a zombie haunts me

Chapter 57 His True Identity

Chapter 57 His True Identity
Bai Chenxu's words made my brain buzz, and then it exploded with a bang.

"What is a death loop?"

I suppressed the crazy fear in my heart and asked tremblingly.

Bai Chenxu looked around, comparing the footprints with the surrounding rock walls, as if he was convinced that we had been going around in circles.

He took a deep breath and said, "The cycle of death is walking on a road in an infinite loop until you die inside, commonly known as ghost hitting the wall."

My heart sank suddenly, no wonder I could feel the wind gusts all around just now, but at this moment, there was not even a gust of wind.

We are like being locked in a closed container, walking down the same road endlessly like white mice.

All my hairs stood on end in an instant, and the cold sweat that had dried slowly broke out again.

Why is this happening, A Lang is obviously with us, why do we still encounter ghosts hitting the wall?

It seems that we thought all this too simply, the thin cold air permeated from the ground through the soles of my shoes, and my whole body seemed to have fallen into a huge ice cellar, so cold that even my heart was shaking.

"Is there any way to escape this death cycle?"

I asked softly, the strength in my body seemed to be emptied, and I was exhausted.

Bai Chenxu pondered for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and quickly opened Jiujiu Gong's treasure bag.

He took out a stack of charms from the treasure bag, and then picked one out of the middle, "Whether you can break this cycle of death depends on it."

After finishing speaking, he slowly put away the other spells, then spread out his palm, put the special spell in the palm of his hand, clenched his other hand tightly, and then quickly stretched out his index finger and middle finger to point at the edge of the spell. Directly above.

I saw Bai Chenxu chanting something silently, although I couldn't hear it clearly, it was strikingly similar to Nineteen Dukes.

After a while, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and the spell in his palm flew forward as if it had eyes.

But in an instant, the spell was suspended in mid-air, as if stuck on a huge spider web.


Bai Chenxu yelled, and the spell ignited by itself, burning to ashes in an instant.

"Come on!"

After Bai Chenxu finished speaking, he picked up A Lang's body with one hand, and ran forward while holding me with the other.

Another gust of wind whistled past me, and I knew we had escaped that cycle of death.

But my legs were already numb. Although I kept running forward, my steps became extremely heavy.

In the empty tomb, the sound of our footsteps is amplifying infinitely...

I held Bai Chenxu's hand tightly, I was afraid that if I let go, I would fall into that infinite cycle again!

A few minutes later, our field of vision suddenly became wider. Both sides of the road were actually built with stones, and some strange patterns were carved on the stones.

"what are these?"

I couldn't run anymore, so I stopped.

But when my eyes fell on the wall, my heavy breathing stopped suddenly.

Bai Chenxu obviously also noticed the clue, and said softly, "These patterns should describe a story..."

It's a pity that Bai Chenxu and I are not archaeologists, so we can't recognize what those things are at all.

"War... I see, this depicts a war!"

Bai Chenxu blurted out.

With the dim light of my mobile phone, I carefully looked at the patterns on the wall, and saw many villains holding swords and long tasseled spears, some riding horses, and some holding flags. It really looked like a war!
"It seems that this zombie should have been a great general before it died."

Bai Chenxu nodded and said in a slightly low voice.

I was suddenly shocked, and remembered what the nineteenth man said. He said: "To become a zombie, this person must be full of hostility in life. After death, ghosts cannot approach, and they are buried in a very yin place. When burying, they must cooperate with Yin and Yang." Gossip, the right time and place, and moreover, the most important point, this person must have a mouth full of resentment."

It turned out that since Ah Lang was a general who went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, he must have a hostile spirit on his body, so that ghosts could not approach him after death.

As for this cemetery, Nineteen Lords had already said that it was an extremely dark place.

But since he was the general who went to battle to kill the enemy, he should have no complaints even if he died on the battlefield. How could there be resentment in his mouth?
The surrounding cold condensed into thin frost on my lips, and I felt that even my teeth were chattering.

I followed the paintings on the wall and walked inside. At the end of this mural, there are three people kneeling on the ground, one in the middle is a man, the two next to them are women, and standing in front of the three is a man dressed as an eunuch, holding It seems to be holding something.

It's too old to see clearly.

The painting came to an abrupt end here, and I was a little puzzled. The mural didn't seem to state the cause of A Lang's death, but to praise his great achievements.

If I'm not mistaken, at the end of the mural, it should be the eunuch with the emperor's handbook, announcing that Alang will be added to the rank.

"Little Pepper, we don't have much time, it's better to send the body back as soon as possible, and leave quickly."

Bai Chenxu urged me, but I didn't pay too much attention, and followed him to continue walking.

The further we walked in, the sound of our footsteps became less and less clear. This is the first time I have encountered this feeling. Logically speaking, the closer we get to the tomb, the clearer the sound of our footsteps should be...

I was completely stunned, and I didn't dare to think about it, because even if I just thought about it for a while, I would feel a chill in my heart.

The air around me didn't seem very fresh. I breathed hard, but felt that my head was about to lack oxygen.

After walking a few more steps, I completely collapsed like a deflated ball.

At this moment, Bai Chenxu seemed to have discovered something, "Little Pepper!"

He turned his head suddenly, and I had already fallen to the ground. I saw in a daze that the mobile phone in his hand condensed into a light spot, slowly approaching me.

"No, it's poisonous!"

Bai Chenxu immediately put A Lang's body down, and a gust of wind blew, and the white cloth wrapping A Lang's body was blown away suddenly.

I saw that A Lang was looking at me, his bright eyes were like a bright moon in the sky, the corners of his lips were slightly curved upwards, showing a nice arc, he was smiling at me, like the first time he saw me, to me I smile……

My heart was startled suddenly, and immediately, something was stuffed into my mouth. As soon as the water was delivered, my throat was suddenly congested, but suddenly it seemed to be clear, and I couldn't help swallowing.

After an unknown period of time, my eyes gradually became clear. In the dark tomb, Bai Chenxu squatted beside me, trembling with fright.

"Coward, why are you crying?"

I never dreamed that Bai Chenxu would cry after being in a coma for a while.

Afraid that I would laugh at him, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and said, "You fell down as soon as you said it, do you know that you were just in a daze to explain your funeral, I thought you couldn't wake up Come on, by the way, you just grabbed my hand and called me a wave..."

I was shocked immediately, the exhaustion all over my body was swept away, I sat up all of a sudden, staring at Bai Chenxu: "Then...you must have heard it wrong!"

His eyes caught a glimpse of the corpse lying on the ground, still wrapped in white cloth, nothing unusual.

I clearly saw Ah Lang smiling at me... Could it be that I just had hallucinations?
The damp cold air on the ground kept seeping into my body, and an inexplicable cold instantly penetrated into my internal organs and spread to my limbs and bones.

Strangely, my body actually felt a lot more comfortable, and my whole body was light, not as heavy as before.

"What did you just feed me?"

I asked a question, but Bai Chenxu's face turned red immediately.

"You just got poisoned by the poisonous gas in this tomb. Fortunately, there are many detoxification pills in the master's bag. Ordinary people would get nosebleeds after taking one. You just woke up after taking two. It scared me to death." gone."

He patted his chest with one hand to stabilize his shock, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with the other, "You wouldn't swallow it no matter what, if it wasn't..."

"You... coward, what the hell did you do to me?"

I was wondering, why did he blush even though he broke out in a cold sweat from fright?
"No no!"

He shook his head like a rattle, and hurriedly explained, "I...I just wanted to feed you with my mouth, but you didn't give me a chance. You swallowed it before my mouth touched you."

I gave him a hard look, if it wasn't for him to complete the next task of transporting A Lang's body, I really wish I could kill him.

Coincidentally, I obviously felt that there was something blocked in my throat, and I couldn't swallow it, but suddenly, it seemed that someone helped me, and then I swallowed it inexplicably.

I know that the person who helped me is definitely not Bai Chenxu, this kid is still not reconciled to not taking advantage.

Who could it be, could it be Ah Lang?
My heavy eyes fell on Ah Lang again, but he was still just a stiff corpse, lying on the cold ground, as if sleeping peacefully in a coffin.

Sometimes, I also doubt that even though Ah Lang is a zombie, will he be able to leave his body?

Perhaps, he is looking at me beside me, but I can clearly see ghosts, but why can't I see him?

The doubts in my heart slowly gathered together and turned into a huge black hole. I don't know if Alang will wake up in the future, or if he will only become a stiff corpse forever.

Bai Chenxu said that Nineteenth Duke's Xie Xie Pill can get rid of all demons, since it was used on A Lang, he might have been out of his wits already.

An inexplicable sense of sadness rose in my heart, and I suddenly thought of Ah Lang, who hugged me and coquettishly called me "Ms. Immortal in painting.

Is it all just as if I had a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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