards the child's cradle...

But when I walked to the edge of the cradle, I only saw empty swaddling clothes, piled up in the cradle like a discarded rag.

As if someone had given me a shot in the arm, my heart began to beat wildly, and the blood in my body boiled like boiling water. Where is the child, where is my child?

(End of this chapter)

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