Chapter 114

Tao Yaoyao looked embarrassed, and began to wipe with that hand, but Ji Hengxuan grabbed that hand one step earlier, "Don't move,"

The light touch on the cheek, just like the feather brushed past the heart, made the heart feel a little bit itchy, I felt something was touching me, it was very uncomfortable.

Tao Yaoyao became a little embarrassed, grabbed Ji Hengxuan's hand, then snatched the towel over, after wiping it clean, looked around, and then coughed calmly.

"Ahem...that's not what I'm talking about. Don't change the subject with me. Did you kill the person you're talking about? Don't lie to me, I'll just tell you, you wouldn't..."

It's not that Tao Yaoyao suspects it, but that she just told Ji Hengxuan, and that method, no matter how you look at it, is a deep hatred. Now this credit is the first time I come here, and I have a big hatred with you alone?Obviously not, because the only possibility at this moment is Ji Hengxuan, although this idea is a little unreliable, but Tao Yaoyao has a hunch in her heart that it must be Ji Hengxuan.

Ji Hengxuan's expression didn't change when he heard this, but he lifted Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair with a smile on his lips, "Oh... I killed it?"

"Sister, why do you think I killed it?" Ji Hengxuan said calmly, when he spoke, his breath was all on Tao Yaoyao's cheeks, and the faint fragrance made Tao Yaoyao's heart thump.

A woman who is teased by such a handsome guy can't help but blush and her heart beats. Tao Yaoyao said that she is lustful, and she has never resisted this beauty, but Tao Yaoyao tried her best to calm down.

"Sister, you haven't answered me yet? Sister, should you tell me why you think I killed the person? Do you think I am such a bloodthirsty person in your mind?"

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao indifferently, the coldness around him made Tao Yaoyao swallow her saliva, and she didn't dare to say more immediately.

It was clearly spring and summer weather, but Tao Yaoyao didn't know why at that moment her whole body felt chilly, and when she looked at Ji Hengxuan, Tao Yaoyao swallowed her saliva.

"Haha... that I was joking, I was really joking, if there is nothing else, I will leave first," Tao Yaoyao felt that if she was looking for the bottom line, the one who suffered would definitely be herself.

Tao Yaoyao felt that Ji Hengxuan didn't know why?The older I get, the stronger the aura in my body becomes, and I can't breathe every time I can suppress it. I really don't like this feeling, and I have the urge to escape.

Tao Yaoyao wanted to run but was pulled by Ji Hengxuan in the next second, and then hugged him, "Sister is leaving soon? The words you said hurt my heart, how do you think you will make it up to me?"

Ji Hengxuan's voice was faint, but Tao Yaoyao recognized you. If she didn't express it, Ji Hengxuan would not let it go. Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan, her eyes flashed, and the next second she had that cunning flashed.

Then he directly bent down and kissed Ji Hengxuan on the cheek, Ji Hengxuan was stunned, as if he had returned to his childhood, when Tao Yaoyao also loved kissing himself, but it was nothing a few years ago, but at this moment She kissed herself less.

Tao Yaoyao was about to run away, but was caught by that hand again soon. When being caught by that hand, Ji Hengxuan pointed to his other cheek, Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan, and did not move. , Ji Hengxuan didn't move either.

The two became deadlocked, and Tao Yaoyao finally sighed, "Okay, what a kid..." Then she kissed the other cheek, "So I can leave, right?"

"How can my sister just leave like this?" Ji Hengxuan pulled Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao blinked when she heard this, "It's all coming and not being rude, so I naturally want to return the courtesy."

"..." Tao Yaoyao thinks brother, your face is really thick enough, I don't even need it, but if you say this, what will you do to me if I refuse?
Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao and then kissed Tao Yaoyao on the cheek, and then left satisfied. Tao Yaoyao stood with a complicated expression on his face.

I was stealing the chicken and losing the rice, obviously I came to find out if Ji Hengxuan killed the credit, but in the end he was taken advantage of, Tao Yaoyao felt that she was too cowardly.

A few years ago, I was the boss, so I could bully that Ji Hengxuan too late. After these few years, Ji Hengxuan became the boss, and I can be shocked by a look. Tao Yaoyao thinks this life, how did she live this life so miserable.

Zhao's family is experiencing wind and rain, and at this moment in the capital, He Youge is sitting by the side, "That is to say, you haven't found Yaoyao yet, what do you eat? It's unreasonable..."

"Empress, please forgive me. Miss Yaoyao is hiding from us. We have no way to find her." What's more, it's been three years, and this person doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

"You mean you can't find it, or you didn't look for it with your heart? By the way... What about credit and indifference?" The man has always liked him, and he didn't reject it, but he didn't accept it, because she just enjoyed these likings .

Enjoying all the men's gazes, this is the benefit of time-traveling women, but... He Youge sighed, her younger sister liked this credit very much, and ran away from home three years ago because of this credit.

Regarding He Yaoyao's approach, He Youge didn't like it a little, so he just quarreled with his sister because of a man, but right now he still has to find someone, no matter what, it's all his sister, and it's impossible to let it go outside in spite of.

"The empress has something to do," soon a eunuch came in from outside the door, "The empress... this young master is dead..." He told the story of the indifferent death, and when He Youge heard this, he smiled slightly I was taken aback.

"Dead on the territory of the Zhao family? Go and check to see if it was the people from the Zhao family who moved it." The Zhao family has been divided for a few years, but now it is starting to act again. "What's the news on the side of Ji Shao? This Zhao family What the hell did the people do?"

"The news from Shao Ji's side is that Zhao Wuji fell out with his family because of a woman, and the old lady is still seriously ill at the moment." Because the old lady is seriously ill, the old lady came back, and there is no big problem.

"Let this Ji Shao do a good job of investigating, don't make any mistakes, right... let the credit family deal with the matter of credit indifference, just in time... the Zhao family needs certain things before I can let Bengong do it,"

If I can't find my little sister, I will take my time, and I will do my best. I spent a lot of manpower and material resources for her. Even if I die now, I will do my best, so I am not in a hurry.

Hearing this, the servants nodded and took off one by one, "The empress is here, the crown prince." The crown prince is He Youge's child, who was canonized as the crown prince half a year ago.

Hearing that his son was coming, He Youge immediately put away his coldness, got up and walked out of the door, with loving eyes and a smile, no one could tell that this woman was the one who turned her hand over for nothing. He Youge where clouds cover hands as rain.

(End of this chapter)

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