a zombie haunts me

Chapter 45 9 Public

Chapter 45

My heart hung in my throat for a moment, and I saw that bronze mirror was about to fly in front of me.

At that moment, I felt that the blood in my whole body was boiling like boiling water, and all the boiling blood rushed to the top of my head.

The cold sweat on my back had completely soaked my clothes, and a voice in my heart shouted: I don’t want to be seen by that bronze mirror, I don’t want to have opposite faces, and I don’t want to lose half of my soul!

At this moment, Ah Lang's strong arm blocked my face in an instant, and his nails like steel knives tightly clasped the bronze mirror.

The copper mirror made a "hissing" sound, which was extremely harsh, just like the sound of stainless steel doors and windows being processed in a factory.

I saw A Lang's long nails forcibly cut a hole in the middle of the bronze mirror, and Su Su's face in the bronze mirror was cut into two parts before my eyes.

There was a howl like scalding by boiling water. After the howl, Ah Lang punched the cracked bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror was smashed into pieces in an instant.

The shards fell to the floor with a crisp sound, like my heart sank to the ground.

A Lang hugged me tightly and comforted me in a low voice: "It's all right...it's all right..."

I stared blankly at him, obviously leaning against his icy arms, which made me feel an unprecedented warmth.

The bronze mirror was destroyed, and the souls of Aunt Li and Susu should return to their places.

I let out a long sigh of relief, everything should be over...

But in the next second, my eyelids jumped suddenly, and an ominous premonition filled my whole body in an instant.

In a short while, a terrifying laugh came from the ground, piercing through my eardrums in an instant.

I was stunned, looking for the voice, and suddenly found that there were countless faces of Susu among the debris all over the floor...

That pale paper face was smiling at me with his mouth open, and that weird laugh came from the bronze mirror.

I saw that between Susu's brows, the crimson gully was emitting a burst of glistening red light, and then, those hollow eyes slowly turned crimson.

It was as if blood could be seen flowing in the crimson eyeballs, like rolling blood and tears.

At this moment, I leaned stiffly in A Lang's arms, and a deep fear, like a meandering red snake, slowly crawled up my trousers while spitting out a message.

Every pore on my body exploded, and goosebumps kept coming out like waves.

"Alang... the bronze mirror was destroyed, but she..."

Before I could finish my words, the fragments of the bronze mirror on the ground emitted countless glares of strong light, and the strong light hit me like a laser light, which shocked me all over.

The bright light scorched my skin, like someone had dripped hot wax on me.

A Lang tightly protected me in his arms, but the strong light was like a spotlight in a dance hall, illuminating the whole room.

I heard several police officers in the corner screaming, and the bright light shone on them, showing holes like cigarette butts.

"What to do, Ah Lang... what should we do?"

Just as we were at our wits' end, I felt something grab my ankle.


I couldn't help screaming, and lowered my eyes slightly, I saw countless ghost hands protruding from the fragments of the bronze mirrors on the ground.

One of the ghost hands tightly clasped my ankle, and the long black nails directly dug into my flesh. The sharp pain made me sweat all over, but my leg couldn't move at all.

A Lang stepped on the ghost hand holding my leg, and his thick legs directly stepped the ghost hand into the floor, leaving a deep footprint.

The moment his foot was lifted up, I saw that the squashed ghost's hand was almost completely sunk into the concrete floor.

But after a while, another ghost hand came towards my feet again.

One foot at a time, Ah Lang stomped those ghost hands into the floor.

I saw a deep disgust on his face, wishing to tear those ghost hands to pieces.

In a panic, I jumped onto A Lang's back and hugged him tightly. I thought that those ghost hands would not be able to catch me.

But I was wrong, I heard Captain Yan yelling at me: "Be careful behind!"

When I turned around, I found a huge ghost hand coming towards my heart. Just when the long nails of the ghost hand were trying to pierce my heart, a red light shot straight in from the door.

Those ghost hands instantly retracted into the fragments of the bronze mirror as if they had been scalded.

And Ah Lang, who was carrying me on his back, also fell heavily.

How could this happen, why did Ah Lang...

A refreshing mantra rang out from my ear, echoing in this not-so-big room.

At this moment, I knew that the person who saved me was coming.

After a while, an old man in a long gown came in from the door, chanting a spell in his mouth and holding a gourd-shaped jug in his hand.

After he finished chanting the mantra, he picked up the jug and took a big sip of wine, then suddenly sprayed it into the room.

The wine was sprayed on the bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror immediately made a "beep" sound, and then yellow foam came out. The foam had a strong rancid smell, and the rancid smell penetrated into my nose. I suddenly felt sick.

"Yiyi, my precious granddaughter, are you okay?"

Grandma came out from behind the old man and held me tightly in her arms.


The grievance in my heart surged out in an instant, I hugged my grandma tightly, I almost thought that I would never see her again.

"It's okay... Yiyi, don't be afraid." Grandma patted my back and said, "Yesterday, on the [-]th day, you were in trouble, so we hurried to this village."

I slowly stuck my head out of grandma's arms and glanced at Shijiu Gong.

I saw him stroking his beard, leaning against the cold wall, drinking the wine in the flagon alone.

Suddenly, he turned his head and yelled towards the door in a rough voice: "Whatever you are afraid of, it's all over, you son of a bitch, don't get out of here yet."

After a while, a head poked out from the door, Bai Chenxu smiled, and quickly got in.

"Little Pepper, I heard that you are in trouble, so I came to save you with Master."

Bai Chenxu walked towards me with a smile on his face, and slapped my shoulder just now that the ghost hand injured me.


I gasped in pain, grabbed his hand, and bit hard.

"Ah, it hurts, master, help...help..."

Bai Chenxu grinned in pain, but didn't dare to push me away.

"Okay, you two little enemies, you can get into trouble as soon as you meet."

Grandma said something heavily, and I let go, and stared at Bai Chenxu viciously.

Bai Chenxu is about the same age as me. He was a child picked up by Mr. Nineteen. He was brought with him since he was a child. Later, he was simply accepted as an apprentice.

However, this guy has been as timid as a mouse since he was a child. He said he was helping the master to catch ghosts, but he ran away before the ghosts came out.

I saw him covering his hand that was just bitten by me, and said aggrievedly: "Little Pepper, your little mouth is really sharp. You bit my left hand when I was a child, and now there is still a scar. It will heal now." , your right hand was also bitten by you."

I stared at him angrily, and said displeasedly: "Who told you to touch my wound."

"Yiyi, are you hurt?"

Grandma stared at me with distressed eyes, and hurried to check the injury on my shoulder.

The nineteenth man walked over staggeringly, and after seeing my wound, he hiccupped, "It's terrible that this ghost scratched his hand, I will give you a piece of talisman paper in a while, after burning it, put The talisman paper ashes are sprinkled on the wound, and it won't take long for it to heal."

Yan Dui, Xiao Zhou, and several police officers in the corner came towards us in a panic when they saw that the mirror ghost had been subdued.

"This Taoist priest, the few of us..."

A police officer spoke slowly, but before he finished speaking, Xiao Zhou wailed in pain.

The few of them never believed in this, until today they really saw it, and they had to believe it.

"Chen Xu, give them some of my talisman papers."

The nineteenth man said something indifferently, but his eyes fell on A Lang who was lying on the ground.

"Tsk tsk..."

He gasped in surprise, his eyes sparkled, as if he had discovered some treasure.

I hurriedly stood in front of A Lang, "Mr. Nineteen, don't get his ideas."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Nineteen's palm lightly patted on my forehead, my eyes darkened, and I quickly moved away.

"You girl, you really don't know how to live or die. You even provoked a thousand-year-old zombie. Fortunately, you met me today. Otherwise, you... well, your life is not long."

Nineteen Lords finished speaking, quickly took out a talisman paper from his clothes, bit his finger and drew something on the talisman paper, then he spat heavily on the talisman paper, and stuck it on Ah on the forehead of the wave.

"Chenxu, move him to Yizhuang in the town."

Before the nineteenth official speech was finished, Bai Chenxu disappeared in an instant.

"Stinky boy, I raised you so much, and even let the master move the corpse, and if you don't come back again, I will catch a few little ghosts and put them on your bedside tonight!"

But in an instant, Bai Chenxu ran back immediately, and smiled, "Master, what age is this, what kind of cemetery are you giving away? Isn't this a mortuary? You don't need a decent morgue, so why bother?"

"Can the morgue hold millennium zombies?"

The nineteenth man cast a disdainful glance at Bai Chenxu, then silently lowered his eyes and pinched his fingers to figure something out.

After a long time, he sighed deeply: "I'm afraid I will be sad tonight..."

My heart sank suddenly, but when I turned around, Captain Yan and the others had already left.

I thought over and over what the nineteenth man said, and my heart became extremely heavy.

There seemed to be a huge hole in the heart, and it was empty, as if it would leak air.

I looked at A Lang who was lying on the ground and fell asleep, and an inexplicable fear surged up in an instant, spreading rapidly in my body like a virus.

Nineteen Lords, how are we going to deal with A Lang?
(End of this chapter)

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