Chapter 10

When he heard Tao Yaoyao's words, when he saw Tao Yaoyao crying like tears, Changfeng felt distressed early in the morning, and quickly helped Tao Yaoyao up, and at this moment Tao Yaoyao leaned directly into Changfeng's arms After seeing Changfeng on the road, he cried even harder.

"Cousin, don't ask, woo woo, I don't want to say, cousin, let's go back, woo woo... Cousin, let's go quickly, I don't want to see them, they arrest me back, saying that I am a young master, but that stinky old man is right Seeing how good-looking I am, I want to commit myself to him, woooo... Cousin, I don't want to go back, cousin, woooo..." Mr. System silently lit the wax for Tao Yaoyao's cheap father at the moment.

Tao Yaoyao is, the original owner, I’m sorry, you should be damned for ruining your father’s reputation. If you want to blame, you can blame the system gentleman. Whoever let the system gentleman get me to live in your body, so go and curse the system gentleman and the eighteen generations of the family, the host’s morals there?

"Damn it, you..." Upon hearing Tao Yaoyao's words, Changfeng's face was distorted and frightening. After all, he is the supporting role of the villain. Even in Chunliang at this moment, the viciousness in his bones melted into his blood.

At this moment, when he heard Tao Yaoyao's words, the malice seemed to be ignited, the blood all over his body screamed, and there seemed to be a killing intent in his heart, screaming, killing and plundering.

Tao Yaoyao who was on the side saw that Changfeng's sudden attack, her face turned pale with fright, especially when she saw that Changfeng broke his hand in a single stroke, her heart was trembling, it's too much fun.

"Cousin, calm down, cousin, calm down, you will pay for your life if you kill someone, don't be impulsive, cousin..." At this moment, Changfeng's expression became distorted. Very eerie.

If it wasn't for the task at the moment, and the obsession with wanting to go home, Tao Yaoyao would have wanted to run away at this moment, but she knew that she couldn't run away. I'm afraid she will suffer in the next second.

"Cousin...cousin, don't be like this, I'm so scared, cousin..." Tao Yaoyao was really scared, it was the first time she saw Changfeng like this, those cold eyes turned red at this moment When he got up, killing intent enveloped his whole body.

Tao Yaoyao recalled a sentence from the game, "Rosa in red clothes and black hair stained with blood." Wearing a black robe with cold eyes, her whole body was shrouded in shadows, bloodthirsty murderous intent surrounded everyone, lightly The coldness of killing in a light sentence, and the cruel methods of Shura Xuesha make people feel chilling, this is his evaluation.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid that my cousin didn't scare you on purpose, my cousin will take you back," Changfeng also recovered from Tao Yaoyao's cry, and when he looked at the terrified eyes around him, he tightened his grip. clenched fist.

Then he hugged the boy in his arms, he knew that he was always different from ordinary people, his strength was as strong as an ox, he could knock down a man of seventeen or eighteen years old when he was six years old, and from then on when others looked at him, his eyes were always vague Covenant with fear.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao didn't know that the reason why Changfeng became the villain's supporting role was all related to his strength. After all, in just three years, if Changfeng had no difference from ordinary people, how could he grow up so fast.

And Changfeng has another point, that is, his temper seems to be quite gentle at ordinary times, but once the whole person is stimulated, that person will enter a violent state, and if he starts to fight, he will either die or be injured.

Tao Yaoyao knew the identity of the original owner Changfeng, and also knew that Changfeng was moody and liked to kill people at every turn, but that was only three years later. After seeing Changfeng's gentle temperament these days, this guy forgot early in the morning. This man will be known as the Blood Rakshasa in the future.

In Changfeng's mind, Tao Yaoyao is the most important thing. Tao Yaoyao didn't realize it, but it doesn't bother Changfeng to regard her as the most important existence. If you are not angry, you will be a ghost.

In addition, although Tao Yaoyao said something cryptic, but he delivered firewood to the rich family all day long, and listened to those servants and heard a lot of things in the compound, so he knew very clearly what those male pets and the young master were doing of?

Tao Yaoyao's teary-eyed woman's robe ignited, and he immediately thought that when Tao Yaoyao was being pressed down by an ugly man and doing all kinds of wretched things, he really wished he could kill that man right now.

If Tao Yaoyao knew that Changfeng had been able to make up his own brain to such an extent, he would definitely say '~(╯﹏╰) Big brother, you are a real god,' she was clearly talking about hands and feet, when did she say such a thing? ?
"Cousin, are you alright?" Tao Yaoyao followed Changfeng, her tone was cautious, she was afraid of offending Changfeng, she had seen Changfeng get angry before, she would definitely not dare to mess around now.

"It's okay, didn't you scare Yaoyao just now?" When Changfeng heard Tao Yaoyao's words, he turned his head and looked at Tao Yaoyao, but his expression was a little dimmed. Look, otherwise Changfeng's heart will probably hurt a little more.

"Cousin, don't worry too much. I was just scared by those people just now. My cousin and they didn't do anything to me. They just planned to raise me up and slaughter me, so I really didn't suffer, cousin," in order to reassure Changfeng. , Tao Yaoyao spun around on the ground a few more times, and pulled up her sleeves to show that she was fine.

It's just that Changfeng didn't believe it. He thought Tao Yaoyao had been wronged, but he was afraid that he was worried so he kept it secret. At this moment, Changfeng looked at Tao Yaoyao with more pity, as if he wanted to replace Tao Yaoyao himself, so weird The gaze made Tao Yaoyao swallow her saliva.

do not know why?She felt that Changfeng's eyes were a little dangerous, especially when she looked at herself, there was a scorching light in those eyes, "Cousin's memorial ceremony is about to begin, we saw that the memorial ceremony is going back."

Facing Changfeng's gaze, Tao Yaoyao subconsciously avoided, and then looked at the lights not far away. At this moment, the Saturn's lamp had already been lit, and the originally dark sky became brighter at this moment.

She didn't forget today that she wanted to find a wife for Changfeng, although she was a little afraid that the little old man would bring someone back, but at this moment Tao Yaoyao decided to take a gamble, she put on a mask in a while, so no one should find herself .

In this case, why did she let go of such an opportunity for nothing? If she missed this time, it would be as difficult as heaven for her to find such a good opportunity to marry Changfeng a wife next time.

After going through a lot of things in the future, Tao Yaoyao finally understood one thing, Mr. System's pissing nature, it will choose to add oil and vinegar to an originally peaceful story until it ends in a tragic ending, because the task will be completed faster in that way Quite ruthless.

 The heroine needs to grow up
(End of this chapter)

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