a zombie haunts me

Chapter 78 There Are Ghosts Staring at You

Chapter 78 There Are Ghosts Staring at You

Then, the strange wind disappeared miraculously.

Behind me, there is nothing, except the cold stone wall.

Could it be that I am hallucinating?

I frowned suspiciously, but I couldn't fully believe my eyes, because I always felt that everything was definitely not that simple.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid, it's okay."

Grandma gently squeezed my hand, and I could feel the temperature of her palm.

Fortunately, Ah Lang didn't do anything to hurt grandma, otherwise, I would never end with him.

When I came out of the mausoleum, I guessed that Ah Lang should take me another way.

Because the long stone steps stretched all the way to the bottom of the hill, where A Lang's car was parked.

Grandma and I looked at each other and followed Alang into the car without saying anything.

I thought, Alang's villa might hide something I wanted to know, maybe I could discover some secrets too.

So, instead of rejecting him, I sat in the car obediently.

While driving the car, A Lang pressed a certain button in the car, and immediately a pleasant male voice came from the car: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Clean up two guest rooms, I will bring two friends back tonight."

Ah Lang's voice was very calm, but I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are two rooms, otherwise I would go crazy.

While Ah Lang wasn't paying attention, I asked grandma in a low voice: "Is it really the Song family's ancestral grave there just now, grandma, you said you just went to see his parents, could it be..."

"Silly girl." Grandma slightly raised a hand and put it on my forehead. The pain made me frown, and then I heard her say: "What strange things are thinking in my mind, I just Look at the tombstones of his parents and tell them something about you."


I sighed secretly, thinking in my heart, even if the ghosts of Song Lang's parents were in the tomb, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to appear.

However, I always feel that there is something wrong with that tomb.

I nodded to grandma, and then said: "Then did you find anything strange?"

"Why are there so many strange things? I'm about to get married. Why are you so suspicious all day long?"

Grandma gave me a hard look, and the expression in her eyes seemed to be very different from usual.

No, grandma must know something, because she believes in ghosts and gods more than I do, and it is absolutely impossible to have such an attitude.

I thought for a while and asked again: "Just now you were alone in the mausoleum, didn't you feel scared?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Besides, I'm not alone. Xiao Song brought me in. Later, he said that he would take you in too. He left for a while and came back soon."

After listening to grandma's words, I felt a little more relaxed. At least I could tell that Alang hadn't followed me from the beginning, but probably came here because he sensed that I had left home and went to the Moose Hotel.

Wait, I seem to have overlooked something...

Grandma actually called him "Xiao Song"?
It seems that grandma has fully accepted him as a grandson-in-law in her heart!

What should I do, is this marriage really a disaster?

Just as he was thinking, the car stopped in front of a villa. The villa was all white, like a white castle.

I know this place, it is a famous group of villas in the city, called Rongjing Villa.

The people who live here are either rich or expensive, and there are many celebrities who also buy properties here, but I have never been here.

Before I got out of the car, I saw a door plate hanging in front of the huge iron gate, which read: No. 88, Rongjing Villa.

Hey, what a domineering house number.

Before entering the door, the colored lights all around suddenly turned on, and then I saw the street lights in the yard turn on one after another, until they extended into the castle.

I saw A Lang clapped his palms lightly, and the gate of the villa opened from both sides, which really shocked me and grandma.

A middle-aged man in his fifties stood in the yard, with a standard smile on his face, and said to us, "Welcome home."

"This is Old Zhou, the housekeeper. If you need anything, you can talk to him."

After Ah Lang finished speaking, he gave the car keys to the butler, and walked straight to the villa by himself.

My grandma and I nodded towards Lao Zhou, and followed A Lang into the villa.

I don't know why, when I just stepped into the door of the villa, I felt a little dizzy, so I had to pause for a while.

"Yiyi, are you feeling well?"

Grandma saw that I had stopped and put her palm on my forehead slightly, so she asked a question.

I shook my head heavily and said, "It's okay, maybe I didn't rest."

"Then go to bed early, and you have to take wedding photos tomorrow morning."

Grandma smiled at me, but when I thought about the wedding photos, I got even more headaches.

"What's going on, let me see."

A Lang seemed to realize that something was wrong with me, and immediately walked towards me.

I was shocked immediately, I didn't remember the headache at all, and immediately said: "I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Then he ignored Sanqi 21 and immediately walked into the house.

A Lang just looked at me, smiled and said nothing.

I know, he must be clear in his heart that I am deliberately avoiding him.

To be honest, this villa is quite special, needless to say about the luxurious decoration, the interesting thing is not these, but the paintings on the wall.

Ordinary people like to hang all kinds of landscape paintings or still life paintings on the walls, but in this villa, there are animal paintings on the walls.

Moreover, most of them are ferocious animals. In addition to tigers and lions, there are also animals such as snakes and owls.

The most important thing is that the animals in each painting have exposed eyes and look very frightening.

I stand here, as if being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, this feeling makes me feel a little scared.

But I didn't dare to say it directly, so I could only stand quietly in the middle of the room. For some reason, I always felt that those animals seemed to come alive, as if they would rush towards me at any time.

"Yiyi, don't be so cautious, I usually go to bed early, so I won't disturb you young people."

After grandma finished speaking, she followed the butler and walked towards the guest room.

"Grandma, wait for me."

I immediately stepped forward, but my grandma stopped me, "You child, why are you so ignorant?"

At that moment, I was stunned, and when I turned my head, Ah Lang was already sitting on the sofa, looking at me with that kind of calm eyes.

I just wanted to find a reason, but A Lang said softly: "Come here, I have something to talk to you about."

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to his side, and slowly sat on the sofa chair far away from him.

"Are you that afraid of me?"

A Lang was a little displeased, pointed to the place next to him, and said to me: "Sit here!"

Although I was scared in my heart, I knew that Ah Lang would not do anything to me.

The reason why I am worried is just because I have too many questions in my heart.

After thinking about it, I slowly groped and sat next to Ah Lang, the cold air from his body sprayed on my body like dry ice, I couldn't help but tremble all over, and then I had to fall into restraint again.

"Is there anything you can say now?"

I felt uncomfortable all over, so I said this to A Lang.

"Why did you suddenly go to the Moose Hotel alone today?"

There was questioning in A Lang's tone, and this kind of questioning made me feel uncomfortable.

I calmed down for half a minute, and then replied: "I went to the Musi Hotel because I want to find out what is going on in the unreal space."

I don't plan to tell A Lang about meeting Lu Feng and Teacher Fang. I have to find out these things before I can tell.

A Lang looked a little angry, with a stern look in his eyes: "Do you know where the Musi Hotel is, and how dangerous it is for you to go alone. Could it be that your experience last time was not enough?"

I sneered, turned my head, met his eyes, and asked, "Since you knew there was something wrong with the Moose Hotel, why did you take me there last time?"

This sentence seemed to make him feel a little surprised, but his frowning seemed to be filled with deep anxiety, and he said: "The last time I took you there was to let those ghosts know that I am by your side to protect you." You, otherwise, sooner or later, you will die in the hands of those ghosts."

I looked at him suspiciously, wondering how true or false what he just said was.

But why did Ah Lang say that I would die in the hands of those ghosts sooner or later?
"I have no grievances with those ghosts, why do they want to kill me?"

I asked a question, and the doubts in my heart almost made my head explode.

"It's not a matter of hatred at all. As long as you appear, there will naturally be ghosts staring at you. This is inevitable, lady. I can't tell you clearly about some things. You must be careful about the people around you. Including your grandma."

A Lang's expression was very serious, as if he was lying.

But I was wondering, if I can't even trust my closest relatives, then who else can I trust?

"Why can't grandma believe it, I don't even believe grandma, do you believe me?"

I don't know if my words hurt him, but he didn't make a sound for a while.

After a long time, I noticed that the hostility in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by an indescribable confusion, he said: "Can you be sure that the person standing in front of you is really your grandma? If there is a ghost What about her body, or is the grandma you saw just a hallucination?"

After he finished speaking, he stood up suddenly and sighed deeply: "You'd better not even believe me, I'm not sure if I will do the same thing to hurt you one day."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, his back looking a little lonely.

It occurred to me that I hadn't asked him where the Moose Hotel was...

But when I caught up, he had already closed the door.

I stood at the door, lingering, not knowing whether I should knock or not.

At this time, the butler came over: "Mr. has already rested. If you have nothing to do, you'd better not disturb him."

(End of this chapter)

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