Chapter 109

"I'll cook it for you," Ji Hengxuan gritted his teeth, "I'll eat you to death," he said, holding Tao Yaoyao's hand, Tao Yaoyao stared at Ji Hengxuan in a daze, and smiled.

But I was relieved in my heart, just now... just now... this little brat kissed me, and I felt like my heart was beating faster. If I didn't make excuses at that time, Tao Yaoyao didn't know if she would be dizzy , was handled by Ji Hengxuan.

But regardless of whether it will happen or not, Tao Yaoyao feels that it is too cheating, this Ji Hengxuan is a half older child, is it really okay now?Tao Yaoyao felt bad, absolutely bad.

It seems that I have to speed up my mission, otherwise I can't bear it if I stay here, and another accident happens, please come out, Mr. System, I promise I won't kill you, why is this kid falling in love early.

Ji Hengxuan made food for Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao herself felt very surprised, a bowl of noodles was very sweet, Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Xiao Ji... your cooking skills are really good,"

Tao Yaoyao, who is a foodie, doesn't dare to compliment this skill. It's good to be full. As for the taste, I never think about it, but right now, Ji Hengxuan's skill has surprised Tao Yaoyao. Goods, it turned out to be hidden.

"It's delicious, I'll make it for you in the future," Ji Hengxuan said with a smile, and then started making fish cakes for Tao Yaoyao. Come to learn secretly.

Ji Hengxuan is very beautiful, especially when it comes to women's clothing, the aunts here like the pink and jade carvings, and he is smart, so there is nothing to say about this craftsmanship.

When Tao Yaoyao ate those things, she felt so happy and ate happily. Now Ji Hengxuan was sitting opposite, and Tao Yaoyao gave Ji Hengxuan to eat with fish cakes, "Come and eat, you made it yourself."

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, opened his mouth and started to eat. After eating, his lips touched the chopsticks, and his eyes became hot immediately. He still remembered the wonderful touch when he kissed Tao Yaoyao It was outrageous, he didn't know how to describe it for a while.

In addition to this wonderful feeling, there is another kind of feeling. I can't explain what it is, but I just feel that my mood has improved in an instant. This is that emotion, which is familiar and stimulating.

Ji Hengxuan licked his lips, Tao Yaoyao was eating, he was slightly taken aback when he saw Ji Hengxuan licking his lips, the beauty in front of him made Tao Yaoyao swallow, then lowered his head and began to eat.

Thinking about Ji Hengxuan kissing herself in her mind, Tao Yaoyao wished she could slap herself, telling herself that this is her younger brother, who was raised by herself, you are a beast to think about it.

Tao Yaoyao ate those delicacies, but felt that the taste was a bit bad, mainly because she was teased by Ji Hengxuan. In fact, if Tao Yaoyao said that in the game, Ji Hengxuan was the one who gave the most affection.

No matter whether it was Changfeng, Dongfang Bai, or Emperor Qi Jing, none of them made me pay more than Ji Hengxuan, because I always asked for more from those three people, but Ji Hengxuan himself put in a lot of effort.

During the escape along the way, Tao Yaoyao has already regarded this child as a family member, because she was raised by her own hands, so her relationship is very different. Even if she is only playing a role in many cases, she will still pay Feelings are really given.

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, and was about to leave after eating, Ji Hengxuan followed, "Are you angry?"

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and didn't answer for a while, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, "I kissed you twice, now I tell you clearly, I will kiss you again,"

"You..." Ji Hengxuan's words made Tao Yaoyao's face change drastically, and she was soon hugged by Ji Hengxuan, and then kissed, Tao Yaoyao struggled desperately.

"Look at me," Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "I like you, so don't always put the idea of ​​looking after children on me. I didn't kiss you on impulse, and I didn't kiss you because of temporary dependence. Kissing you is just It's because I like you, it's the love of men and women."

Ji Hengxuan clearly knows that she is not a child, and it is impossible for Tao Yaoyao to be a child's mind, so she needs to face her own mind.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and looked at Ji Hengxuan, " are kidding, we...we are impossible, I treat you as a younger brother,"

Peat, my mother treats you as a younger brother, but you want to sleep with my mother, Tao Yaoyao thinks this is sour and not good, she originally planned to pretend to be stupid, but it seems that she can't pretend anymore.

"But we are not relatives, we have nothing to do with each other." He has nothing to do with Tao Yaoyao, why can't he like him?Even if Tao Yaoyao is a few years older than herself, so what?
As long as you like everything, you can say it. When you heard this, you looked at Ji Hengxuan, "But I don't like you, I just..."

"Needless to say too clearly, Xiaoyao, I have time, I will wait," Ji Hengxuan just wanted Tao Yaoyao to remember him, his cousin Zhao Wuji was staring at him, if he was doing something?
He was afraid that Zhao Wuji would snatch Tao Yaoyao away, so he told Tao Yaoyao in a strong way that she is his own and can only be his own, although despicable, but in front of feelings, there is no despicable.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan after listening to these words, when Ji Hengxuan pulled that hand, her expression became complicated, she couldn't make a clean break with Ji Hengxuan, and she couldn't come completely.

Because Ji Hengxuan is her only goal of living in this world, after experiencing so many worlds, Tao Yaoyao is terrified and afraid, and dare not act rashly, so...she dare not say that sentence, I am If I will never like you in my life, I dare not refuse too obviously.

Tao Yaoyao sighed, anyway, after a few years, she will leave, and this time Ji Hengxuan will also leave. At that time, love and love will be nothing but let this child go. The more persistent you are, the less you care.

Tao Yaoyao didn't resist, and didn't resist too much, which made Ji Hengxuan feel slightly joyful. He was thinking that Xiaoyao really liked him, because when he was facing Zhao Wuji, at that time he listened to Clearly, Tao Yaoyao told Zhao Wuji very bluntly that she didn't like him.

She hesitated when facing herself, so Ji Hengxuan thought that Tao Yaoyao liked him, although it was not love, but at least he liked him, and he would work hard to make her fall in love with him, and he would also work hard to grow taller so that She ignored the fact that she was younger than her, and Ji Hengxuan, who had a goal, couldn't hide the smile on his mouth.

The moonlight is very beautiful, the shadows of the two are drawn long on the ground, giving people an indescribable beauty, the hazy moonlight is thick.

(End of this chapter)

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