Chapter 102

Tao Yaoyao limped back, her leg hurt badly, Ji Hengxuan immediately went to protect it when she saw it, and when she saw that Tao Yaoyao's knees were covered with blood, her eyes suddenly turned cold.

"What are you doing? You child..." Tao Yaoyao was taken aback by being hugged by the princess, but when she saw Ji Hengxuan's cold eyes, she immediately shut up. Tao Yaoyao felt that this child didn't know why?You can always make your heart jump.

Especially the older the child, the stronger the feeling. When Tao Yaoyao was thinking wildly, this time Ji Hengxuan brought Tao Yaoyao back to the room, and the next second Tao Yaoyao yelled, "Take it easy... ..."

This bear boy hurts himself to death, hearing Tao Yaoyao screaming for pain, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly, "That...Xiao Ji, can you stop doing this Scared me, I can't bear it..."

"..." Tao Yaoyao felt that she was intimidated by a brat, which was very embarrassing at the moment, but the brat in front of her was not an ordinary person, Ji Hengxuan smiled coldly when she heard this.

"That...pretend I didn't say anything," the child's gaze became more and more serious, and this gaze could scare him. Ji Hengxuan's gaze made Tao Yaoyao swallow her saliva, and immediately confessed.

But at this moment, Ji Hengxuan sighed when he heard this, "Your flesh and blood are all connected with that cloth, if you don't do it now, it will hurt even more in the future, I will take it easy,"

Ji Hengxuan was also distressed, but also angry, angry that Tao Yaoyao didn't know how to cherish herself, and it was okay to ignore those people at all right now, but Tao Yaoyao knelt there, kneeling for herself for a whole day.

This made Ji Hengxuan's heart throbbing more and more, but he also felt more and more distressed. He felt sorry for Tao Yaoyao treating him like this, and he didn't like to see Tao Yaoyao get hurt.

But when he saw that Tao Yaoyao was in great pain, but still had a face of indifference, Ji Hengxuan wished to let the other party hurt to the bone, so that Tao Yaoyao knew what the consequences were?

It also made Tao Yaoyao clearly understand that she can't do this anymore, but when she heard Tao Yaoyao complaining of pain, he couldn't do anything, and instead comforted her.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao who heard this was slightly taken aback, and smiled when she looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Okay,"

Bear with it for now, the bastard of the system gentleman doesn't know where he is going, and he can only carry it by himself, because there is no way for Jun Taoyao's pain to be relieved without the system, so right now he can only grit his teeth and be a ninja.

"It hurts..." Tao Yaoyao screamed, although Ji Hengxuan felt sorry for her, but he didn't show mercy, because if the wound is not treated properly, there will be hidden dangers.

But he also acted much lighter, seemingly decisive but no one knew, his hand was trembling, and every time he cleaned up the blood, he hated himself for an extra portion.

Why did I agree to my grandfather at the beginning to let Tao Yaoyao in? Tao Yaoyao didn't need anyone at all, and she didn't need it, because she was an outsider from the beginning.

When applying medicine to Tao Yaoyao, he heard that the other party's feet were hurting, but later he found that there was no movement, and when he raised his head in a daze, he saw the other party's sleeping face.

After being tormented, Tao Yaoyao fell into a drowsy sleep. After kneeling for a day and being pained by medicine for half a day, Tao Yaoyao crawled to sleep right now.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's appearance, Ji Hengxuan couldn't help but sighed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair, "Silly girl..."

I don't know why?He didn't feel any disobedience when he said this sentence, obviously Tao Yaoyao was older than himself, but now he was more and more able to treat the other party as someone younger than himself.

After Ji Hengxuan took the good medicine, he went out. If Ji Hengxuan went on like this, he would have no way to hide, because he didn't want to see Tao Yaoyao suffer.

I don't want to see this Tao Yaoyao cry a little bit, Ji Hengxuan's kung fu is very powerful, it is even easier to catch the eyes of the dark guard to find the person he is looking for.

But at this moment, the old man treated Ji Hengxuan badly and was slightly startled, "Your skill?" The old man was quite surprised by Ji Hengxuan who came in silently.

Unexpectedly, Ji Hengxuan's kung fu was so powerful, and he was able to approach his residence silently, which surprised the old man, but soon he wondered why Ji Hengxuan came here?

"My sister found a cheat book for me to practice this kung fu. Grandfather, I don't want Xiaoyao to be involved. Her leg injury is very serious today," Ji Hengxuan said bluntly. He didn't like Taoyao being involved.

The old man was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Ji Hengxuan, just now the kid said that Kung Fu was taught by Tao Yaoyao, and this was basically giving Tao Yaoyao a bargaining chip, but the old man also knew that it was their own fault, If it wasn't for them not being able to protect the child, how could Ji Hengxuan kiss that woman more now.

"Okay." Judging from these things, the old man knew that the child was indeed his only support with the woman. I don't know if this is a good thing.

But right now, I was a little surprised, I didn't expect that woman's kung fu is so good, and now Ji Hengxuan can learn so well, I really don't remember.

It seems that I need to investigate that woman's identity, Ji Hengxuan left after getting his answer, and now he is going back to take care of Tao Yaoyao.

When Tao Yaoyao was sleeping, her mouth was still screaming in pain. Obviously, the injury on her leg made her restless while sleeping. When she saw the other party's appearance, Ji Hengxuan tightly held onto that hand.

He hates to see Tao Yaoyao showing such an expression, and also hates to see Tao Yaoyao's fragility. He likes to see Tao Yaoyao's energetic appearance, likes to see Tao Yaoyao's noisy appearance all day long, Seeing Tao Yaoyao's all kinds of arrogant expressions, but he didn't like to see the cute and fragile face of Tao Yaoyao at this moment.

Zhao Wuji also came to see Tao Yaoyao at night, and couldn't help frowning when he saw Tao Yaoyao's legs, "Zhao Wuji..."

When Zhao Wuji was about to leave, he was stopped by Ji Hengxuan who was asleep, "I won't let Xiaoyao get involved in the Zhao family's activities. If I let her get involved, I'd rather be like this for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Zao Wou-ki turned his head to look at Ji Hengxuan, with seriousness on his immature face, Zhao Wou-ki at this moment knew very clearly that Ji Hengxuan was serious, he was not joking with himself.

"But do you know? You can't retreat, the Zhao family has given up a lot for you, Ji Hengxuan, you can only rush forward, not backward,"

Zhao Wuji knew that Ji Hengxuan was serious, but he also said coldly, because this was no longer Ji Hengxuan's business alone, but everyone's business, tens of thousands of people's business.

Right now, there is no way to retreat, the Zhao family is the same, and Ji Hengxuan is the same, this is the choice that has no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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