a zombie haunts me

Chapter 50 The Mirror Ghost Resurrection

Chapter 50 The Mirror Ghost Resurrection
The villagers dispersed like birds and beasts in an instant, and the terrified cries resounded throughout the mountain.

But A Lang swooped over like an eagle catching a chick. He didn't bite, but used his nails like steel knives to tear it apart.

"Let me suck your blood, you are not worthy!"

I saw those villagers rolling and crawling in fright. They were still gnashing their teeth at me just now, but now they can only run for their lives in embarrassment.

I sighed deeply, and slowly crawled towards grandma.

However, at this moment, grandma's face was pale, she was panting heavily, and her eyes were fixed on A Lang.

I saw the fear in his eyes, and the deep worry about beings like zombies.

Until I finally crawled to my grandma's side and untied the hemp rope tied around her body, I almost collapsed.

"Yiyi, are you okay..."

Grandma hugged my weak body tightly and shouted my name loudly.

A Lang in the distance seemed to hear it, and in a daze, I seemed to be hugged by a solid chest again, and I said, "A Lang, let those villagers go, they are just ignorant..."

After a while, I only felt my body lighten, as if my whole body fell into a piece of soft cotton. When I opened my eyes, A Lang had already put me on the bed in the dormitory.

The purple in his eyes has not completely faded, but the long nails and zombie teeth have been put away.

I noticed that grandma was standing aside, saying nothing, just watching me silently.

I suddenly held A Lang's hand tightly, "Don't hurt my grandma."

He didn't answer, just nodded heavily.

The night outside the window was silent, as if nothing had happened.

"Ah Lang, I have something I want to talk to grandma alone, can you go out for a while?"

I opened my mouth with difficulty, he turned his head and took a deep look at grandma, and then disappeared into the room.

I opened my mouth, but before I could make a sound, my grandma had already walked to my side.

"Grandma, tell me, did my parents come to Longtou Village 20 years ago? Did they really come to rob graves in the name of geological exploration?"

I looked a little nervous and held grandma's hand tightly.

"Yiyi..." Grandma looked at me, the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes looked a little old, "I didn't want to tell you, but your parents did come to Longtou Village 20 years ago."

Sure enough, I guessed correctly, all of this is true...

Even though I was sleeping on a soft quilt, I felt as if I was sleeping on an ice bed. The cold air kept penetrating into my body, it was really cold in my heart.

I looked straight at the grandma in front of me, waiting for her to tell me what happened 20 years ago.

However, grandma stopped here and looked at me blankly.

At that moment, grandma seemed to be in a state of sluggishness for a moment. I saw that her eyes were not at all active, and the bright pupils were slowly covered with a layer of dark gray.

"Grandma... grandma..."

I held her hand tightly and pushed her gently, but it was as if her soul was taken away by something.

All of a sudden, her hands became stiff, and then, the originally kind face slowly became terrifying and full of hostility.

The next second, her hand suddenly grasped me tightly, and she couldn't stop laughing, that laughter was shrill and tactful, as if she had heard it somewhere...

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

My heart suddenly tightened, and the grandma in front of me seemed to be no longer my grandma.

Just when I was about to wake up grandma, a deep red gully slowly appeared between grandma's eyebrows, and it seemed as if blood could be seen flowing in the middle of the gully.

The lights in the room went out in an instant, grandma's pale hair floated up like a ghost, and the gap between her eyebrows became deeper and deeper, glowing red in the dark room.

I was so scared that I backed away again and again, I didn't understand why grandma became what she is now, hasn't the mirror ghost been wiped out by the nineteenth prince, why did she suddenly get on grandma's body?
"We meet again."

Granny suddenly grinned, and I saw her hollow, almost toothless mouth.

At that moment, the pores of my whole body exploded.

But grandma's hand still held me tightly, very hard, her fingers seemed to have penetrated deeply into my flesh.

"You are not grandma, you are in the mirror..."

I couldn't say the next few words, I saw her smiling at me, laughing wantonly, but that face was my grandma's face, my dearest grandma!

"Let me suck your soul first, and then seek revenge on that zombie!"

After she finished speaking, the other hand slowly pointed towards the window, and the glass on the window instantly turned into a mirror, which directly shone on me.

In a panic, I covered my face tightly with the quilt.


There was a loud roar in my ears, and the door of my room was kicked away from the outside in an instant.

I saw Ah Lang appearing at the door, Yuebai's robe fluttering in the dark wind.

His eyes are like purple crystals, clear and transparent, but with a kind of bloodthirsty coquettishness.

The long hair like a waterfall hangs behind him, facing the wind, baring his teeth and claws.

"Let go of her!"

I have never heard Ah Lang make such a voice, it was as deep as a curse buried deep in the ground.

"You came……"

Grandma suddenly sneered, let me go slowly, and met A Lang's face, "If it wasn't for the Taoist priest last time, do you think I would be afraid of you?"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand suddenly, and I saw that grandma's full hands immediately became skinny.

In just a moment, the skinny fingers gradually bent into a strange arc.

I stuck my head out from under the quilt, and through the narrow gap, I saw a strong light reflected from the mirror on the window, and the strong light shone directly on Ah Lang's body.

This time, A Lang didn't confront him head-on, because he had already tested the depth of this mirror ghost last time.

If he smashed the mirror, he would fall into the trap of the mirror ghost.

At this moment, I saw that A Lang quickly took off his moon white robe and hung it directly on the glass of the window, the strong light was instantly blocked.

Mirror Ghost became anxious and tried to tear his clothes fiercely, but the clothes seemed to be glued to it with super glue, and they couldn't be torn off no matter what.

"Heh..." Mirror Ghost sneered, aiming at the white porcelain teacup on my table.

After a while, I saw a horrible face appearing on the teacup, it was my grandma.


I yelled, but grandma's soul has been locked into another completely opposite world by the mirror ghost.

"Lady, hide behind me."

After Ah Lang finished speaking, he quickly picked me up and put me behind him.

Then, he tore my bed sheet and quilt cover into cloth strips and wrapped all the reflective things in the room.

I leaned tightly on his back, and the cold touch calmed my restless heart slowly.

But in the next second, I suddenly realized that he was not wearing clothes...

Fortunately, my back was turned to him, but I couldn't help but blush.

The mirror ghost lost her support, and it was impossible to use the mirror anymore. At this moment, she could only open her bloody mouth again, and stretched her long tongue towards me and A Lang like the tentacles of an octopus.

I saw A Lang's strong arm, the muscles instantly swelled up, bigger than a boxer, he instantly grabbed the long tongue stretched out by the mirror ghost, and inserted his nails like steel knives directly into it.

The smelly liquid burst out in an instant, and dripped on the ground together with the slippery mucus on the tongue, which was extremely disgusting.

"Ah Lang, don't hurt grandma!"

I was afraid that what A Lang was dealing with was grandma's body, so A Lang didn't speak, because the mirror ghost's skinny palm had already tightly strangled A Lang's neck at some point.

And her other hand slowly passed through Ah Lang's waist and came towards me!
I was so scared that I backed away again and again, the back was completely wet with cold sweat.

The cold air continuously penetrated into my body from the soles of my feet, rushing straight to my forehead.

I was trembling, shaking like chaff.

That skinny hand was dusty, its blue veins protruding, like an animal's sharp claws, and it was covered with things that looked like calluses.

The moment that skinny hand was about to touch my neck, a spell flew over from behind me and stuck directly to the mirror ghost's hand.

"Ah..." There was a scream in my ear.

The mirror ghost immediately retracted his hand, and at the same time, the part of the long tongue that was cut by Ah Lang split into several pieces, all of which approached me.


Nineteen Lords stood in front of me with a copper coin sword in hand. I saw him chanting a spell silently, then bit his finger, and wiped the copper coin sword hard.

The original ordinary copper coin sword immediately became like a divine weapon, exuding sharp edges.

I saw the nineteenth prince waving the copper coin sword back and forth, and the long tongue that the mirror ghost stretched out was cut off in an instant.

On one side were A Lang's nails that were as sharp as steel knives, and on the other was the copper coin sword in the hands of the nineteenth prince. The mirror ghost knew that he couldn't beat it, so he wailed deeply.

The sound made the whole room tremble, but I hid in the corner not daring to move.

At this moment, the nineteenth prince threw the copper coin sword in his hand into the air, recited the spell silently again, and the copper coin sword went straight to grandma's eyebrows as if it had eyes.

After a loud "bang", the copper coin sword instantly became fragments, and the fragments fell to the ground, making a ping-pong-pong sound.

I saw my grandma fell straight down. At this time, the deep red gully between her eyebrows disappeared, and her palms were no longer thin, but returned to their previous fullness.

"Mr. Nineteen, grandma, is she alright?"

I asked loudly, fearing that grandma would die because of this.

Nineteenth Duke shook his head, and was about to check on grandma's situation. At this moment, Ah Lang, who was standing beside him, suddenly turned around...

I suddenly took a deep breath, and the hairs all over my body stood on end in an instant.

A Lang didn't wear any clothes, and under the faint moonlight, I saw a deep red furrow suddenly appeared between his brows, which was almost exactly the same as the grandma just now!
(End of this chapter)

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