a zombie haunts me

Chapter 5 Corpse Transformation

Chapter 5 Corpse Transformation
My breathing became more and more rapid, and I only felt a suffocation in my chest.

At that moment, I thought I could avoid it, but he put that cold hand on my head as if he was treating a puppy.

When his five fingers were inserted into my hair, I felt the cold seeping into the top of my head bit by bit.

I seem to see him sticking out his long black nails, trying to directly lift off my celestial spirit cover.

I was so scared that I almost screamed and backed away.

The will-o'-the-wisp behind him fluttered left and right, as if it was about to pounce on me at any moment.

My nerves were tense, my feet were weak, and my clothes were almost completely soaked in cold sweat.

I don't know what to do now, a deep cave, a cold crystal coffin, and the resurrected male corpse in front of me, my spirit is about to collapse.

But at this moment, I seemed to hear some strange sounds in my ears.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

The voice actually had rhythm and rhythm, as if telling me that something was approaching me bit by bit.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of the mice that had been hiding under the coffin crawling out and running around frantically, making squeaking noises, as if they were running for their lives.

I don't understand why there are living creatures like mice in such a deep tomb. When I look closely, those are not mice at all, but black and shiny monsters.

The monster had a hard shell, very sharp teeth, and many legs like a spider, and it ran very fast.

Those monsters had a strong stench, and there would be a dark green trail where they crawled, like rotten meat pulp.

The strange sound was getting closer and closer, almost just for a moment, all the monsters in the tomb disappeared. Could this be the precursor of an earthquake?
Suddenly, the male corpse who was smiling at me just now stood up from the coffin, he stood almost without touching his feet, and the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a An inexplicable seriousness.

Countless clusters of green will-o'-the-wisps slowly appeared around him, and those will-o'-the-wisps surrounded him.

I felt gusts of wind blowing from this almost impenetrable cave, and the crystal coffin vibrated with the rhythm. The sound was like heavy drums, beating my heart one after another.

It seems that there is a powerful force pressing heavily on my heart, and I can hardly breathe.

What is going on, why do I feel that danger is approaching me step by step?

There seemed to be an earthquake all around, and I felt the whole mountain trembling, too bad, did I activate this thousand-year-old zombie, so this cave is about to collapse?
I couldn't stop trembling and grabbed the coffin wall, but what I saw next made me unable to believe my eyes.

The rock walls around the cave burst apart like an explosion. I hurriedly covered my eyes with my hands until the white dust dissipated. I was so scared that I almost suffocated.

Because, there are rows of zombies standing behind the rock wall, just like in the movies, those zombies are dressed in ancient costumes, with a helmet on their heads, with their hands raised in front of them, and they jump into the tomb.

Their faces were all gray and white, their black nails were four or five inches long, their eyes were hollow, and their pupils were blurred.

There are too many zombies and I know I have nowhere to run.

I covered my eyes with my hands, and I had already made up my mind to die.

After a long time, I found that the surroundings suddenly became quiet. I slowly opened my eyes and secretly observed everything around me through my slightly opened fingers.

When I saw all the zombies kneeling on the ground to worship the thousand-year-old male corpse, I froze.

I simply put down my hand and stared at him with wide eyes. He was muttering something. I remember my grandma mentioned it when I was young. Way.

I couldn't understand a word, but when he said something, those zombies who were kneeling and prostrating all stood up in an instant, jumping and jumping towards me.

Their outstretched bony fingers, their skin the color of ashes, and their four or five inch long nails looked sharper than the blades of knives.

Could it be that they took me as a sacrificial object and wanted to dedicate me to their zombie king?
Suddenly, the ghostly green ghost fire on the zombie king flew towards me in an instant.

I just felt like my mind was blank and my ears were buzzing.

The will-o'-the-wisps flew directly to the back of my head, and the moment the zombie's long nails were about to touch me, I felt a slight stabbing pain in the back of my spine, and then I closed my eyes heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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