Chapter 286

I cursed in my heart, you're so stupid, you clearly know that the destination of this train is Baiyun Villa, besides, we are not stupid, who would choose a ghost car for nothing?
The most important thing is, didn't you give the clue of Baiyun Villa?

However, on the surface, I was not in a good mood, and I just said calmly: "Yes, Boss Lu is also going to Baiyun Villa, why don't you stay in the bank today?"

Hearing what I said, Lu Feng nodded very politely, then sat down on the chair in front of me, but sat sideways, and turned to look at me.

The smile on his face deepened, and he said to me: "Today is a good day, I gave myself a day off."

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion and asked, "Can you still give yourself a vacation?"

But he smiled, deliberately avoided the person behind the opening, and said to me: "I have always had some friendship with Mr. Bai from Baiyun Villa. If the two of you are going to visit Baiyun Villa, I can be a guide."

I knew that it was impossible for Lu Feng to appear here for no reason. It turned out that he came all the way here because he knew we were going to Baiyun Villa.

However, what is his purpose? For a while, I still couldn't figure it out. I just felt a disgusting smell from his whole body. This smell probably originated a long time ago. It must have been when he was controlled by evil spirits.

I will never forget that he was refining corpse oil in the pottery hall of the school, and his hands were stained with the blood of the school teachers and students.

"Boss Lu, we are all very down-to-earth people. If you have something to say, just speak up and don't beat around the bush, okay?"

I can't stand such hypocrisy anymore, especially seeing the weird smile on Lu Feng's face, I really feel sick to my stomach.

"Okay, both of you are happy people. We smart people don't talk dark words. I'm here to help you. Without me, you might not even be able to enter the gate of Baiyun Villa."

There was a hint of evil on Lu Feng's face, and that smile made me feel flustered. I was thinking in my heart, is this man a lunatic?
However, A Lang couldn't help holding my hand tightly, and then he said to Lu Feng: "Then I'll have to work."

I was short of breath, but I knew that Ah Lang must have his reasons for doing so.

To be honest, I can't trust Lu Feng very much now. I always feel that letting him follow will definitely trip us up secretly.

"Miss, don't be impatient. Boss Lu is right. Without his guidance, it would be very difficult for us to enter Baiyun Villa."

As A Lang said, he blinked at me, and I understood what he meant, so I didn't bother with this question any more.

But I was always very wary of Lu Feng in my heart, deeply afraid that he would use some tricks on the road, but nothing happened.

The car drove to the penultimate station, which is the beginning of the "last kilometer", and stopped. Everyone got out of the car. The driver quickly turned the car around and quickly disappeared on the narrow mountain road.

The strange thing is that those ghosts disappeared after getting off the car, and I don’t know where they went, but I vaguely felt a frightening force emanating from the hillside not far away, it was a very powerful force If my guess is correct, that place is probably Baiyun Villa!
A strange wind blew past, crawling across my cheeks like dense worms.

Aware of my gaze, Ah Lang held my hand tightly and said to me: "If you are afraid, just stay here and wait for me."

I was scared, but staying here was even more scared. Without any hesitation, I said, "I'll go with you!"

As I walked, I carefully observed the surrounding scenery. Although I knew such a place before, it was my first time here.

When I was young, if any child became disobedient, the adults would say: "Send you to Baiyun Villa, the ghosts there like to eat children the most, especially children who are disobedient."

The children at that time were very innocent, so naturally they would not make noise, and behaved obediently in everything they did.

Thinking about it now, this Baiyun Villa is really scary.

"We go up from here, and we will arrive in less than 10 minutes. Don't worry, Mr. Bai is a very hospitable person."

When Lu Feng said this, the slightly upward arc of the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious, which made my heart suddenly feel hot and cold, very uncomfortable.

Is Mr. Bai's enthusiasm welcoming us or wanting to eat us all...

Thinking of these, I can't help but feel shuddering.

In a blink of an eye, we had already walked halfway up the mountain, about 500 meters away, but I felt very tired, as if I had walked for several kilometers.

What the hell is going on here? Seeing the time passing by, the Baiyun Villa is clearly in front of you, but you can't get past it no matter what.

I took a deep breath and tried to maintain my strength, however, the more I walked forward, the more uneasy I felt in my heart.

"what happened?"

A Lang stopped and looked at me, and I saw concern in his eyes.

"It's okay, I just feel so strange, why we know that Yunshan Villa is right in front of us, but we can't walk through it no matter what, isn't it the last kilometer, but we seem to have walked a long way."

I whispered in Ah Lang's ear, because of my shortness of breath, my throat seemed to be very uncomfortable, and I couldn't raise my voice.

"Do you want to know why we haven't walked up after walking for so long?"

At this moment, Lu Feng suddenly stopped, turned his head, and met my eyes.

I thought about it, looked at A Lang again, and finally shook my head and said, "What the hell...what's going on?"

"Take a good look, is this day still that day?"

Suddenly, I felt a cold current flow through my whole body, which made me shiver.

Looking up, it seems that the sky is not the same. How should I put it, the road is still the same road, but we are no longer in the original position, which made me suddenly think of something, before I have time to speak, Ah Lang has already replied in my place: "This is the unreal space."

I suddenly took a deep breath, and then I remembered, it is true, why did I only find out now?
"Actually, since we embarked on this mountain-climbing road, we have been in an unreal space."

Suddenly, I saw Lu Feng's one hand touching the emerald jade wrench on the other hand.

"What can we do to escape from this unreal space?"

I lowered my voice and asked, Lu Feng thought for a while, and then said to me: "It's not difficult to go out, the difficulty lies in finding out why there is such an unreal space."

At that moment, I was slightly taken aback, and then I realized that I probably know a little bit about what the unreal space is. In this space, everything is fake, and this space seems to be able to see through a person. People's mind, the more you think about something, the more you can see something.

But if you want to ask me, how did this unreal space come about, I really don't know.

But at this moment, I heard a cry of a baby, and that sound deeply stimulated my ears, as if Ling Chi made me feel painful.

"Ah Lang, did you hear that?"

I lowered my voice and asked, but Ah Lang looked at me with a very puzzled look: "What did you hear?"

"Crying... the crying of a child..."

I thought I was the only one who heard it, but after a while, Ah Lang actually nodded and said to me: "I heard it, it's the cry of a child, it seems to be our child."

I thought everything was an illusion, but I didn't expect it to be real.

I took a deep breath, unable to hide the joy in my heart.

Great, it seems real, our kids are really here.

However, there was no one in the surrounding area, so where did the child's cry come from?
"You all heard it wrong, don't forget, everything you see in the Illusionary Space is everything you want in your heart."

Lu Feng's voice came faintly, which made my heart sink suddenly.

Is everything in the detached space fake, but why, I always feel that the voices we hear are so real?

Perhaps, because A Lang and I were eager to find the child, we both heard the same voice.

"Why don't you seem to have any unusual reactions?"

Lu Feng seemed to have encountered nothing, so calm as if everything was under his control.

I always feel that this unreal space seems to be related to him, but after all, this is the territory of Baiyun Villa. Even if we don't know what Mr. Bai is, at least we won't let Lu Feng do whatever he wants here.

"It's very simple, because I have no desires or desires in my heart."

Lu Feng's voice made my heart tremble deeply, but after thinking about it, he was right. In this world, as long as he wants, he can easily get it. Even, as long as he wants, he can also Controlling the cycle of life and death, what else can he want but can't get?
"The reason why there is a fantasy space is because everyone has more or less their own desires in their hearts, and if they want something in their hearts, they will naturally get lost in the fantasy space."

Lu Feng's eyes slowly shifted to my face, and at that moment, I seemed to think of something again.

At this time, A Lang continued: "There is another reason for the formation of the illusion space. The illusion of separation means the illusion of separation, that is to say, people who are separated from you usually appear in your illusion. It can also be said that this is a dimension where thoughts are woven together."

"You're right, so, as long as you use the resentment of ghosts and people's desires, you can easily create an illusionary space."

Lu Feng's words made me suddenly think of the Soul Inn. I remember that in the unreal space of the Soul Inn, I missed my father for the first time, so the person I saw was my father. The second time, because I missed A Lang, So, the person I met was Ah Lang. No wonder, when I entered the Illusory Space for the third time, I met my child...

(End of this chapter)

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