a zombie haunts me

Chapter 251 The shoe that fell into the Wangchuan River

Chapter 251 The shoe that fell into the Wangchuan River
I was startled suddenly, as if an electric current passed through my whole body.

I thought, is he lying to me?

But, besides him, who else can I trust?

It must have been several months, and the days in the underworld can be said to be unknown.

Although I don’t remember everything in the human world, at least I eat and sleep when I need to sleep in the underworld. Life seems to have no goals or pursuits, but I always feel that there is something waiting for me to do, Only, I can't think of exactly what to do.

Every night, I would have different dreams. In my dreams, I would always see a handsome man, but he was not Pluto.

He has an intoxicating smile and a special fragrance on his body, like sawdust hidden in a drawer.

I always feel familiar with such a man, but I don't remember where I saw him.

In the dream, he took care of me like a family member, but when the dream was about to wake up, all the happiness and beauty would suddenly turn into a mass of darkness, and his voice came into my heart from nowhere Ear, tell me, he has had a hard time, so hard...

Whenever I suddenly opened my eyes, I would subconsciously think about where I was, but he seemed to only exist in my dream.

After waking up several times, I found myself covered in cold sweat, shivering as if lying on an ice bed.

Over time, I gradually got used to it, but I never dared to tell Pluto about being haunted by nightmares every day.

I sat by the Wangchuan River in a daze all day long, watching those dead people pass by the Naihe Bridge, some of them were in pain, and some seemed to be relieved...

I often fantasize about what I was like when I was in the world, what things I have experienced, who I have met, whether there are also joys and sorrows, but when I get here, I find that everything is no longer exciting, as if the color has faded. A picture scroll is always only black and white.

"Don't you feel bored sitting here all day?"

A voice suddenly appeared behind me, making me quickly get out of my thoughts.

Looking back, I don't know when Pluto appeared behind me, followed by a ghost.

His appearance always gave me a sense of awe. He always said that I was his wife, but I didn't remember anything.

Whenever he acted very close to me, I would hide away in fear, which used to irritate him, but the strange thing is that he didn't blame me, just walked away silently every time.

"It's not boring. Looking at those people walking on the Naihe Bridge, I can't help but imagine what they have experienced in the world and how they left the world."

I replied very calmly, still staring at the bridge not far away, a very classical arch bridge, which seemed to have a long, long history.

"If you really saw their past, you would be scared."

He said lightly, bent down regardless of his identity, and sat quietly beside me.

I met his gaze head-on with puzzled eyes, my heart trembled suddenly, and I quickly withdrew my gaze.

His eyes are too sharp, and always give me a feeling that it is difficult to get close to him. Every time I meet his eyes, I feel as if he has already seen through my thoughts, and I feel flustered for no reason.

"Really, maybe it's because I didn't see anything."

After I finished speaking, I was about to get up, but when my legs shook, one of my shoes accidentally fell into the Wangchuan River.

I wanted to bend down to pick it up, but a strong arm held me tightly, and the voice of Pluto came softly: "Be careful not to drop it."

So, I quickly retracted the arm that was out of reach, and watched the shoe slowly float away into the distance, and then slowly sink into the Wangchuan River.

My mind was empty, for unknown reasons, but there was always a sense of loss, which flashed by quickly.

"Let's go back."

After a long time, Pluto's voice came again, I was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said to him: "But my shoes..."

"I'll carry you back."

He suddenly smiled and helped me up very gentlemanly.

I froze for a moment, and wanted to refuse, but the ghost guard next to him gave me a hard look and said, "Pluto, no, this is really damaging your dignity..."

"You don't have the final say on my majesty, get out of here, and go to the Naihe Bridge to watch."

A word from Pluto sent the ghost messenger away. He quickly picked me up and walked forward step by step.

I don't know why, during the time I stayed in the underworld, I feel that today is the only day that seems to be the most secure.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying to let my nervousness slowly relax.

I don't know why, but when I lie on Pluto's back, I always feel an inexplicably familiar feeling.

No... I was not like this in the past. With broad shoulders and strong arms, there is another person holding me. Who is that person?

However, as long as I tried to recall all that, I felt my brain hurt so badly, my head seemed to be hit hard by something, and the pain was like a needle prick.

After a while, I slowly relaxed, because I found that being carried behind my back like this gave me an inexplicable sense of security.

Suddenly, Pluto's footsteps gradually slowed down, and he asked me: "Do you still remember how to dance?"

I shook my head and asked in a low voice, "Was I good at dancing before?"

He smiled suddenly and said to me, "Yeah, you used to be very good at dancing."

"So did we dance together a lot before?"

After I asked this question, I obviously felt his whole body sink slightly, then he shook his head and said to me: "No, you are only willing to dance when you are happy."

"Then I was very unhappy before?"

My words seemed to have annoyed him a bit, and since then, he has stopped answering me.

But, I always feel that he is hiding something from me, what exactly is it?
Back in the house, after changing a pair of shoes, he asked me enthusiastically if I wanted to learn to dance, but before I agreed, he dragged me to a big tree outside the house.

The breeze blew, and the leaves rustled lightly. He smiled and put his arm around my waist with one hand, and gently held my hand with the other.

"I teach you."

Seeing that he was so interested, I was too embarrassed to interrupt him, so I nodded.

He taught very carefully and seriously, even though I stepped on his feet several times.

He is neither angry nor angry, but always has a kind of indifferent smile on his face.

For some reason, a face suddenly appeared in my mind, it seemed to be the man I had seen in my dream, and he was the same, looking at me with a smile.

Jumping and dancing, I seemed to be a different person, my footsteps became lighter, and the dance steps began to be done in one go.

I found that there seemed to be a dancing soul in my body.

He suddenly asked me: "What are you thinking?"

"I... I seem to feel more and more familiar with it."

But just after I finished speaking, his dance steps stopped abruptly.

At that moment, I was stunned, and I saw a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Why did you stop?"

I asked him, but he looked at me coldly and asked, "Did you remember something?"

However, I shook my head and said to him, "I can't remember, but I think I must have loved dancing before."

Then, I jumped up briskly again, and a few leaves that fell from the tree floated down like flying snowflakes.

At that moment, I seemed to have found myself, but I found that Pluto was not very happy.

I don't know if it's because I think about it every day and dream about it at night, but that night, I dreamed about that man again.

In the dream, he came to me with a shoe in his hand. When I saw the shoe, I couldn't help but tremble all over.

Isn't this shoe the one that I fell into the Wangchuan River during the day?

This time, he didn't say anything, just bent down slowly, gently picked up my foot, and put the shoe on my foot.

I heard his voice, gentle and full of magnetism, he seemed to be reading a poem: "Don't dream of Yiyi to Xie's house, the small corridor is winding and slanting, there is only spring and moon in love, especially the falling flowers when you are away."


My heart beat suddenly, as if an electric current passed through my whole body, all the hairs on my body stood on end.

Why do I feel so familiar when I hear these two words...

"Yiyi...who is it?"

I suddenly opened my eyes wide, only to find that a black figure was sitting by my bed, and I sat up suddenly in fright.

"Have you had a nightmare?"

Pluto asked me softly, and that voice gradually stabilized my emotions.

"Why are you sitting by my bed without saying a word?"

I asked him, wiped the cold sweat from my forehead, and calmed down my frightened mood.

"What did you dream about?"

He suddenly asked me again with a serious expression on his face.

But I shook my head, lied to him, and said, "I... I seem to have forgotten."

After a long time, he seemed relieved, and said to me: "Everything in the dream is fake, don't take it seriously."

After all, he was about to leave, but I suddenly grabbed his hand.

He froze for a moment, turned around slightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"You want me to stay?"

I immediately withdrew my hand, blushed slightly, shook my head, and asked, "I want to know what the world is like."

"You want to know what these are for?"

When he heard my question, his tone immediately became serious. In the past few months, he never said a word about the past. I felt that he seemed to be worried about what I remembered, but he never said anything about it. Tell me what's on your mind.

"Nothing... I'm just curious."

I think he probably won't tell me anything, he is so afraid that I will think of everything in the world.

But I didn't expect that after a moment of silence, he suddenly said to me: "The world is a place full of desire, greed and hatred."

At that moment, I couldn't help trembling all over, and turned my eyes to him again, but I saw some emotions flashed in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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