a zombie haunts me

Chapter 298 1 person is lying

Chapter 298 Someone Is Lying

In an instant, my heart couldn't help trembling slightly, haunting, depression, suicide...

All kinds of words circled in my mind. I didn't know what was going on, but I had a feeling in my heart that this matter might really be related to supernatural events.

"Okay, let's go have a look."

I've finally decided that no matter what, it's good to find out the truth of the matter.

Thinking of this, A Lang and I walked home while walking, but we had just walked through the downtown area, and when we passed the huge electronic display screen, we suddenly heard some sounds.

"Look, girl with sky eyes!"

"The sky-eyed girl is actually on TV, is she really pretty?"

"Aren't you short-sighted? Once she appears, it means that someone is going to die again!"


The voices of various discussions came and went, and my mood began to become very complicated.

We just met this sky-eyed girl, oh, by the way, we saw her on the TV station, could it be that she went to the TV station to record today's program?
At that moment, an ominous premonition filled the whole body. A Lang and I stopped almost at the same time, and our eyes were locked on the girl's face on the screen. It was obviously such a pure face, but in her eyes The things I saw were all demons and ghosts.

I still remember that a long time ago, I read a report.

It is about a boy who can see ghosts. The boy has been regarded as a psychopath since he was a child. His family taboos him, his friends isolate him, and he has only a doll by his side.

At that time, I did not believe in the existence of ghosts in this world, but at this moment, I have completely believed.

I think that this sky-eyed girl is probably the same as the boy in the news. She has been under some kind of unbearable pressure since she was a child, so she always looks eerie. No wonder, some people call her She is a girl of death.

The male host's magnetic voice came from the electronic display screen, and he asked: "Sky-eyed girl, it's rare that you are willing to come to our show, and I want to ask you on behalf of the audience, are you... really able to watch?" To hell?"

However, the girl did not answer, her eyes were completely empty, she was not looking at the camera, but at a certain place in the studio.

From her eyes, I seemed to see something. Could it be that there was a ghost standing in front of her when recording the show?
After a while, I saw the sky-eyed girl nodded, her movements were very slow, but her move made the audience standing beside me start whispering again.

"Is it true?"

"Who knows, it looks half-truth."

"However, the few things she predicted before seem to have happened."

"You said, could the murderer be her?"


I raised my eyes and took a deep look at A Lang, only to see that his thin lips were tightly pursed, as if he was thinking about something.

At that moment, I wondered if he was thinking about the same question as me, that is, what did this sky-eyed girl see and what did she want to prophesy?

"Then, I would like to ask you a question on behalf of the audience." The host said, his voice became softer and softer. At this time, some music came from the TV, which sounded very weird. He continued: " What does a ghost look like?"

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, there was no music, and there was no sound. Everyone was waiting for the girl's answer, but she suddenly yelled: "Don't...don't..."

In the picture, the girl tightly covered her eyes with her hands, as if she saw something terrible, which made everyone's hearts rise at that moment.

"What's the matter, tell me, what did you see?"

The host continued to guide, and at that moment, I almost held my breath, waiting for her prophecy.

Suddenly, the girl lowered her hands abruptly, her eyes were still a little dull, but she kept repeating a sentence...

The voice was too low, we couldn't hear it clearly, including the presenter, even he couldn't hear it clearly, so we couldn't help but move the microphone closer, and then moved closer...

The voice slowly penetrated through the microphone, and in the next second, I finally realized that the name she kept repeating was: "Youth with white hair...Youth with white hair..."

Suddenly, I felt my eyelids twitch twice, which immediately made me nervous.

We just decided to visit the white-haired youth, but unexpectedly, this woman had already predicted her death.


I feel like I'm sweating as I hold Ah Lang's hand so tightly. If this sky-eyed girl can really predict people's death, then, will the white-haired youth be dead by now?
His heart seemed to be stabbed by something, and his mind was full of the appearance of that sky-eyed girl, all of this was too weird!

"Anyway, let's go and see first."

A Lang said, pulling me to prepare to leave.

I know that for us now, time is money, and finding the white-haired youth earlier means that maybe we can save his life.

But at that moment, I had an ominous premonition in my heart. I suddenly remembered what the sky-eyed girl had said to me before. She said: "The King of Hades wants people to die at the third watch, and dare not keep them until the fifth watch."

At this moment, I seem to understand what she meant. If I guessed correctly, the death of the white-haired youth is probably predestined.

My heart seemed to be heavily pressed by something, which made me feel a little breathless. I had a faint feeling in my heart, perhaps, we rushed over now, it was already a step too late.

We ran all the way, although we don't know where the white-haired youth lives, but we know that his studio is nearby.

"You two can't just go in without registration!"

We rushed past the doorman and went directly to the elevator. In the elevator, there was a floor plan clearly printed on it. The white-haired youth's studio was on the fifth floor of this building.

The elevator arrived upstairs very quickly, and the moment the elevator made a "ding dong", my heart was almost in my throat.

After getting out of the elevator, Ah Lang quickly rang the doorbell, and about half a minute later, I heard a very lazy voice coming from the door: "Who is there?"

The voice seemed to be a woman, and it should be the white-haired youthful assistant. I thought about it, and the moment she opened the door, we rushed into the studio.

"What are you doing, robbing?"

His female assistant was obviously frightened the moment he saw us. However, A Lang and I were stunned, because the entire studio was almost unobstructed, and the white-haired youth himself was not seen at all.

At that moment, I felt like a fool. After a pause, I panicked: "I'm sorry, we found the wrong place."

"The writing on the wall is so big, can't you two see it, who are you lying to?"

That female assistant looked like she was about to lose her temper. At this time, I don't want to explain so much to her.

I directly took out my phone, opened the interview video of the sky-eyed girl I just saw on the electronic display screen, and then said to her: "Look carefully for yourself, this sky-eyed girl is now predicting that the white-haired youth will die, doesn't it , don't you feel scared at all?"

Only a few minutes after the video was played, I saw the female assistant's face slowly collapsed. I could feel the horror in her eyes, she was afraid, trembling with fear.

The video was only posted on the Internet for half an hour, and the amount of reprints and comments has pushed this news to the most prominent position on the homepage.

It is enough to see how attractive this sky-eyed girl is.

"Tell me, where is your boss now? I'm afraid it will be too late."

I asked, but at this moment, the female assistant's mobile phone rang suddenly, and at that moment, the three of us couldn't help but startled at the same time.

"Who called?"

I took a deep breath and asked, with a very anxious tone.

"Yes...it's our boss!"

I immediately moved my face closer and took a closer look. The number displayed on the phone was really her boss.

Could it be that the white-haired youth is not dead, he is still alive?

I couldn't help being overjoyed. At this time, the female assistant connected the phone. I heard her "hmmmm" and immediately snatched the phone from her hand: "Are you young with white hair? Where are you now?"

After being yelled at by me, he seemed a little surprised, paused, and then said falteringly: "I... I'm at home!"

The next second, I quickly hung up the phone and said directly to the female assistant: "Where is his home, take us there!"


The female assistant was a little hesitant, as if she couldn't make up her mind.

"Why are you hesitating? It's a step too late. Your boss is dead. Let me see how you can take this responsibility."

I yelled at her angrily again, I don't know if my temper has become a little irritable since I gave birth, but this is a matter of life and death.

The female assistant finally told us the address of the white-haired youth, in a very remote place.

It's no wonder that writers usually choose remote residences in order to find inspiration. Besides, he has a young female assistant, so he doesn't have to do it himself when he usually buys something.

However, I always feel that there may be another reason why he chose to live in that place, perhaps, it has something to do with the ghost that has been haunting him recently.

"Are you really going to save him?"

We sat in a taxi and it was about a 10-minute drive from our destination.

"Anyway, if you don't want to take this muddy water, you've already waded in. If you can save him, save him."

As I said this, while looking at the receding scenery outside the car window, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong.

A Lang didn't say anything, just smiled at me.

He ran his long fingers through my black hair and whispered in my ear, "Have you ever thought that someone was lying in this incident?"

(End of this chapter)

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